Group Exhibitions

The exhibition history prepared by Mary Lynn Kotz for Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1997) has been revised and updated by Helen Hsu, with additional research by Amanda Sroka. The online version of the exhibition history is continually updated by Foundation staff and curatorial interns.

Entries include exhibition catalogues and brochures. Through 2013, select exhibitions also list related articles and reviews by date of publication. Traveling exhibitions that have not yet concluded their scheduled tours include the text "additional venues pending" and will be updated at the conclusion of the tour. 


Museum of Modern Art, New York, Abstraction in Photography, May 2–July 4.

  • “Abstract Photography: Museum of Modern Art.” Photo Arts (New York) 1, no. 8 (Oct. 1951), p. 6.

60 East Ninth Street, New York, Today’s Self-Styled School of New York [Ninth Street Show], May 24–June 10.

  • “Ninth Street Event.” Art Digest (New York) 25, no. 17 (June 1, 1951), p. 15.
  • Hess, Thomas B. “Reviews and Previews: New York’s Avant-Garde.” Artnews (New York) 50, no. 4 (June–Aug. 1951), pp. 46–47.



Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, Gallery Group 1951–52, May 12–June 14.



Stable Gallery, New York, 2nd Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Jan. 11–Feb. 7.



Stable Gallery, New York, 3rd Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Jan. 27–Feb. 20.

  • Hess, Thomas B. “The New York Salon.” Artnews (New York) 52, no. 10 (Feb. 1954), pp. 24–25, 56–57.

Tanager Gallery, New York, Group Exhibition, Dec. 20, 1954–Jan. 20, 1955.



Stable Gallery, New York, 4th Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, April 26–May 21.

Stable Gallery, New York, U.S. Painting: Some Recent Directions, Nov. 29–Dec. 23.

  • Hess, Thomas B. “U.S. Painting: Some Recent Directions.” Artnews Annual (New York) 25 (1956), pp. 74–98, 174–80, 192–99.
  • Steinberg, Leo. “Month in Review: Contemporary Group at Stable Gallery.” Arts (New York) 30, no. 4 (Jan. 1956), pp. 46–48.

Poindexter Gallery, New York, Drawings, Watercolors and Small Oils, Dec. 19, 1955–Jan. 7, 1956.



Jewish Museum, New York, Artists of the New York School: Second Generation, March 10–April 28. Exh. cat. with introduction by Leo Steinberg.

  • Hess, Thomas B. “Younger Artists and the Unforgivable Crime.” Artnews (New York) 56, no. 2 (April 1957), pp. 46–49.

Leo Castelli, New York, New Work: Bluhm, Budd, Dzubas, Johns, Leslie, Louis, Marisol, Ortman, Rauschenberg, Savelli, May 6–29.

Zabriskie Gallery, New York, Collage in America, Dec. 16, 1957–Jan. 4, 1958. Traveled by American Federation of Arts to Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, Iowa, Feb. 1–24, 1958; George Peabody College, Nashville, March 7–26, 1958; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, April 7–27, 1958; University of Wyoming, Laramie, May 8–28, 1958; Atlanta Public Library, Sept. 15–Oct. 5, 1958; Newcomb College, Tulane University, New Orleans, Oct. 21–Nov. 15, 1958; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Nov. 24–Dec. 18, 1958; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Jan. 5–25, 1959; Ohio University, Athens, Feb. 8–28, 1959.

  • Pollet, Elizabeth. “In the Galleries: Young Americans.” Arts (New York) 31, no. 7 (April 1957), pp. 57–58.



Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Collage International: From Picasso to the Present, Feb. 27–April 6. Exh. cat. with essay by Jermayne MacAgy.

Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, Palazzo Collicola, Prima selezione di giovani artisti italiani e americani, June 8–29. Exh. cat.

  • Schneider, Pierre. “This Summer in Spoleto.” Artnews (New York) 57, no. 4 (Summer 1958), p. 41.
  • Genauer, Emily. “Wrong U.S. Art Has Spoleto in a Dither.” New York Herald Tribune, June 15, 1958, sec. E, p. 14.

Leo Castelli, New York, Group Exhibition: Bluhm, Brach, Dzubas, Johns, Marisol, Rauschenberg, Schueler, Oct. 28–Nov. 22.

  • Ashton, Dore. “Art: Progress Report.” New York Times, Oct. 28, 1958, p. 70.

Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, Laughter in Art, Nov. 5, 1958–Jan. 6, 1959. Exh. brochure.

Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Bicentennial International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Dec. 5, 1958–Feb. 8, 1959. Exh. cat. with introduction by Gordon Bailey Washburn.

Alan Gallery, New York, Beyond Painting, Dec. 29, 1958–Jan. 24, 1959. Exh. brochure.

  • Ashton, Dore. “Art: Collages Are Shown in Exhibition.” New York Times, Jan. 1, 1959, p. 29.
  • Kramer, Hilton. “Month in Review.” Arts (New York) 33, no. 5 (Feb. 1959), pp. 48–51.



Time-Life Reception Center, New York, Art and the Found Object, Jan. 12–Feb. 6. Organized by American Federation of Arts. Traveled to Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., Feb. 22–March 15; Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., April 8–28; Arts Club of Chicago, May 22–June 17; University of Notre Dame, Ind., July 1–21; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Nov. 4–24; Goldfarb Library, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Dec. 15, 1959–Jan. 15, 1960.

  • Preston, Stuart. “From Tradition to Innovation.” New York Times, Jan. 18, 1959, sec. 2, p. 12.
  • Kramer, Hilton. “Month in Review.” Arts (New York) 33, no. 5 (Feb. 1959), pp. 48–51.
  • Adlow, Dorothy. “Goldfarb Library Display Aims at Emotions.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Dec. 28, 1959, p. 6.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 26th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings, Jan. 17–March 8. Traveled by American Federation of Arts to Winston-Salem Public Library, N.C., April 1–21; Amarillo College, Tex., May 4–24; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, June 5–25; Cedar Rapids Art Association, Iowa, Sept. 1–22, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oct. 5–25; Clemson College, S.C., Nov. 7–27; Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis, Jan. 7–27, 1960; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Feb. 10–March 1, 1960; Albany Institute of History and Art, N.Y., April 1–30, 1960. Exh. brochure.

College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois, Urbana, Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture, March 1–April 5. Exh. cat. with essay by Allen S. Weller and statement by Rauschenberg.

Leo Castelli, New York, Three: Norman Bluhm, Jean Dubuffet, and Robert Rauschenberg, March 31–April 18. Exh. brochure.

  • Schuyler, James. “Reviews and Previews: Three (Castelli).” Artnews (New York) 58, no. 2 (April 1959), p. 13.
  • Ashton, Dore. “Art: Taxidermy and Collage.” New York Times, April 1, 1959, p. 34.

Documenta II: Kunst nach 1945 (Art after 1945), Kassel, July 11–Oct. 11. Exh. cat. (Cologne: DuMont Schauberg, 1959; four vols.).

Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, 5th São Paulo Biennial, Sept. 21–Dec. 2. Exh. cat. (V Bienal: Do Museu de Arte Moderna de S. Paulo).

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, First Paris Biennial: Manifestation biennale et internationale des jeunes artistes, Oct. 2–25.

  • Biennale de Paris: Une anthologie: 1959–1967. Paris: Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, 1977. With introduction by Catherine Millet and interviews with Rauschenberg by Pierre Faucheux and Jacques Lassaigne.

Leo Castelli, New York, Opening of the New Gallery: Bluhm, Brach, Daphnis, Johns, Koln, Rauschenberg, Sander, Scarpetta, Stella, Twombly, Oct. 6–17.

Leo Castelli, New York, Work in Three Dimensions, Oct. 20–Nov. 7.

  • Preston, Stuart. “Real and Surreal in the Week’s Exhibitions: Dada Revisited.” New York Times, Oct. 25, 1959, sec. 2, p. 23.

Contemporary Arts Association of Houston, Out of the Ordinary: The Audience as Subject, Nov. 26–Dec. 27. Exh. brochure with text by Harold Rosenberg.

Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris, Exposition internationale du surréalisme: 1959–1960, Dec. 15, 1959–Jan. 9, 1960. Exh. cat. with essays by Jean-Louis Bédouin, Robert Benayoun, André Breton, Simone Debout, Guy Doumayrou, Charles Fourier, Alain Joubert, Gérard Legrand, Nora Mitrani, Oskar Panizza, José Pierre, and Jean-Claude Silbermann; texts by Hans Arp, Hans Bellmer, Jean Benoît, Vincent Bounoure, Breton, Guy Cabanel, Léonora Carrington, Radovan Ivsic, Robert Lebel, Legrand, Man Ray, Octavio Paz, Benjamin Péret, Bernard Roger, Jean Schuster, Friedrich Schröder Sonnenstern, and Max Walter Svanberg; and poems by Jean-Pierre Duprey, André-Pieyre de Mandiargues, Joyce Mansour, and Paz.

Poindexter Gallery, New York, To Nell Blaine, Dec. 1–19. 

Stable Gallery, New York, School of New York: Some Younger Artists, Dec. 15, 1959–Jan. 9, 1960. Traveled by American Federation of Arts (as Some Younger American Artists) to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Jan. 31–Feb. 26, 1960; John Herron Art Museum, Indianapolis, March 12–April 2, 1960; Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., April 19–May 5, 1960; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Holiday Art Center, Watch Hill, R.I., July 22–Aug. 15, 1960; Van Deusen Gallery, Kent State University, Ohio, Nov. 1960; Atlanta Public Library, Dec. 14, 1960–Jan. 4, 1961; Wells College, Aurora, N.Y., Feb. 23–March 13, 1961.

  • Friedman, B. H., ed. School of New York: Some Younger Artists. New York: Grove Press, 1959.
  • Seckler, Dorothy Gees. “Chain of Generations—Contrast and Continuity.” Art in America (New York) 48, no. 1 (Spring 1960), pp. 95–97, 122, 124, 126.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Sixteen Americans, Dec. 16, 1959–Feb. 14, 1960. Exh. cat. edited by Dorothy C. Miller with statement by Rauschenberg.

  • Adlow, Dorothy. “Work by Youthful Artists at Museum of Modern Art.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Dec. 19, 1959, p. 10.
  • Preston, Stuart. “The Shape of Things to Come?” New York Times, Dec. 20, 1959, sec. 2, p. 11.
  • Rubin, William. “Younger American Painters.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 1 (1960), pp. 24–31.
  • Coates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries: The ‘Beat’ Beat in Art.” New Yorker 35, no. 46 (Jan. 2, 1960), pp. 60–61.
  • “The Talk of the Town: Philanthropy.” New Yorker 35, no. 51 (Feb. 6, 1960), p. 33.

Reuben Gallery, New York, Below Zero, Dec. 18, 1959–Jan. 5, 1960.



Art Institute of Chicago, Society for Contemporary Art 20th Annual Exhibition, May 18–June 18.

  • Weigle, Edith. “This Is Why ‘It Is’ Isn’t First.” Chicago Sunday Tribune, June 19, 1960, sec. 5, p. 4.

Leo Castelli, New York, Summary 1959–1960, May 31–June 25.

Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, New Media—New Forms One: Junk Culture as Tradition, June 6–30. Exh. brochure with texts by Lawrence Alloway and Allan Kaprow.

  • Sandler, Irving Hershel. “Ash Can Revisited: A New York Letter.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 8 (Oct. 25, 1960), pp. 28–30.

D’Arcy Galleries, New York, International Surrealist Exhibition, Nov. 28, 1960–Jan. 14, 1961. Exh. cat. (Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanters’ Domain).



Art Institute of Chicago, 64th American Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, Jan. 6–Feb. 5. Exh. cat.

Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, Six Decades of American Painting of the Twentieth Century, Feb. 10–March 12. Exh. brochure.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Bewogen beweging, March 10–April 17. Traveled to Moderna Museet, Stockholm (as Rörelse i konsten), May 16–Sept. 10; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark (as Bevaegelse i kunsten), Sept.–Oct. Exh. cat. with introduction by K. G. Hultén.

Galleria Brera, Milan, Anti-procès 3, June 5–30. Organized in collaboration with Galleria Schwarz and Galleria del Naviglio. Exh. brochure with texts by Alain Jouffroy and Jean-Jacques Lebel.

Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, Palazzo Ancaiani, Disegni americani moderni (Modern American drawings), June 16–July 16. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Exh. cat. (Rome: De Luca, 1961).

Galerie Würthle, Vienna, Amerikanische Maler der Gegenwart (Contemporary American painters), June 19–July 8. Organized by United States Information Agency. Traveled to Zwerglgarten, Salzburg, July 10–Aug. 31; Kalemegdan Pavilion, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Sept. 15–Oct. 1; Umetnicki Pavilion, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, Yugoslavia, Oct. 14–29; Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Nov. 9–20; Umetnostna Galerija, Maribor, Yugoslavia, Nov. 25–Dec. 4; Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Dec. 11, 1961–Jan. 7, 1962; Fine Arts Gallery, Rijeka, Yugoslavia, Jan. 13–31, 1962; USIS Gallery, American Embassy, London (as Vanguard American Painting), Feb. 28–March 30, 1962; Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (as Abstrakte Amerikanische Malerei [Abstract American painting]), April 14–May 13, 1962. Exh. brochures (London and Salzburg) with introduction by H. Harvard Arnason. Exh. cat. (Darmstadt) with introduction by Arnason.

  • Wallis, Nevile. “From the New World.” Observer (London), March 4, 1962, p. 28.
  • Butcher, George. “Advance American.” Guardian (London), March 22, 1962, p. 8.
  • Melville, Robert. “Exhibitions.” Architectural Review (London) 131, no. 783 (May 1962), pp. 358–59.
  • Donson, Jerome A. “The American Vanguard Exhibitions in Europe.” Art Journal (College Art Association, New York) 22, no. 4 (Summer 1963), pp. 242–45.

Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, Le Nouveau Réalisme à Paris et à New York, July 18–Oct. 10. Exh. brochure by Pierre Restany.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Art of Assemblage, Oct. 4–Nov. 12. Traveled to Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, Jan. 9–Feb. 11, 1962; San Francisco Museum of Art, March 5–April 15, 1962. Exh. cat. by William C. Seitz.

  • Genauer, Emily. “Fur-Lined Cup Back, in Dada-ist Exhibit.” New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 4, 1961, p. 19.
  • ———. “An ‘Assemblage’: Art or Plumbing?” New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 8, 1961, sec. C, p. 10.
  • Hess, Thomas B. “Collage as an Historical Method: Art and Non-Art and Anti-Art in 252 Situations Offer a Museum-of-Modern-Art’s-Eye View of Some Recent Developments from 1888 to 1961.” Artnews (New York) 60, no. 7 (Nov. 1961), pp. 31–33, 69–71.
  • Seitz, William C. “Assemblage: Problems and Issues.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1962), pp. 26–34.
  • Seldis, Henry J. “‘Art of Assemblage’—The Power of Negative Thinking.” Los Angeles Times, March 18, 1962, Calendar, p. 26.
  • Alloway, Lawrence. “Assembling a World Between Art and Life.” Second Coming Magazine (London), no. 4 (June 1962), pp. 50–52.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, American Abstract Expressionists and Imagists, Oct. 13–Dec. 31. Exh. cat. with introduction by H. H. Arnason.

  • Tillim, Sidney. “Month in Review.” Arts Magazine (New York) 36, no. 3 (Dec. 1961), pp. 42–43.

Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Oct. 27, 1961–Jan. 7, 1962. Exh. cat. with introduction by Gordon Bailey Washburn.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Annual Exhibition: Contemporary American Painting, Dec. 13, 1961–Feb. 4, 1962. Exh. cat.

  • Canaday, John. “Whitney Again: The Annual Shows Regulars Along with Twenty-Two Newcomers.” New York Times, Dec. 17, 1961, p. 21.
  • Coates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries.” New Yorker 37, no. 46 (Dec. 30, 1961), pp. 53–54.



Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Abstract Drawings and Watercolors: USA, Jan. 14–Feb. 11. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, March 29–April 22; Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, May 8–May 31; Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, July 1–22; Salón of the Municipal Government of Montevidéo, Aug. 3–19; Reifschneider Gallery, Santiago, Sept. 24–Oct. 6; Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo, Lima, Oct. 23–Nov. 3; Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Guayaquil, Nov. 10–16; Museo de Arte Colonial, Quito, Nov. 23–30; Museo Nacional, Bogotá, Feb. 6–27, 1963; Instituto Panameno de Arte, Panama, March 11–26, 1963; Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, May 8–28, 1963. Exh. brochure (Caracas, in English and Spanish) with essays by Dore Ashton and Clara Diament de Sujo, and artists’ statements including previously published statement by Rauschenberg. Exh. brochure (Buenos Aires, Dibujos y acuarelas: Artistas norteamericanos contemporáneos). Exh. brochure (Panama). Exh. cat. (Rio de Janeiro) with introduction and essay by Dore Ashton. Exh. cat. (São Paulo). Exh. cat. (Santiago) with essays by Dore Ashton, Fernando García Exteban, and Clara Diament de Sujo, artists’ statements including previously published statement by Rauschenberg. Exh. cat. (Lima) with essay by Dore Ashton and artists’ statements.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 4 Amerikanare: Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz, March 17–May 6. Traveled to Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, May 18–June 18; Kunsthalle Bern, July 7–Sept. 2. Exh. cat. edited by K. G. Hultén with introduction by Hultén; statements by Johns and Rauschenberg; previously published texts by John Cage, Pierre Restany, and Robert Rosenblum; and previously published interview with Rauschenberg by André Parinaud.

Seattle World’s Fair, Art since 1950, American and International, April 21–Oct. 21. Traveled to Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. (as American Art since 1950), Nov. 20–Dec. 23. Exh. cat. with introductions by Sam Hunter and Willem Sandberg.

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 18th Salon de mai, May 6–27. Exh. cat. with introduction by Gaston Diehl.

  • Habasque, Guy. “XVIIIe Salon de mai.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 90 (June 1962), pp. 37–43, 76, 78.

Leo Castelli, New York, Drawings, May 26–June 30.

  • Ashton, Dore. “Abstract Expressionism Isn’t Dead.” Studio (London) 164, no. 833 (Sept. 1962), pp. 104–07.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Forty Artists Under Forty: From the Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, July 23–Sept. 16. Traveled to Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y., Oct. 14–Nov. 18; Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, N.Y., Dec. 2–31; Roberson Memorial Art Center, Binghamton, N.Y., Jan 15–Feb. 17, 1963; Albany Institute of History and Art, N.Y., March 3–31, 1963; Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, N.Y., April 14–May 12, 1963; Andrew Dickson White Museum, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., May 26–June 23, 1963; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, July 7–Aug. 4, 1963. Exh. cat. 

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Dylaby (Dynamisch Labyrint), Aug. 30–Sept. 30. Exh. brochure.

Milwaukee Art Center, Art: USA: Now, Sept. 20–Oct. 21. Traveled by United States Information Agency to Bridgestone Art Museum, Tokyo, opened Nov. 15; Honolulu Academy of Arts; Royal Academy of Arts, London, Feb. 15–March 17, 1963; Zappeion, Athens, April 2–15, 1963; Palazzo Venezia, Rome, May 7–24, 1963; Haus der Kunst, Munich, June 13–July 14, 1963; Salons Privés, Casino de Monte-Carlo, Aug. 8–31, 1963; Kongreßhalle, Berlin, East Germany, Sept. 22–Oct. 6, 1963; Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Oct. 20–Nov. 10, 1963; Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, Nov. 23–Dec. 18, 1963; Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Jan. 7–28, 1964; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Feb. 15–March 15, 1964; Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin, April 16–May 17, 1964; Casón del Buen Retiro, Madrid, June 6–28, 1964; Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Aug. 1–31, 1964; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Sept. 8–27, 1964; Akademie der Bildende Künste, Vienna, Oct. 14–Nov. 15, 1964; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (as Art: USA: The Johnson Collection of Contemporary American Painting), Dec. 29, 1964–Jan. 17, 1965; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Feb. 1–March 7, 1965; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 24–April 18, 1965; Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, May 1–23, 1965; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, June 4–27, 1965; Detroit Institute of Arts, July 9–Aug. 1, 1965; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Aug. 10–Sept. 5, 1965; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Sept. 19–Oct. 10, 1965; Saint Louis Art Museum, Mo., Oct. 22–Nov. 14, 1965; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, Nov. 23–Dec. 16, 1965; Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Neb., Jan. 30–Feb. 20, 1966; Denver Art Museum, March 4–27, 1966; Seattle Art Museum, April 8–May 1, 1966; Fresno State College, Calif., May 15–June 10, 1966; Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, June 17–July 10, 1966; Fort Worth Art Center, July 22–Aug. 14, 1966; De Moines Art Center, Iowa, Sept. 1–22, 1966; Birmingham Museum of Art, Ala., Nov. 4–27, 1966; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Dec. 1966; Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Jan. 17–Feb. 18, 1967; Lowe Art Gallery, University of Miami, Coral Gables, closed March 30, 1967; Columbia Museum of Art, S.C., April 21–May 14, 1967; O’Keefe Centre, Toronto, Sept. 17–Oct. 14, 1967; National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May–June 1968. Exh. brochure (in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian). Exh. brochure (Art: USA: The Johnson Collection of Contemporary American Painting). Exh. cat. (Lucerne: C. J. Bucher, 1962; two vols.; English and German editions) edited by Lee Nordness including introduction by Nordness, essay by Allen S. Weller, and text by Willoughby Sharp.

  • Murrow, Edward R. “Why Export Culture.” Art in America (New York) 50, no. 4 (1962), pp. 84–87.
  • Preston, Stuart. “Art: Contemporary American Works.” New York Times, Sept. 21, 1962, p. 26.
  • “Art: USA—The Johnson Collection.” Arts Magazine (New York) 39, no. 7 (April 1965), cover and pp. 22–25.

National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 3rd International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo, Oct. 6–Nov. 11. Organized by Yomiuri Shimbun (Tokyo). Traveled to Municipal Museum of Art, Osaka, Jan. 6–Feb. 17, 1963. Exh. cat.

Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, My Country ’Tis of Thee, Nov. 18–Dec. 15. Exh. brochure with text by Gerald Nordland.

  • Hopkins, Henry T. “Reviews: Los Angeles: Group Show.” Artforum (San Francisco) 1, no. 6 (Nov. 1962), p. 48.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Annual Exhibition: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings, Dec. 12, 1962–Feb. 3, 1963. Exh. cat.



Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, Three Young Americans, Jan. 8–29.

  • Johnson, Ellen H. “Is Beauty Dead?” Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin (Oberlin, Ohio) 20, no. 2 (Winter 1963), pp. 56–66.

Thibaut Gallery, New York, According to the Letter, Jan. 15–Feb. 9. Exh. brochure with text by Nicolas Calas.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 28th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Jan. 18–March 3. Traveled by American Federation of Arts to Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., April 1–22; Library of Winston-Salem, N.C., May 6–27; University of Southern Florida, Tampa, July 15–Aug. 5; Florida State University, Tallahassee, Sept. 23–Oct. 14; University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oct. 28–Nov. 18; Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, N.C., Dec. 2–23; Fort Wayne Museum of Art School, Ind., Jan. 6–27, 1964; Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, Feb. 10–March 3, 1964; Montclair Art Museum, N.J., March 22–April 12, 1964. Exh. brochure with introduction by Hermann Warner Williams, Jr.

Allan Stone Gallery, New York, Exhibition for the Benefit of the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Feb. 25–March 2. Exh. cat.

  • “Pictures from Modern Masters to Aid Music and Dance.” Artnews 61, no. 10 (Feb. 1963), p. 44.
  • “The Talk of the Town: Artists for Artists.” New Yorker 39, no. 3 (March 9, 1963), pp. 32–34.
  • Judd, Donald. “Performance Arts.” Arts Magazine 37, no. 7 (April 1963), p. 52.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Six Painters and the Object, March 14–June 12. Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 24–Aug. 25; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Sept. 3–29; University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Oct. 9–Nov. 3; Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Nov. 18–Dec. 29; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Jan. 17–Feb. 23, 1964; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, March 8–April 5, 1964; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, Calif., April 20–May 17, 1964. Exh. brochure with essay by Lawrence Alloway.

  • Judd, Donald. “In the Galleries: Six Painters and the Object.” Arts Magazine (New York) 37, no. 9 (May–June 1963), pp. 108–09.
  • Rose, Barbara. “Pop Art at the Guggenheim.” Art International (Lugano) 7, no. 5 (May 25, 1963), pp. 20–22.
  • Seldis, Henry J. “The ‘Pop’ Art Trend: This, Too, Will Pass.” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 4, 1963.

Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, D.C., The Popular Image Exhibition, April 18–June 2. Exh. brochure with essay by Alan R. Solomon. Phonograph (Record of Interviews with Artists Participating in The Popular Image Exhibition, The Washington Gallery of Modern Art, April 18–June 2, 1963) recorded and edited by Billy Klüver, published as Klüver, On Record: 11 Artists 1963 (New York: Experiments in Art and Technology, 1981); audiocassette released 1993.

  • Baker, Russell. “Observer.” New York Times, April 22, 1963, p. 26.
  • McCardle, Dorothy. “Much Debate at this Show.” Washington Post, April 22, 1963, sec. B, p. 4.
  • Ahlander, Leslie Judd. “Pop Art Festival Hailed.” Washington Post, May 26, 1963, sec. G, p. 10.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Schrift en beeld, May 3–June 10. Traveled to Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, June 14–Aug. 4. Exh. cat. (in French and German) with essays by Umbro Apollonio, Werner Doede, Wolfgang Grözinger, Helmut Heissenbüttel, Dietrich Mahlow, Shiryu Morita, Julius Rodenberg, Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter, and Paul Seylaz.

Leo Castelli, New York, Drawings, May 20–June 30.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 5th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, June 9–Sept. 15. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

  • “Rauschenberg Wins Graphics Prize.” New York Times, June 20, 1963, p. 28.
  • Restany, Pierre. “La V Biennale internazionale dell’incisione a Lubiana.” Domus (Milan), no. 405 (Aug. 1963), pp. 42, 50 (in French and Italian).
  • Chevalier, Denys. “La Gravure internationale de Ljubljana.” Aujourd’hui (Paris), nos. 42–43 (Oct. 1963), p. 202.

Oakland Art Museum, Pop Art USA, Sept. 7–29. Organized by Oakland Art Museum and California College of Arts and Crafts. Exh. cat. with essay by John Coplans.

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, The Popular Image, Oct. 24–Nov. 23. Organized in collaboration with Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris. Exh. brochure with text by Alan Solomon.

  • Gosling, Nigel. “Pioneers of Pop.” Observer (London), Nov. 3, 1963, p. 27.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Mixed Media and Pop Art, Nov. 19–Dec. 15. Exh. cat.

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y., New Directions in American Painting, Dec. 1, 1963–Jan. 5, 1964. Organized by Poses Institute of Fine Arts, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Traveled to Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, Feb. 7–March 8, 1964; Atlanta Art Association, March 18–April 22, 1964; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, May 4–June 7, 1964; Art Museum, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 22–Sept. 20, 1964; Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 5–30, 1964; Detroit Institute of Arts, Nov. 10–Dec. 6, 1964. Exh. cat. with introduction by Sam Hunter.

Jewish Museum, New York, Black and White, Dec. 12, 1963–Feb. 5, 1964. Exh. brochure with introduction by Ben Heller and text by Robert Motherwell (1950).

  • Kozloff, Max. “The Many Colorations of Black and White.” Artforum (San Francisco) 2, no. 8 (Feb. 1964), pp. 22–25.



Ferus Gallery, Los Angeles, A View of NY Painting Including Major Works by Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Ellsworth Kelly, Frank Stella, Roy Lichtenstein, and Larry Poons, Jan.

Cordier & Ekstrom, Inc., 980 Madison, New York, For Eyes and Ears, Jan. 3–25.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Black, White and Grey, Jan. 9–Feb. 9.

  • Wagstaff, Samuel J., Jr. “Paintings to Think About.” Artnews (New York) 62, no. 9 (Jan. 1964), pp. 38, 62.
  • Judd, Donald. “Black, White and Gray.” Arts Magazine (New York) 38, no. 6 (March. 1964), pp. 36–38.

Fine Arts Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Art Becomes Reality, Jan. 29–Feb. 8. Exh. brochure with introduction by Alvin Balkind.

  • Lord, J. Barry. “Pop Art in Canada.” Artforum (San Francisco) 2, no. 9 (March 1964), pp. 28–31.

Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, Boxes, Feb. 2–29. Exh. brochure with text by Walter Hopps.

  • Hopps, Walter. “Boxes.” Art International (Lugano) 8, no. 2 (March 20, 1964), pp. 38–42.
  • Weber, John W. “Boxes.” Art in America (New York) 52, no. 3 (June 1964), pp. 98–102.

Wollman Hall, New School Art Center, New York, The American Conscience: An Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings, March 3–April 4. Exh. brochure.

  • Glueck, Grace. “Art Notes: Cutting Culture.” New York Times, Feb. 23, 1964, sec. 2, p. 16.
  • Canaday, John. “Re Conscience.” New York Times, March 1, 1964, sec. 2, p. 23.
  • Von Eckardt, Wolf. “Conscience on Canvas.” Washington Post, March 29, 1964, sec. E, p. 5.

Tate Gallery, London, 54–64: Painting and Sculpture of a Decade, April 22–June 28. Organized by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Exh. cat. with essay by Alan Bowness, Lawrence Gowing, and Philip James.

  • Gosling, Nigel. “This Is Our Life.” Observer (London), April 26, 1964, Weekend Review, p. 25.
  • Sylvester, David. “New York Takeover.” Sunday Times Magazine (London), April 26, 1964, pp. 24–31.
  • Melville, Robert. “The Avant-Garde at the Tate.” New Statesman (London) 67, no. 1729 (May 1, 1964), p. 695.
  • Andreae, Christopher. “A Stimulating Decade.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), May 22, 1964, p. 6.
  • Miller, Jonathan. “À la Mod.” New Statesman (London) 67, no. 1733 (May 29, 1964), p. 853.

New York World’s Fair, Flushing Meadows, New York, April 22–Oct.

  • Johnson, Philip. “Young Artists at the Fair and at Lincoln Center.” Art in America (New York), no. 4 (1964), pp. 112–21.

Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, The World’s Fair Artists, April 27–May 23.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Art in a Changing World: 1884–1964: American Painters as New Lithographers, May 27–July 29.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, The Biennale Eight, June 20–July 26. Exh. brochure.

  • Driscoll, Edgar J., Jr. “Institute Showing Bit of Biennale.” Boston Sunday Globe, July 5, 1964, sec. A, p. 60.
  • Krauss, Rosalind. “Boston Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 8, no. 9 (Nov. 1964), pp. 42–43.

32nd Venice Biennale, June 20–Oct. 18. Exh. brochure (XXXII International Biennial Exhibition of Art Venice 1964, United States of America: Four Germinal Painters, Four Younger Artists; New York: Jewish Museum, 1964; in English and Italian) with essays by Alan R. Solomon. Exh. cat. (Catalogo della XXXII Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte).

  • Hunter, Marjorie. “Eight Artists Chosen for Venice Show: Two Exhibitions Listed by U.S. for Biennial Participation.” New York Times, April 3, 1964, p. 30.
  • Valsecchi, Marco. “Alla Biennale esplode la neurosi vitalistica.” Il Giorno (Rome), June 10, 1964, p. 10.
  • “Venice Prize Goes to Rauschenberg.” New York Times, June 20, 1964, p. 23.
  • Ashbery, John. “Venice Biennale Center of Controversy.” New York Herald Tribune (European Edition, Paris), June 23, 1964, p. 5.
  • Baro, Gene. “The Canal Goes ‘Pop.’” New York Times, June 28, 1964, sec. 2, p. 12.
  • Marussi, Garibaldo. “Una Biennale Inquietante.” Le Arti (Milan) 14, nos. 7–8 (July–Aug. 1964), pp. 4–15.
  • Revel, Jean-François. “XXXIIe Biennale de Venise triomphe du ‘realisme nationaliste.’” L’Oeil (Paris), nos. 115–16 (July–Aug. 1964), pp. 2–11.
  • “Pop Goes the Biennale.” Time (New York) 84, no. 1 (July 3, 1964), p. 54.
  • “Carnival in Venice.” Newsweek (New York) 64, no. 1 (July 6, 1964), pp. 74–75.
  • Constable, Rosalind. “Art Pops In: Europe Explodes as American Takes Prize.” Life (New York) 57, no. 2 (July 10, 1964), pp. 65–68.
  • Genauer, Emily. “The Merchandise of Venice.” New York Herald Tribune, July 12, 1964, Sunday Magazine, p. 21.
  • Restany, Pierre. “La XXXII Biennale de Venezia, Biennale della irregolarità (The XXXII Biennal Exhibition in Venice: A Triumph of Irregularity in Art).” Domus (Milan), no. 417 (Aug. 1964), pp. 27–42.
  • Glueck, Grace. “The Little Show That Isn’t There.” New York Times, Aug. 2, 1964, sec. 2, p. 16.
  • Baro, Gene. “The Venice Biennale.” Arts Magazine (New York) 38, no. 10 (Sept. 1964), pp. 32–37.
  • Gendel, Milton. “Hugger-Mugger in the Giardini.” Artnews (New York) 63, no. 5 (Sept. 1964), pp. 34–35.
  • Whittet, G. S. “Sculpture Scoops the Lagoon: XXXII Biennale at Venice.” Studio International (London) 168, no. 857 (Sept. 1964), pp. 96–103.
  • Ronnen, Meir. “Biennale of Junk Art.” Jerusalem Post, Sept. 20, 1964, p. 7.
  • Gassiot-Talabot, Gérald. “La Panoplie de l’Oncle Sam à Venise.” Aujourd’hui: Art et architecture (Paris) 8, no. 47 (Oct. 1964), pp. 30–33.
  • Eliot, Alexander. “All Roads Lead Where?” Art in America (New York) 52, no. 6 (Dec. 1964), pp. 124–25, 127.
  • di San Lazzaro, G. “La XXXIIe Biennale de Venise.” XXe Siècle (Paris), no. 24 (Dec. 1964), unpaginated supplement.
  • Tomkins, Calvin. “The Big Show in Venice.” Harper’s Magazine (New York) 230, no. 1379 (April 1965), pp. 98–104.
  • Solomon, Alan R. “Report on the American Participation in the 32nd Venice Biennale 1964.” Congressional Record (U.S. Senate) 89th Cong., 1st sess., 111, part 17 (Aug. 31–Sept. 13, 1965), pp. 22563–64.
  • Bongard, Willi. “When Rauschenberg Won the Biennale.” Studio International (London) 175, no. 901 (June 1968), pp. 288–89.

Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Nieuwe Realisten, June 24–Aug. 31. Traveled to Akademie der Künste, Berlin (as Neue Realisten und Pop Art), Nov. 24, 1964–Jan. 3, 1965; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (as Pop Art, Nouveau Réalisme, Etc.), Feb. 5–March 1, 1965. Exh. brochure (The Hague; in Dutch, English, and French) with texts by W. A. L. Beeren, Jasia Reichardt, Pierre Restany, and L. J. F. Wijsenbeck, and statement by Rauschenberg. Exh. brochure (Brussels) with texts by Jean Dypréau and Restany.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Between the Fairs: Twenty-Five Years of American Art, 1939–1964, June 24–Sept. 23. Exh. cat. with introduction by John I. H. Baur.

Documenta III, Kassel, June 27–Oct. 5. Exh. cat. (Cologne: DuMont Schauberg, 1964).

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers, Sept. 15–Oct. 24. Exh. cat. by Elaine L. Johnson.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, American Drawings, Sept. 17–Oct. 27. Traveled to University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Nov. 11–Dec. 13; Grand Rapids Art Museum, Mich., Jan. 10–Feb. 7, 1965; University Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Feb. 24–March 21, 1965; Seattle Art Museum, April 8–May 2, 1965; Denver Art Museum, June 6–July 4, 1965; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, July 25–Aug. 22, 1965; Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio, Sept. 12–Oct. 10, 1965; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Nov. 14–Dec. 5, 1965. Exh. cat. with introduction by Lawrence Alloway.

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., The Painter and the Photograph, Oct. 5–Nov. 2. Organized by Art Gallery, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Traveled to Museum of Art, Indiana University, Bloomington, Nov. 15–Dec. 20; Art Gallery, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Jan. 3–Feb. 10, 1965; Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, Feb. 28–March 22, 1965; Art Gallery, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, April 1–May 7, 1965; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Calif., May 19–June 21, 1965. Exh. cat. by Van Deren Coke.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, Three Generations, Nov. 24–Dec. 26. Exh. brochure.

  • Coates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries.” New Yorker 40, no. 44 (Dec. 19, 1964), pp. 154–55.



Museum of Modern Art, New York, Recent Acquisitions: Painting and Sculpture, Feb. 16–April 25. 

Worcester Art Museum, Mass., The New American Realism, Feb. 18–April 4. Exh. cat. with introduction by Martin Carey.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 29th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Feb. 26–April 18. Exh. brochure with introduction by Hermann Warner Williams, Jr.

  • “Rauschenberg Wins Top Prize in Corcoran Gallery’s Biennial.” New York Times, Feb. 26, 1965, p. 19.
  • Von Eckardt, Wolf. “Rauschenberg Wins Art Prize.” Washington Post, Feb. 26, 1965, sec. A, p. 8.
  • Hammond, Sally. “Prize-Winning Artist.” New York Post Magazine, March 25, 1965, p. 3.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Three Centuries of American Painting, April 9–Oct. 17. Exh. brochure.

Larry Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Conn., Art of the 50’s and 60’s: Selections from the Richard Brown Baker Collection, April 25–July 5. Exh. cat.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 6th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, June 19–Sept. 19. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian) with essay by Brian O’Doherty (in English and Slovenian).

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Artists of 1¢ Life, July 1–Aug. 31. Exh. brochure.

Art Galleries, University of California, Los Angeles, Virginia Dwan Collection, Oct. 3–24. Exh. brochure with text by Frederick S. Wight.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Annual Exhibition: Contemporary American Painting, Dec. 8, 1965–Jan. 30, 1966. Exh. cat.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Den inre och den yttre rymden: En utställning rörande en universell konst, Dec. 26, 1965–Feb. 13, 1966. Exh. cat. with introduction by K. G. Hultén and essays by Joost Baljeu and Ulf Linde.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Around the Automobile, Dec. 9, 1965–March 21, 1966. 



Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, The Photographic Image, Jan. 12–Feb. 13. Exh. brochure with introduction by Lawrence Alloway.

Cordier and Ekstrom, New York, Hommage à Caissa, Feb. 8–26. Organized by Marcel Duchamp.

Carroll Reece Museum, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Black Mountain College, April 26–June 30. Exh. cat. (The Visual Arts as Taught and Practiced at Black Mountain College) with introduction by Robert S. Moore, Jr.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Object Transformed, June 28–Aug. 21. Exh. cat. with introduction by Mildred Constantine and Arthur Drexler.

Art Institute of Chicago, 68th American Exhibition, Aug. 19–Oct. 16. Exh. brochure with introduction by A. James Speyer.

  • Kramer, Hilton. “Art: A Surrounding of ‘Environments.’” New York Times, Aug. 27, 1966, p. 35.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Art of the United States: 1670–1966, Sept. 28–Nov. 27. Exh. cat. by Lloyd Goodrich.

National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Two Decades of American Painting, Oct. 15–Nov. 27. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Dec. 10, 1966–Jan. 22, 1967; Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, March 28–April 15, 1967; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, June 6–July 9, 1967; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, July 26–Aug. 20, 1967. Exh. brochure (New Delhi) and exh. cats. (Tokyo, with supplement in English, and Australia) with essays by Lucy R. Lippard, Irving Sandler, and G. R. Swenson.

Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Mo., Sound Light Silence: Art That Performs, Nov. 4–Dec. 4. Exh. brochure with essay by Ralph T. Coe.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Art in the Mirror, Nov. 22, 1966–Feb. 5, 1967. Traveled to Mansfield Arts Guild, Ohio, March 10–April 2, 1967; San Francisco State College, April 21–May 14, 1967; Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, June 27–July 23, 1967; Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys, Calif., Sept. 22–Oct. 15, 1967; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Nov. 1–Dec. 3, 1967; State University College, Oswego, N.Y., Feb. 13–March 6, 1968. Exh. brochure with introduction by G. R. Swenson.



Leo Castelli, New York, Ten Years, Feb. 4–26. Exh. cat. with statements by William C. Agee, Lawrence Alloway, Irving Blum, Otto Hahn, Thomas B. Hess, Ellen H. Johnson, Max Kozloff, Philip Leider, Annette Michelson, Pierre Restany, Barbara Rose, Robert Rosenblum, William S. Rubin, Alan Solomon, Leo Steinberg, Calvin Tomkins, and Yoshiaki Tono, and poems by John Cage and William Seitz.

Finch College Museum of Art, New York, Art in Process: The Visual Development of a Collage, March 9–April 23. Traveled by American Federation of Arts to Charles N. MacNider Museum, Mason City, Iowa, Aug. 24–Sept. 14; University of Georgia, Athens, Sept. 28–Oct. 19; State University of New York, Plattsburgh, Nov. 2–23; Cedar Rapids Art Center, Iowa, Jan. 11–Feb. 1, 1968; The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C., Feb. 15–March 7, 1968; Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wis., March 21–April 11, 1968; Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., April 25–May 16, 1968; State University of New York, Geneseo, July 4–25, 1968; Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, Sept. 12–Oct. 3, 1968. Exh. brochure with statement by Rauschenberg.

  • Richard, Paul. “Collage Show Doesn’t Quite Hold Together.” Washington Post, Feb. 25, 1968, sec. F, p. 10.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, American Sculpture of the Sixties, April 28–June 25. Traveled to Philadelphia Museum of Art, Sept. 15–Oct. 29. Exh. cat. edited by Maurice Tuchman with introduction by Tuchman; essays by Lawrence Alloway, Wayne Andersen, Dore Ashton, John Coplans, Clement Greenberg, Max Kozloff, Lucy Lippard, James Monte, Barbara Rose, and Irving Sandler; and previously published statements by Rauschenberg.

Expo ’67, Montreal, United States Pavilion, American Painting Now, April 28–Oct. 27. Organized by United States Information Agency. Traveled by Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, to Horticultural Hall, Boston, Dec. 15, 1967–Jan. 10, 1968. Exh. brochure (Boston) with essay by Alan Solomon. Exh. cat. (Terre des Hommes: Exposition Internationale des Beaux-arts [Man and His World: International Fine Arts Exhibition], in English and French).

  • Vineberg, Dusty. “Under the Dome A Powerful, Brainy Show of Pop, Op, Geometric Art.” Montreal Star, May 13, 1967, Entertainments, p. 4.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 7th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, June 3–Aug. 31. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

Jewish Museum, New York, Large Scale American Paintings, July 11–Sept. 17. Exh. brochure.

Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Campo Vitale, July 27–Oct. 8. Exh. cat. with essay by Paolo Marinotti.

Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, 9th São Paulo Biennial, Environment U.S.A.: 1957–1967, Sept. 22, 1967–Jan. 8, 1968. Organized by International Art Program, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Traveled to Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Feb. 19–March 23, 1968. Exh. cat. (São Paulo 9: United States of America; Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1967; in English and Portuguese) with essays by Lloyd Goodrich and William C. Seitz.

Wollman Hall, New School Art Center, New York, Protest and Hope: An Exhibition of Contemporary American Art, Oct. 24–Dec. 2. Exh. brochure.

  • Rosenberg, Harold. “The Art World: Art of Bad Conscience.” New Yorker 43, no. 43 (Dec. 16, 1967), pp. 138–49.

Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Kompas 3: Schilderkunst na 1945 uit New York (Paintings after 1945 in New York), Nov. 9–Dec. 17. Traveled to Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (as Kompass New York: Malerei nach 1945 aus New York), Dec. 30, 1967–Feb. 11, 1968. Exh. cat. (in Dutch and English) with introduction by Jean Leering. Exh. cat. (Frankfurt, in English and German).

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Frank O’Hara / In Memory of My Feelings, Dec. 4, 1967–Sept. 10, 1968. 



Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, Contemporary Graphics Published by Universal Limited Art Editions, Feb. 21–March 6. Exh. brochure with introduction by Harmony Clover.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Manhattan Observed, March 22–July 1. Exh. cat. edited by William S. Lieberman.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage, March 27–June 9. Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 16–Sept. 8; Art Institute of Chicago, Oct. 19–Dec. 8. Exh. cat. by William S. Rubin.

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, The Obsessive Image: 1960–1968, April 10–May 29. Exh. cat.

Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, L’Art vivant 1965–68, April 13–June 30. Exh. cat. with text by François Wehrlin.

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Sammlung Hahn: Zeitgenössische Kunst (Hahn collection: contemporary art), May 3–July 7. Exh. cat. with introduction by Paul Wember.

Documenta 4, Kassel, June 27–Oct. 6. Exh. cat. vol. 1 with essays by Arnold Bode, Max Imdahl, and Jean Leering; vol. 2 with essays by Günter Gercken and Werner Spies.

  • Siegel, Jeanne. “Documenta IV: Homage to the Americans?” Arts Magazine (New York) 43, no. 1 (Sept.–Oct. 1968), pp. 37–41.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age, Nov. 25, 1968–Feb. 9, 1969. Traveled to Rice Museum, Rice University, Houston, March 25–May 18, 1969; San Francisco Museum of Art, June 23–Aug. 24, 1969. Exh. cat. by K. G. Pontus Hultén with introduction by Hultén and essay by Billy Klüver.



Vancouver Art Gallery, New York Thirteen, Jan. 21–Feb. 16. Traveled to Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada, March 10–April 29; Musée d’Art Contemporain, Montreal, June 3–July 5. Exh. cat. with introduction by Doris Schadbolt, text by Lucy Lippard, and statements by Rauschenberg.

Art Gallery, University of California, Irvine, New York: The Second Breakthrough, 1959–1964, March 18–April 27. Exh. cat. with essay by Alan R. Solomon.

Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin, New-Dada e Pop Art Newyorkesi, April 2–May 4. Exh. cat. by Luigi Mallé.

Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, Castelli at Dayton’s, April 19–May 17. Exh. brochure with text by Martin Friedman.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 8th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, June 6–Aug. 31. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

Hayward Gallery, London, Pop Art, July 9–Sept. 3. Organized by Arts Council of Great Britain. Exh. brochure with introduction by Suzi Gablik and John Russell. Exh. cat. (Pop Art Redefined; London: Thames and Hudson, 1969) by Gablik and Russell with introductions by Gablik and Russell, previously published texts by Lawrence Alloway, John McHale, Rauschenberg, and Robert Rosenblum, and previously published statement by Rauschenberg.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Prints by Five New York Painters, Oct. 18–Dec. 8. Traveled to Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio (as Prints by Nine New York Painters), Feb. 9–March 22, 1970; Drury College Art Museum, Springfield, Mo., March 30–May 10, 1970; Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, May 18–June 28, 1970; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, July 6–Aug. 16, 1970; Allentown Art Museum, Pa., Aug. 24–Oct. 4, 1970; Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Oct. 12–Nov. 22, 1970; Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, Nov. 30, 1970–Jan. 10, 1971; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Jan. 18–Feb. 28, 1971. Exh. brochure (Prints by Five New York Painters and Prints by Nine New York Painters).

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940–1970, Oct. 18, 1969–Feb. 8, 1970. Exh. cat. (New York: E. P. Dutton with Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1969) by Henry Geldzahler with essay by Geldzahler and previously published essays by Michael Fried, Clement Greenberg, Harold Rosenberg, Robert Rosenblum, and William Rubin.

  • Kramer, Hilton. “30 Years of the New York School.” New York Times Magazine, Oct. 12, 1969, pp. 28–30, 89–102, 109–10, 117–20.
  • Leider, Philip. “Modern American Art at the Met.” Artforum (New York) (Dec. 1969), pp. 62–65.

Pasadena Art Museum, Painting in New York: 1944–1969, Nov. 24, 1969–Jan. 11, 1970. Exh. cat. by Alan Solomon.



Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, String and Rope, Jan. 7–31. Exh. brochure.

  • Andreae, Christopher. “String and Rope.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Jan. 23, 1970, p. 4.

Expo Museum of Fine Arts, Osaka, Expo ’70, American Pavilion, March 15–Sept. 13. Exh. cat. (Comprehensive Catalogue: Discovery of Harmony; five vols.; in English, French, and Japanese).

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, American Painting 1970, May 4–June 7. Exh. brochure with essay by Peter Selz.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., American Art since 1960, May 6–27. Exh. cat. with introduction by Sam Hunter and essays by John Hand, Michael D. Levin, and Peter P. Morrin.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Information, July 2–Sept. 20. Exh. cat. edited by Kynaston L. McShine.

Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, L’Art vivant aux États-Unis, July 16–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. with introduction by Dore Ashton.

Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Against Order: Chance and Art, Nov. 14–Dec. 22. Exh. brochure with essay by Robert Pincus-Witten.



Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Duchamp, Johns, Rauschenberg, Cage, opened Jan. 12. Exh. cat. with introduction by William A. Leonard and essay by Barbara Rose.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Multiples: The First Decade, March 5–April 4. Exh. cat. by John L. Tancock.

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Métamorphose de l’objet: Art et anti-art 1910–1970, April 22–June 6. Traveled to Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, June 25–Aug. 15; Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Sept. 15–Nov. 7; Palazzo Reale, Milan, Dec. 15, 1971–Feb. 10, 1972; Kunsthalle, Basel, March 4–April 22, 1972; Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, May–June 1972. Exh. cat. (Brussels) with essays by Jean Dypréau, Werner Haftmann, François Mathey, Jörn Merkert, John Russell, and Franco Russoli. Exh. cat. (Berlin, Métamorphose des Dinges: Kunst und Antikunst, 1910–1970).

Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg, 2nd Nürnberg Biennial: Was die Schönheit sei, das weiß ich nicht: Künstler—Theorie—Werk, April 30–Aug. 1. Exh. cat. edited by Janni Müller-Hauck.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Technics and Creativity: Gemini G.E.L., May 5–July 6. Exh. cat. with essay by Riva Castleman.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art and Technology, May 10–Aug. 29. Exh. cat. (Art and Technology: A Report on the Art and Technology Program of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1967–1971; Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art) by Maurice Tuchman with introduction by Tuchman and texts by Jane Livingston and Gail R. Scott.

  • Marandel, J. Patrice. “‘Art and Technology’ à Los Angeles.” Art International (Lugano) 15, no. 6 (June 20, 1971), pp. 100–03, 108.
  • Antin, David. “Art and the Corporations.” Artnews (New York) 70, no. 5 (Sept. 1971), pp. 22–26, 52–56.
  • Burnham, Jack. “Corporate Art.” Artforum (New York) 10, no. 2 (Oct. 1971), pp. 66–71.
  • Kozloff, Max. “The Multimillion-Dollar Art Boondoggle.” Artforum (New York) 10, no. 2 (Oct. 1971), pp. 72–76.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Works for New Spaces, May 18–July 25. Exh. cat. with text by Martin Friedman.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 9th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, June 5–Aug. 31. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, American Art 1950–70, Sept. 11–Oct. 24.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, White on White: The White Monochrome in the Twentieth Century, Dec. 18, 1971–Jan. 30, 1972. Exh. cat. with essay by Robert Pincus-Witten.



Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Abstract Expressionism: The First and Second Generations in the Albright-Knox Gallery Collection, Jan. 19–Feb. 20. 

Art Institute of Chicago, 70th American Exhibition, June 24–Aug. 20. Exh. cat. with introduction by A. James Speyer.

  • Schulze, Franz. “U.S. Art Today: Healthy, Lusty, and Many-Colored.” Chicago Daily News, June 24–25, 1972, Panorama, pp. 4–5.
  • Allen, Jane and Derek Guthrie. “70th American’s Power in Pluralism.” Chicago Tribune, June 25, 1972, sec. II, p. 18.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, American Art since 1945, Sept. 15–Oct. 22. Exh. brochure with introduction by Evan H. Turner.



Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Biennial Exhibition: Contemporary American Art, Jan. 10–March 18. Exh. cat.

  • Loercher, Diana. “A Triple Lift-Off for American Art.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Feb. 1, 1973, p. 16.

New York Cultural Center, 3D into 2D: Drawing for Sculpture, Jan. 19–March 11. Organized in collaboration with Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack, N.J. Traveled to Art Gallery, Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York, Brooklyn; Vancouver Art Gallery; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Aug. 3–Sept. 3; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, Oct. 13–Nov. 18; Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, Jan. 14–Feb. 3, 1974; University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, May–June 23, 1974. Exh. brochure with introduction by Susan Ginsburg.

Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, Twenty-Five Years of American Painting, 1948–1973, March 6–April 22. Exh. cat. with essay by Max Kozloff.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Prints of the Sixties, March 22–May 9. 

Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Small Works: Selections from the Richard Brown Baker Collection of Contemporary Art, April 5–May 6. Exh. cat. by J. Patrice Marandel.

Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Modern Prints 1947–1972, April 19–May 9. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to Geelong Art Gallery, Australia, June 1–10; Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, Australia, June 26–July 8; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Lauceston, Australia, July 17–29; Newcastle City Art Gallery, Australia, Aug. 14–26; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Sept. 14–30; Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand, Oct. 14–Nov. 11; Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Nov. 15–Dec. 9; Waikato Museum, Hamilton, New Zealand, Dec. 15, 1973–Jan. 13, 1974; National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, Feb. 7–28, 1974; Museum Centenary Hall, Madras, March 11–21, 1974; Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Calcutta, May 22–June 9, 1974; Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta, June 11–14, 1974; Iran-America Society, Tehran, June 30–July 23, 1974; Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Sept. 28–Oct. 13, 1974; Iwate Prefectural Cultural Center, Japan, Nov. 16–25, 1974; Tokyo American Center, Dec. 3–11, 1974; Kyoto American Center, Dec. 16–24, 1974; Sogo Department Store, Hiroshima, Jan. 24–29, 1975; Asahikawa Citizens Cultural Hall, Japan, Feb. 9–16, 1975; Iwai Department Store, Hakodate, Japan, Feb. 20–25, 1975; Ishibashi Museum of Art, Kurume, Japan, March 3–30, 1975. Exh. cat. (Modern Art in Prints) by Riva Castleman with essay by Antoinette King.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 10th Biennial of Graphic Art, June 4–Aug. 31. Exh. cat. with essay by Willard E. McCracken, Jr.

  • Bacohi, Anna and Giorgi. “Yugoslav Graphics Expo Builds East-West Bridge.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), June 28, 1973, p. 16.

Musée Galliera, Paris, Aspects de l’Art Actuel, Sept. 14–Oct. 25. Organized by Galerie Ileana Sonnabend for Festival d’Automne. Exh. cat. (Florence: Centro Di, 1973).

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Recent Acquisitions, 1968–1973, June 15–Sept. 25. 

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Prints from the Untitled Press, Captiva, Florida, Oct. 17–Nov. 18. Traveled to Hopkins Art Center Galleries, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., July 1–28, 1974; New York Cultural Center, Aug. 14–Sept. 15, 1974; Grunwald Center, University of California, Los Angeles, Oct. 29–Dec. 1, 1974; Florida Center for the Arts, University of South Florida, Tampa, Jan. 6–Feb. 14, 1975; Utah Museum of Fine Arts, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, March 2–April 13, 1975; Seattle Art Museum, May 9–June 19, 1975. Exh. cat. by Jack Cowart and James Elliott with interview with Rauschenberg by Cowart and Elliott.

  • Hess, Thomas B. “Rauschenberg: Choose a Chance.” New York 7, no. 35 (Sept. 9, 1974), pp. 60–61.

Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, The Albert Pilavin Collection: Twentieth Century American Art II, Oct. 23–Nov. 25. Exh. cat. 

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, New York Collection for Stockholm, Oct. 27–Dec. 9. Exh. cat. with essays by Emile de Antonio and Billy Klüver.

  • “$700,000 Collection of Art to Be Given to Swedish Museum.” New York Times, Oct. 16, 1973, p. 53.
  • Richard, Paul. “Flight to Sweden: Artful Defection.” Washington Post, Oct. 29, 1973, sec. B, pp. 1, 3.
  • ———. “Mixed Blessings of Artistic Fame.” Washington Post, Nov. 1, 1973, sec. B, pp. 1, 14.
  • “Round Trip to Stockholm.” Art in America (New York) 62, no. 1 (Jan.–Feb. 1974), p. 40.

Parcheggio, Villa Borghese, Rome, Contemporanea, Nov. 30, 1973–Feb. 28, 1974. Organized by Incontri Internazionale d’Arte. Exh. cat.



Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Eight Artists, Feb. 8–March 24. Traveled to Miami Art Center, April–May 5. Exh. cat. with introduction by David Whitney.

Art Institute of Chicago, Idea and Image in Recent Art, March 23–May 5. Exh. cat. with introduction by Anne Rorimer.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, American Pop Art, April 6–June 16. Exh. cat. with essay by Lawrence Alloway.

  • Kramer, Hilton. “Art: American Pop at the Whitney.” New York Times, April 6, 1974, p. 27.
  • Geldzahler, Henry, and Kenworth Moffett. “Pop Art: Two Views.” Artnews (New York) 73, no. 5 (May 1974), pp. 30–32.
  • Baldwin, Carl R. “On the Nature of Pop: Right Artist, Right Work.” Artforum (New York) 12, no. 10 (June 1974), cover and pp. 34–38.
  • Russell, John. “Persistent Pop.” New York Times Magazine, July 21, 1974, pp. 6–7, 25, 27, 30, 32–34.

Whitney Museum of American Art, downtown branch, New York, Clay, May 23–July 4. Exh. brochure with text by Richard Marshall.

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., Art Now 74: A Celebration of the American Arts, May 30–June 16. Exh. cat. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Works from Change Inc., Sept. 25–Nov. 24.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Poets of the Cities: New York and San Francisco, 1950–1965, Nov. 20–Dec. 29. Organized in collaboration with Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Traveled to San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Jan. 31–March 23, 1975; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., April 23–June 1, 1975. Exh. cat. with essays by Neil A. Chassman, Robert Creeley, Lana Davis, John Clellon Holmes, and Robert M. Murdock, and artist biographies by Debra Anne Payne.

  • Kutner, Janet. “Rauschenberg Visiting Dallas.” Dallas Morning News, Nov. 19, 1974, sec. A, p. 17.
  • Haacke, Lorraine. “Robert Rauschenberg—Evolving from the Shadows.” Dallas Times Herald, Nov. 20, 1974, sec. F, pp. 1, 11.



Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 11th International Biennial of Graphic Art, May 13–Aug. 31. Exh. cat.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Printsequence, Oct. 3, 1975–Jan. 18, 1976.

Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, Formative Years: Early Works by Prominent New York Artists, Nov. 17–Dec. 16.



New Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, American Pop Art and the Culture of the Sixties, Jan. 10–Feb. 21. Exh. brochure with essays by Carol Nathanson and Nina Sundell.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Drawing Now, Jan. 23–March 9. Traveled to Kunsthaus, Zurich, Oct. 10–Nov. 14; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Nov. 25, 1976–Jan. 16, 1977; Albertina, Vienna, Jan. 28–April 24, 1977; Sonja Henie–Niels Onstad Foundation, Oslo, March 17–April 24, 1977; Tel Aviv Museum, May 12–July 2, 1977. Exh. cat. by Bernice Rose with essay by Rose.

  • Rosenberg, Harold. “The Art World: American Drawing and the Academy of the Erased de Kooning.” New Yorker 52, no. 5 (March 22, 1976), pp. 106–10.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Twentieth Century American Drawing: Three Avant-Garde Generations, Jan. 23–March 23. Traveled to Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, May 27–July 11; Kunsthalle Bremen, July 18–Aug. 29. Exh. cat. with essay by Diane Waldman.

  • Rosenberg, Harold. “The Art World: American Drawing and the Academy of the Erased de Kooning.” New Yorker 52, no. 5 (March 22, 1976), pp. 106–10.

Fort Worth Art Museum, The Great American Rodeo, Jan. 25–April 11. Traveled to Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Aug. 1–29; Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, Feb. 5–April 3, 1977. Exh. cat. with introduction by Richard Koshalek and essay by Jay Belloli.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Heritage and Horizon: American Painting 1776–1976, March 6–April 11. Traveled to Detroit Institute of Arts, May 5–June 13; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, July 4–Aug. 15; Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Sept. 8–Oct. 10. Exh. cat. with introduction by Robert T. Buck, Frederick J. Cummings, Sherman E. Lee, and Otto Wittman.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Two Hundred Years of American Sculpture, March 16–Sept. 26. Exh. cat. with essays by Tom Armstrong, Wayne Craven, Norman Feder, Barbara Haskell, Rosalind E. Krauss, Daniel Robbins, and Marcia Tucker.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Handmade Paper: Prints and Unique Works, June 28–Sept. 12. 

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Calif., The Handmade Paper Object, Oct. 29–Nov. 28. Traveled to Oakland Museum, Calif., Dec. 21, 1976–Feb. 6, 1977; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, May 10–June 14, 1977. Exh. cat. edited by Richard Kubiak. 

Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., Prints from Untitled Press, Oct. 30–Nov. 30. Exh. brochure.

  • Forgey, Benjamin. “Rauschenberg: Making Up for Lost Prints.” Washington Star, Nov. 7, 1976, sec. G, pp. 24–25.

Just Above Midtown, New York, Statements Known and Statements New, Nov. 2–20.

Brooklyn Museum, New York, Thirty Years of American Printmaking including the 20th National Print Exhibition, Nov. 20, 1976–Jan. 30, 1977. Exh. cat. by Gene Baro.

  • Zalkind, Simon. “30 Years of American Printmaking.” Arts Magazine (Feb. 1977), p. 19.

Renwick Gallery, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., The Object as Poet, Dec. 15, 1976–June 26, 1977. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Craft, New York, July 13–Sept. 25, 1977. Exh. cat. with essay by Rose Slivka.



New Orleans Museum of Art, Five from Louisiana, Jan. 28–March 27. Exh. brochure (Times-Picayune [New Orleans] supplement, Jan. 30, 1977) with introduction by E. John Bullard and William A. Fagaly; essays by Calvin Tomkins and Tennessee Williams; and interviews with Tina Girouard by Liza Béar, Richard Landry by Philip Glass, and Keith Sonnier by Calvin Harlan.

Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Arte USA, Feb. 9–March 31. Traveled to Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona, April 15–June 12. Exh. cat. with previously published essay by Harold Rosenberg and previously published statement by Rauschenberg.

Newport Art Museum, R.I., Two Decades of Exploration: Homage to Leo Castelli on the Occasion of His Twentieth Anniversary, Feb. 13–March 27.

Kunsthaus, Zurich, Malerei und Photographie im Dialog von 1840 bis heute, May 13–July 24. Exh. cat. by Erika Billeter with texts by Billeter and J. A. Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, International Biennial of Graphic Art, May 13–Aug. 31. Exh. cat.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Paris—New York, June 1–Sept. 19. Exh. cat. with essays by Daniel Abadie; Friedrich Teja Bach; Robert Bordaz; Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia; Elliott Carter; Leo Castelli, Daniel Cordier, and Ileana Sonnabend; William Copley; Hubert Damisch; Maurice Girodias; David Hare; Pontus Hultén; Donald Karshan; Billy Klüver; Henri Langlois; Jean-Jacques Lebel; Robert Lebel; Claude Lévi-Strauss; Robert Motherwell; Alfred Pacquement; Marcelin Pleynet; Jean Prouvé; Pierre Restany; Harold Rosenberg; and Hélène Seckel.

  • Crichton, Fenella. “Paris Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 21, no. 2 (March–April 1977), pp. 57–58.

New York State Museum, Albany, New York: The State of Art, Oct. 8–Nov. 27. Exh. brochure with texts by Robert Bishop, William H. Gerdts, and Thomas B. Hess.

Philadelphia College of Art, Artists’ Sets and Costumes, Oct. 31–Dec. 17. Exh. cat. with essay by Janet Kardon and previously published essay by Don McDonagh.

  • Kramer, Hilton. “When Stage Design Is Exalted.” New York Times (Dec. 11, 1977), pp. 35–36.

University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Works from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, Nov. 11, 1977–Jan. 1, 1978. Exh. brochure with essay by Bret Waller.

Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, Twelve Americans: Masters of Collage, Nov. 17–Dec. 30. Exh. cat. with introduction by Gene Baro and statement by Rauschenberg.

  • Conroy, William T., Jr. “Columbian Collage: American Art of Assembly.” Arts Magazine (New York) 52, no. 4 (Dec. 1977), pp. 86–87.



University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Sets for Cunningham: Johns, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Feb. 28–March 17.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Aesthetics of Graffiti, April 28–July 2. Exh. cat. with essays by Rolando Castellón and Howard J. Pearlstein.

Brooklyn Museum, New York, Graphicstudio U.S.F.: An Experiment in Art and Education, May 13–July 16. Exh. cat. by Gene Baro.

American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards, May 18–June 11.

38th Venice Biennale, July 2–Oct. 15. Exh. cat. edited by Živa Kraus. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Artists and Writers, July 10–Oct. 3.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Art about Art, July 19–Sept. 24. Traveled to North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, Oct. 15–Nov. 26; Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, Dec. 19, 1978–Feb. 11, 1979; Portland Art Museum, Oreg., March 6–April 15, 1979. Exh. cat. (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1978) by Jean Lipman and Richard Marshall with introduction by Leo Steinberg and texts by Lipman and Marshall.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Mirrors and Windows: American Photography since 1960, July 28–Oct 2. Traveled to Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1978–Jan. 1, 1979; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Jan. 29–March 11, 1979; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, April 1–May 15, 1979; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 7–July 29, 1979; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Aug. 19–Sept. 23, 1979; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Nov. 12–Dec. 23, 1979; Milwaukee Art Center, Jan. 10–March 2, 1980; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Nov. 6, 1980–Jan. 4, 1981; Fundación Juan March, Madrid, May 22–June 28, 1981. Exh. cat. (New York) by John Szarkowski. Exh. cat. (Paris, Mirrors and Windows: La Photographie Américaine depuis 1960) with essay by Szarkowski.

Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, America America, Sept. 2–24. Exh. brochure by Kristian Jakobsen with text by Reinhold Hohl.

Neuberger Museum of Art, State University of New York, Purchase, The Sense of the Self: From Self-Portrait to Autobiography, Sept. 24–Nov. 26. Organized by Independent Curators, New York. Traveled to New Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 13–Feb. 3, 1979; University of North Dakota Art Gallery, Grand Forks, Feb. 13–March 9, 1979; Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary, Nov. 21–Dec. 19, 1979; Tangeman Fine Art Gallery, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 11–March 8, 1980; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, April 1–May 4, 1980. Exh. brochure with essays by Richard King, Ira Licht, and Nina Sundell.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, American Painting of the 1970s, Dec. 8, 1978–Jan. 14, 1979. Traveled to Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, Calif., Feb. 3–March 18, 1979; Oakland Museum, April 10–May 20, 1979; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, July 6–Aug. 26, 1979; Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Sept. 9–Oct. 21, 1979; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Nov. 11, 1979–Jan. 2, 1980. Exh. cat. with essay by Linda L. Cathcart.



Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 36th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting: Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Feb. 24–April 8. Exh. cat. with essay by Jane Livingston and text by Linda Crocker Simmons.

  • Forgey, Benjamin. “An All-Star Quintet from the 1960s, Now ‘Old Masters.’” Smithsonian (Washington, D.C.) 9, no. 11 (Feb. 1979), pp. 80–87.
  • Richard, Paul. “Corcoran’s Biennial . . . Focusing on Five.” Washington Post, Feb. 18, 1979, sec. K, pp. 1, 3.
  • Lewis, Jo Ann. “Suddenly, Old Masters: Painting Is Just Not as Good Now as These Painters Were Ten Years Ago.” Washington Post Magazine, Feb. 25, 1979, pp. 20–21, 23–24.
  • ———. “‘Setting Standards’ at the Corcoran.” Artnews (New York) 78, no. 4 (April 1979), pp. 85, 88–89.

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, A Century of Ceramics in the United States 1878–1978, May 5–Sept. 23. Traveled to Renwick Gallery, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1979–Jan. 27, 1980; Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, Feb. 26–May 25, 1980; Flint Institute of Arts, Mich., June 15–Aug. 31, 1980; DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, Mass., Sept. 28–Nov. 30, 1980; Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, Okla., Dec. 15, 1980–Jan. 25, 1981; Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, Feb. 23–April 12, 1981; Allentown Art Museum, Pa., May 3–July 26, 1981; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, Sept. 13–Oct. 18, 1981. Exh. cat. by Garth Clark.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, International Biennial of Graphic Art, June 8–Sept. 5. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Autour de Merce Cunningham, Oct. 10–Nov. 12.

Denver Art Museum, Poets and Painters, Nov. 21, 1979–Jan. 13, 1980. Traveled to William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 15–Sept. 28, 1980; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, Calif., Oct. 17–Dec. 1, 1980. Exh. cat. with essay by David Shapiro.



Fine Arts Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, Five in Florida, Jan. 7–Feb. 8. Exh. brochure (Anuszkiewicz, Chamberlain, Olitski, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist) with texts by Gene Baro, Neil Marshall, and Joanne Milani Rodriguez.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Printed Art: A View of Two Decades, Feb. 14–April 1. Exh. cat. by Riva Castleman.

Grand Palais, Paris, 91st Exposition Société des artistes independants, March 13–April 13.

Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, Fabric into Art, April 14–May 9. Traveled to New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, Nov.–Dec. 1981; State University of New York, Brockport, Jan. 29–Feb. 26, 1982; State University of New York, Albany, March 16–April 18, 1982. Exh. brochure with essay by Harriet Senie.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., The Fifties: Aspects of Painting in New York, May 22–Sept. 21. Exh. cat. by Phyllis Rosenzweig.

DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, Mass., Photography: Recent Directions, June 1–Aug. 31. Part of Aspects of the 70s. Exh. brochure with essay by James Sheldon.

Detroit Institute of Arts, Cliché-Verre: Hand-Drawn, Light-Printed, July 12–Aug. 21. Traveled to Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Sept. 11–Oct. 23. Exh. cat. by Elizabeth Glassman and Marilyn F. Symmes with introduction by Ellen Sharp.

  • Sharp, Ellen. “From Cliché-Verre Image to Printed Edition.” Printable News (Detroit Institute of Arts) (Dec. 1980), pp. 2–4.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection: Selected Works, Aug. 31–Dec. 31. Exh. cat. vol. 1 with essay by Sam Hunter and text by E. A. Carmean, Jr.; vol. 2 with essays by Carmean, Trinkett Clark, and Eliza E. Rathbone.

Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., Collaborations, Sept. 28–Oct. 26. Exh. brochure with introduction by Kathy Kelsey Foley.

Brooklyn Museum, New York, American Drawing in Black and White: 1970–1980, Nov. 22, 1980–Jan. 18, 1981. Exh. brochure with text by Gene Baro.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Artist and Printer: Six American Print Studios, Dec. 7, 1980–Jan. 18, 1981. Traveled to Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, Feb. 2–April 5, 1981. Exh. cat. with essays by Graham W. J. Beal.



National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Contemporary American Prints and Drawings 1940–1980, March 22–July 19. Exh. brochure.

University of Colorado Art Galleries, Boulder, Mapped Art: Charts, Routes, Regions, May 2–June 7. Organized by Independent Curators, New York. Traveled to First Street Forum, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 3–Nov. 15; Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, June 18–July 18, 1982; Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Aug. 1–Nov. 1, 1982; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1982–Jan. 2, 1983. Exh. cat. with essay by Peter Frank.

Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn., New Dimensions in Drawing: 1950–1980, May 3–Sept. 6. Exh. cat. with introduction by Richard E. Anderson.

Rheinhallen, Cologne, Westkunst: Zeitgenössische Kunst seit 1939 (Contemporary art since 1939), May 30–Aug. 16. Organized by Museen der Stadt Köln. Exh. cat. (Cologne: DuMont, 1981) by Laszlo Glozer with previously published texts selected by Marcel Baumgartner, Glozer, and Kasper Koenig.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 14th International Biennial of Graphic Art, June 12–Sept. 15. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian) with text by Joshua C. Taylor (in English and Slovenian).

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Words and Pictures, Aug. 20–Oct. 6.

Middlesbrough Art Gallery, U.K., 5th Cleveland International Drawing Biennial, Sept. 5–Oct. 17. Organized by Cleveland County Museum Service, U.K. Traveled to Birmingham, U.K.; Camden Arts Centre, London; Edinburgh; Collins Exhibition Hall, Glasgow; Ulster Museum, Belfast, opened April 1, 1982; and Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick, Ireland, opened May 3, 1982. Exh. cat. (Fifth International Drawing Biennale) with essay by Philip Rawson and text by Mike Hill.

Akron Art Museum, Ohio, The Image in American Painting and Sculpture 1950–1980, Sept. 12–Nov. 8. Exh. cat. with introduction by Carolyn Kinder Carr.

Neuberger Museum of Art, State University of New York, Purchase, Soundings, Sept. 20–Dec. 23. Exh. cat. with essays by Dore Ashton, Germano Celant, Suzanne Delehanty, and Lucy Fischer.

Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Schwarz (Black), Oct. 16–Dec. 6. Exh. cat. edited by Hannah Weitemeier.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, Amerikanische Malerei: 1930–1980, Nov. 14, 1981–Jan. 31, 1982. Organized in collaboration with Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Exh. cat. with essays by Tom Armstrong and Bernd Glowe.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Events: Artists in Collaboration, Dec. 19, 1981–Feb. 28, 1982.



Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Joseph Beuys, Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol: Sammlung Marx, March 2–April 12. Traveled to Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany, May 6–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. with text by Heiner Bastian.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Fotografier av Robert Frank, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, March 20–May 2.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, ’60–’80 Attitudes/Concepts/Images: A Selection from Twenty Years of Visual Arts/Een krenze vit twintig jaar beeldende kunst, April 9–July 11. Exh. cat. (in Dutch and English) with essays by Wim Beeren, Cor Blok, Antje von Graevenitz, Ad Petersen, Gijs van Tuyl, and Edy de Wilde. Exh. cat. supplement with introduction by Petersen and essays by Dorine Mignot, Petersen, and Frans van Rossum.

Baxter Art Gallery, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Of No Particular Theme: Laurie Brown, Nancy Buchanan, Woods Davy, Brian Forrest, Tom Holland, Bruce Houston, Robert Rauschenberg, Raymond Saunders, May 12–June 20. Exh. brochure with text by Michael H. Smith.

Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Universal Limited Art Editions, May 22–June 12, July 14–31. Exh. brochure.

Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, New American Paperworks, June 12–July 18. Organized by World Print Council, San Francisco. Traveled to Birmingham Museum of Art, Ala., Sept. 19–Oct. 30; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Feb. 19–March 27, 1983; Shukosha Art Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan, April 9–24, 1983; Art Center, Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul, May 24–June 13, 1983; Central Library, Keimyung University, Taegu, Korea, July 1–14, 1983; Hong Kong Museum of Art, Aug. 19–Sept. 25, 1983; Metropolitan Museum, Manila, Oct. 13–Nov. 30, 1983; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, Dec. 20, 1983–Jan. 30, 1984; National Museum, Singapore, March 1–20, 1984; Missoula Art Museum, Mont., June 16–July 28, 1984; Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene, Sept. 23–Nov. 4, 1984; Tangeman University Center, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 17–Dec. 21, 1984; Lee Hall, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Mich., Jan. 4–Feb. 10, 1985; Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, May 4–July 13, 1985; Minnesota Museum of Art, Saint Paul, Sept. 7–Nov. 10, 1985; Huntsville Museum of Art, Ala.; Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Conn., closed June 15, 1986; Art Gallery, University of Maryland, College Park, Sept. 4–Oct. 12, 1986. Exh. cat. by Jane M. Farmer with introduction by Farmer, statement by Rauschenberg, and previously published essay by Shoichi Ida.

John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wis., The Alternative Image, June 20–Aug. 7. Traveled to Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, Jan. 15–Feb. 23, 1983. Exh. cat. with essay by Patricia Gleason Fuller.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, The New York School: Four Decades, Guggenheim Museum Collection and Major Loans, July 1–Aug. 29. Exh. brochure with text by Lisa Dennison.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, The Americans: The Collage, July 11–Oct. 3. Exh. cat. with essay by Linda L. Cathcart.

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Twenty-Five Years in Space, July 29–Oct. 15. Exh. brochure.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Resource/Reservoir: Collage and Assemblage, July 30–Sept. 26. Exh. brochure with text by Karen Tsujimoto.

Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Avery Center for the Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., The Rebounding Surface: A Study of Reflections in the Work of Nineteen Contemporary Artists, Aug. 15–Sept. 24. Exh. cat. with introduction by Linda Weintraub.

Whitney Museum of American Art, downtown branch, New York, Universal Limited Art Editions: A Tribute to Tatyana Grosman, Selections from the Permanent Collection, Aug. 30–Sept. 28. Exh. brochure with essay by Theresa Salazar and chronology by Karl Willers.

Australian National Gallery, Canberra, Paperwork, Oct. 13, 1982–May 16, 1983. Exh. cat. by Pat Gilmour and Anne Willsford.

Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, New York, Artists’ Protest, Oct. 16–Nov. 6.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, In Our Time: Houston’s Contemporary Arts Museum, 1948–1982, Oct. 23, 1982–Jan. 2, 1983. Exh. cat. by Cheryl A. Brutvan, Marti Mayo, and Linda L. Cathcart.

John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, U.K., Painter as Photographer, Nov. 3–Dec. 4. Organized by Arts Council of Great Britain. Traveled to Wolverhampton Art Gallery, U.K.; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, closed March 13, 1983; Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, closed April 24, 1983; Camden Arts Centre, U.K., closed July 29, 1983; Windsor Festival, Windsor Castle, U.K., Sept. 15–Oct. 2, 1983; National Museum of Photography, Film and TV, Bradford, U.K. Exh. cat. with introduction by Marina Vaizey.

Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, N.Y., The New Explosion: Paper Art, Nov. 7, 1982–Jan. 13, 1983. Traveled to CDS Gallery, New York, Feb. 15–March 20, 1983. Exh. brochure with essay by Eleanor Flomenhaft.

  • Wallach, Amei. “Paper Worked into an Art Form.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), Nov. 7, 1982, Part II, pp. 17–18.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Art and Dance: Images from the Modern Dialogue 1890–1980, Nov. 9, 1982–Jan. 8, 1983. Traveled to Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, March 6–April 24, 1983; Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, June 25–Sept. 25, 1983. Exh. cat. with introduction by Iris M. Fanger, Deborah Jowitt, Marianne Martin, David A. Ross, Elisabeth Sussman, and David Vaughan.

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., The Artist and the Space Shuttle, Dec. 1, 1982–Sept. 5, 1983. Organized in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Traveled to Bayou Building, University of Houston–Clear Lake, Oct. 15–Nov. 27, 1983; Old State House, Hartford, Conn., April 19–May 20, 1984; C. W. Woods Art Gallery, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, closed April 5, 1985; Mitsukoshi Gallery, Tokyo, Aug. 5–17, 1986; Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla., opened Aug. 2, 1987, on permanent display. Exh. cat.



Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Connections: Bridges/Ladders/Ramps/Staircases/Tunnels, March 11–April 24. Exh. cat. by Janet Kardon with essay by Hal Foster.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Big Pictures by Contemporary Photographers, April 14–June 28.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 15th International Biennial of Graphic Art, June 17–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian) with previously published text by Joshua C. Taylor (in English and Slovenian).

Whitney Museum of American Art, downtown branch, New York, The Comic Art Show: Cartoons in Painting and Popular Culture, July 18–Aug. 26. Exh. cat. by John Carlin and Sheena Wagstaff with essays by Carlin, Gary Groth, J. Hoberman, Richard Marshall, Jerry Robinson, Kim Thompson, and Wagstaff.

Tampa Museum, Photography in America: 1910–1983, Sept. 4–Nov. 6. Exh. cat. by Julie M. Saul.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Modern Nude Paintings 1880–1980, Oct. 7–Dec. 4. Exh. brochure (in English and Japanese).

Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, Art for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze, Oct. 18–20. Traveled to Fuller Goldeen Gallery, San Francisco, Oct. 21–27; Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, Oct. 28–Nov. 3; Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, Nov. 4–7; Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 8–11; John C. Stoller and Company, Minneapolis, Nov. 12–20; Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, Nov. 21–24; Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, Nov. 25–Dec. 2; Brooke Alexander, New York; closing auction, Dec. 1–3. Exh. brochure.

Allentown Art Museum, Pa., Art of the Comic Strip, Nov. 6, 1983–Feb. 26, 1984.

Temporary Contemporary, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, The First Show: Painting and Sculpture from Eight Collections 1940–1980, Nov. 23, 1983–Feb. 19, 1984. Exh. cat. edited by Julia Brown and Bridget Johnson with essays by Pontus Hultén and Susan C. Larsen; interviews with Howard and Jean Lipman, Peter Ludwig, Dominique de Menil, Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, Robert A. Rowan, Rita Schreiber, Fred Weisman, and Marcia Weisman; and statement by Charles and Doris Saatchi.

  • Drohojowska, Hunter. “Los Angeles: The First Show.” Artnews (New York) 83, no. 3 (March 1984), pp. 135–36, 138.

John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wis., The Alternative Image II: Photography on Nonconventional Supports, Dec. 4, 1983–Feb. 12, 1984. Exh. cat. with introduction by Anita Douthat.



Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, In Quest of Excellence: Civic Pride, Patronage, Connoisseurship, Jan. 14–April 22. Exh. cat. by Jan van der Marck with essays by J. Carter Brown, Sherman E. Lee, Agnes Mongan, and Philippe de Montebello.

Institute for Art and Urban Resources, P.S.1, Long Island City, New York, Salvaged: Altered Everyday Objects, Jan. 22–March 18.

Merian-Park, Basel, Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert, June 3–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. with introduction by Ernst Beyeler, Reinhold Hohl, and Martin Schwander and essays by Zdenek Felix, Andreas Franzke, Laszlo Glozer, Sarah Gossa, Antje von Graevenitz, Werner Jehle, August Kaiser, Franz Meyer, Willy Rotzler, Martin Schwander, Karina Türr, Theodora Vischer, Joachim Heusinger v. Waldegg, and Alan G. Wilkinson.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Artistic Collaboration in the Twentieth Century, June 9–Aug. 19. Traveled to Milwaukee Art Museum, Nov. 18, 1984–Jan. 15, 1985; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Feb. 21–April 21, 1985. Exh. cat. by Cynthia Jaffee McCabe with essays by Robert C. Hobbs, McCabe, and David Shapiro.

41st Venice Biennale, June 10–Sept. 9. Exh. cat.

Alvar Aalto Museum, Jyväskyla, Finland, Graphica Creativa (Luova Grafiikka), June 26–Aug. 6. Exh. cat. (in English and Finnish).

Philippe Bonnafont Gallery, San Francisco, The Artist and the Theater, July 11–Aug. 11.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Automobile and Culture, July 21, 1984–Jan. 6, 1985. Traveled to Detroit Institute of Arts (as Automobile and Culture: Detroit Style), June 12–Sept. 8, 1985. Exh. cat. by Gerald Silk with essays by Angelo Tito Anselmi, Strother MacMinn, Silk, and Henry Flood Robert, Jr.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Ten Painters and Sculptors Draw, Aug. 1–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. with introduction by Clifford S. Ackley.

Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Disarming Images: Art for Nuclear Disarmament, Sept. 14–Oct. 27. Organized by Bread and Roses, New York. Traveled to University Art Gallery, San Diego State University, Nov. 23–Dec. 22; Museum of Art, Washington State University, Pullman, Feb. 11–March 3, 1985; New York State Museum, Albany, March 24–June 2, 1985; University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 25–Aug. 4, 1985; Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Museum of Art, Utica, N.Y., Sept. 1–29, 1985; Fine Arts Gallery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Jan. 5–Feb. 2, 1986; Baxter Art Gallery, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, March 2–30, 1986; Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Mont., April 28–June 9, 1986; Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, Sept. 11–Nov. 20, 1986. Exh. cat. by Nina Felshin.

  • Muchnic, Suzanne. “Apocalyptic Visions on View.” Los Angeles Times, July 6, 1985, Calendar, p. 1.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, BLAM! The Explosion of Pop, Minimalism and Performance, 1958–1964, Sept. 20–Dec. 2. Exh. cat. by Barbara Haskell with essay by John G. Hanhardt.

  • Danto, Arthur C. “Art: Blam! The Explosion of Pop, Minimalism and Performance, 1958–1964.” Nation (New York) 239, no. 12 (Oct. 20, 1984), p. 390–93.
  • Larson, Kay. “Pop in Perspective.” New York 17, no. 42 (Oct. 22, 1984), pp. 140, 142.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Gemini G.E.L.: Art and Collaboration, Nov. 18, 1984–Feb. 24, 1985. Traveled to Seattle Art Museum, July 11–Sept. 8, 1985; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 1, 1985–Jan. 19, 1986; Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago, March 7–April 27, 1986; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Nov. 1, 1987–Jan. 3, 1988; National Museum of Art, Osaka, Oct. 1–Dec. 4, 1988; Yonago City Museum, Japan, Jan. 14–Feb. 5, 1989; Machida City Museum of Graphics Art, Japan, Feb. 17–March 19, 1989. Exh. cat. by Ruth E. Fine with essay by Bruce Davis.

  • Rose, Barbara. “Art.” Vogue (New York) 175, no. 2 (Feb. 1985), p. 116.



Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., Selections from the Ileana and Michael Sonnabend Collection: Works from the 1950s and 1960s, Feb. 3–June 9. Traveled to Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Sept. 8–Oct. 27; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Nov. 23, 1985–March 9, 1986. Exh. cat. by Sam Hunter with essays by Hunter and Robert Pincus-Witten and texts by Jonathan Bloom, Malcolm R. Daniel, Isabelle Dervaux, Julia Hicks, Hunter, John Otte, and Erica Wolf.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, The Panza Collection, Feb. 13–Sept. 29. Exh. cat. edited by Julia Brown with introduction by Richard Koshalek.

  • Muchnic, Suzanne. “A Stunning Aesthetic Event.” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 11, 1985, Calendar, p. 1.

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Pop Art 1955–1970, Feb. 27–April 14. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, May 1–June 2; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, June 26–Aug. 11. Exh. cat. by Henry Geldzahler.

Kunsthalle Tübingen, 7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks), March 2–April 14. Traveled to Kunsthalle Bielefeld, June 2–Aug. 11; Orangerie, Kassel, Aug. 25–Sept. 22. Exh. cat. by Heiner Bastian.

Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn., The Classic Tradition in Recent Painting and Sculpture, May 19–Sept. 1. Exh. cat. with essay by Robert Metzger.

Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 16th International Biennial of Graphic Art, June 21–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. (in French and Slovenian).

Museum Haus Lange and Museum Haus Esters, Krefeld, Germany, Dreißig Jahre durch die Kunst, Sept. 15–Dec. 1. Exh. cat. (two vols.) with essays by Julian Heynen, Gerhard Storck, and Paul Wember.

Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn., A Second Talent: Painters and Sculptors Who Are also Photographers, Sept. 22–Dec. 24. Traveled to Baruch College Gallery, New York, Feb. 6–March 14, 1986. Exh. brochure with text by Robert Metzger.

Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Vom Zeichnen: Aspekte der Zeichnung 1960–1985, Nov. 19, 1985–Jan. 1, 1986. Traveled to Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Jan. 15–Feb. 23, 1986; Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, March 13–April 27, 1986. Exh. cat. with introduction by Peter Weiermair and essay by Ingrid Mössinger.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Transformations in Sculpture: Four Decades of American and European Art, Nov. 22, 1985–Feb. 16, 1986. Exh. cat. by Diane Waldman.

  • Russell, John. “Art: At the Guggenheim, 40 Years of Sculpture.” New York Times, Nov. 29, 1985, sec. C, p. 20.
  • Poirier, Maurice. “A Vast Sculptural Dialogue.” Artnews (New York) 85, no. 3 (March 1986), p. 143.



National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C., Hollywood: Legend and Reality, April 17–June 15. Traveled to Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, Aug. 5–Oct. 11; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Nov. 29, 1986–Feb. 15, 1987; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, April 13–June 23, 1987; Denver Art Museum, Aug. 17–Oct. 27, 1987; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Dec. 5, 1987–Feb. 21, 1988; Seibu Department Store, Tokyo, April 9–May 15, 1988. Exh. cat.

Alvar Aalto Museum, Jyväskyla, Finland, Graphica Creativa (Luova Grafiikka), June 26–Aug. 6. Exh. cat. (in English and Finnish).

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Seven American Masters, July 4–Nov. 12.

Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, Beuys zu Ehren, July 16–Nov. 2. Exh. cat. with essays by Lucio Amelio, Johannes Cladders, Anne and Anthony d’Offay, Ronald Feldman, Klaus Gallwitz, Laszlo Glozer, Georg Jappe, Bernd Klüser, Thomas Messer, Jörg Schellmann, Reiner Speck, Günter Ulbricht, Franz Joseph van der Grinten, and Armin Zweite.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, The Automobile in Art 1886–1986, Aug. 9–Oct. 5. Exh. cat. with introductions by L. Fritz Gruber, Ingeborg Güssow, Ekkehard Mai, Ruth Malhotra, and Reimar Zeller, and essays by Ralf J. F. Kiesselbach, Thomas Krämer-Badoni, Wolfgang Pehnt, Elke Pfugradt, and Zeller.

Queens Museum, Flushing, New York, Television’s Impact on Contemporary Art, Sept. 13–Oct. 26. Exh. brochure with essay by Marc H. Miller.

  • Glueck, Grace. “Art: A Look at ‘Television’s Impact.’” New York Times, Sept. 19, 1986, sec. C, p. 29.

Sogetsu Art Museum, Toyko, Contemporary Art Exhibition to Commemorate Sogetsu 60th Anniversary, Oct. 13, 1986–March 28, 1987. Exh. brochure.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Individuals: A Selected History of Contemporary Art, 1945–1986, Dec. 10, 1986–Jan. 10, 1988. Exh. cat. (New York: Abbeville Press, 1986) with essays by Achille Bonito Oliva, Germano Celant, Hal Foster, Donald Kuspit, Thomas Lawson, Kate Linker, Ronald J. Onorato, and John C. Welchman.

Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, America: Art and the West, Dec. 11, 1986–Jan. 21, 1987. Traveled to Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Feb. 6–April 5, 1987. Exh. cat. with texts by Celeste Marie Adams, Franklin Kelly, and Ron Tyler. 

Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, Poetics of Space: Contemporary Photographic Works, Dec. 19, 1986–March 22, 1987. Exh. brochure with essay by Steven A. Yates.

  • Nestor, Sarah. “Letter from the Editor.” El Palacio (Santa Fe) 92, no. 3 (Spring 1987), p. 2.
  • Yates, Steven A. “Letter from the Guest Editor.” El Palacio (Santa Fe) 92, no. 3 (Spring 1987), p. 2.



John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Fla., This Is Not a Photograph: Twenty Years of Large-Scale Photography, 1966–1986, March 7–May 31. Traveled to Akron Art Museum, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1987–Jan. 10, 1988; Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 26–May 1, 1988. Exh. cat. with introduction by Gordon Lewis and essays by Marvin Heiferman.

University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, Made in U.S.A.: An Americanization in Modern Art, the 50s and the 60s, April 4–June 21. Traveled to Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., July 25–Sept. 6; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Oct. 7–Dec. 7. Exh. cat. by Sidra Stich with essays by Ben H. Bagdikian, James E. B. Breslin, Thomas Schaub, and Stich.

Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Avery Center for the Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., The Arts at Black Mountain College, 1933–1957, April 11–July 5. Traveled to North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, July 25–Oct. 4; Grey Art Gallery, New York University, Oct. 25–Dec. 19. Exh. cat. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987) by Mary Emma Harris.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Avant-Garde in the Eighties, April 23–July 12. Exh. cat. by Howard N. Fox.

Chicago International Art Exposition, Carl Solway Gallery, Chicago, A Tribute to John Cage, May 7–12. Organized by Allan Kaprow. Exh. cat. including statement by Rauschenberg.

Art Against AIDS, New York, June 4–Dec. Organized by Stephen Reichard and Anne Livet in association with Susan Martin. Exh. cat.

  • Bromberg, Craig. “Gallery Guide: ‘Common Cause.’” Manhattan, Inc. (New York) 4, no. 6 (June 1987), pp. 164–65.

The Menil Collection, Houston, The Menil Collection, June 7, 1987–Oct. 24, 1988.

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, Comic Iconoclasm, June 17–Sept. 13. Traveled to Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Oct. 8–Nov. 21; Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, U.K., Jan. 12–Feb. 21, 1988. Exh. cat. with essays by David Deitcher, Dan Graham, and Sheena Wagstaff, and previously published texts by John Ashbery and Umberto Eco.

Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Leo Castelli y sus artistas: XXX años de promoción del arte contemporaneo, June 25–Oct. 18. Exh. cat. (in English and Spanish) with introductions by Nazario Ortiz Garza and Robert Littman; essays by Judith Goldman and Robert Pincus-Witten; interview with Castelli by Mary Jo Marks; and previously published essay by Calvin Tomkins.

Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, Leo Castelli: A Tribute Exhibition, June 28–Sept. 27. Exh. cat.

Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, The International Art Show for the End of World Hunger, Sept. 13–Nov. 8. Organized by Artists to End Hunger and Worldview International Foundation. Traveled to Sonja Henie-Neils Onstad Foundations, Høvikodden, Norway, Dec. 8, 1987–Jan. 20, 1988; Stavanger Kulturhus, Norway, Jan. 24–Feb. 7, 1988; Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Göteborg, Sweden, Feb. 27–April 4, 1988; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, April 22–May 29, 1988; Musée des Arts Africains et Océaniens, Paris, June 10–July 20, 1988; Barbican Art Gallery, London, Aug. 4–Oct. 2, 1988; Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Nov. 11–Dec. 10, 1988; Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Jan. 14–March 7, 1989; Salas Nacionales de Exposición, Buenos Aires, May 30–June 22, 1989; Museu de Arte de São Paulo, July 6–28, 1989; Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Aug. 10–Sept. 17, 1989; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Ariz., Nov. 17, 1989–Jan. 14, 1990; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Jan. 26–March 23, 1990; Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, Oreg., April 5–May 25, 1990; Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, June 14–Aug. 14, 1990; El Museo del Barrio, New York, Jan. 24–March 15, 1991. Exh. cat. (New York: Artists to End Hunger, 1987) with texts by John Berger, Jorge Luis Borges, Agnes Denes, Jacques Derrida, Carl Kruse, Arthur Miller, Pablo Neruda, Sandra Peña, Rauschenberg, Pierre Restany, Peter Schjeldahl, Patterson Sims, and John Stringer, artists’ statements including by Rauschenberg, and previously published texts by Heinrich Böll, Günter Grass, The Hunger Project, and Keith Schneider.

New York State Museum, Albany, Diamonds Are Forever: Artists and Writers on Baseball, Sept. 16–Nov. 5. Organized in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Traveled to Norton Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 23–March 13, 1988; Museo de Arte e Historia, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 30–June 12, 1988; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2–Aug. 21, 1988; Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, Sept. 11–Oct. 30, 1988; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Jan. 15–April 9, 1989; Baltimore Museum of Art, May 14–June 25, 1989; Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, July 8–Sept. 9, 1989; Oakland Museum, Sept. 30, 1989–Jan. 7, 1990; New York Public Library, Feb. 17–April 21, 1990; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, June 2–July 15, 1990; Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Aug. 18–Oct. 21, 1990; Southeast Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 17, 1990–Feb. 3, 1991; Skydome, Toronto, April 8–July 9, 1991; Yurakucho Art Forum, Seibu Department Store, Tokyo, Aug. 1–26, 1991; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Oct. 5–Nov. 17, 1991; Denver Art Museum, downtown branch, Dec. 1991–Jan. 1992; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Ariz., Feb. 27–April 19, 1992; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, May 16–July 5, 1992. Exh. cat. (San Francisco: Chronicle Books with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Washington, D.C., and New York State Museum, Albany, 1987) edited by Peter H. Gordon with Sydney Waller and Paul Weinman with introduction by Gordon and essay by Donald Hall.

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, Digital Visions: Computers and Art, Sept. 18–Nov. 8. Traveled to Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1987–Jan. 9, 1988; IBM Gallery of Science and Art, New York, April 26–June 18, 1988; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Aug. 13–Sept. 25, 1988. Exh. cat. (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987) by Cynthia Goodman.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Implosion: Ett postmodernt perspektiv (A Postmodern Perspective), Oct. 24, 1987–Jan. 10, 1988. Exh. cat. (in English and Swedish) with introduction by Lars Nittve and essays by Germano Celant, Kate Linker, and Craig Owens.

Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, Images on Stone: Two Centuries of Artists’ Lithographs, Oct. 30–Dec. 19. Traveled to San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, Tex., March 3–April 3, 1988; Tyler Museum of Art, Tex., April 21–July 3, 1988; Aspen Art Museum, Colo., Sept. 22–Oct. 30, 1988. Exh. cat. with introduction by Peter C. Marzio and essay by Elizabeth Broun.

Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Colección Sonnabend, Oct. 30, 1987–Feb. 15, 1988. Traveled to Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, May 6–Sept. 25, 1988; Art Cologne, Nov. 10–16, 1988; Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Dec. 7, 1988–Feb. 26, 1989 (as Museum der Avantgarde: Die Sammlung Sonnabend, New York); Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome, April 14–Oct. 2, 1989 (as La collezione Sonnabend: Dalla pop art in poi); Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento, Italy, Nov. 4, 1989–Jan. 7, 1990; Musée Rath, Geneva, Jan. 28–April 16, 1990; Sezon Museum of Art, Tokyo, May 15–June 24, 1990; Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, July 3–Aug. 16, 1990; Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Sept. 22–Oct. 14, 1990; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Jan. 5–Feb. 11, 1991. Exh. cat. with essay by Michel Bourel.

Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, The World Is Round: Contemporary Panoramas, Nov. 20, 1987–Jan. 10, 1988. Traveled to Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, N.Y., Feb. 21–April 2, 1988; Arts and Science Center, Nashua, N.H., April 24–June 26, 1988; Albany Institute of History and Art, N.Y., July 22–Sept 18, 1988; State University of New York, New Paltz, Oct. 9–Nov. 25, 1988; Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, N.Y., Dec. 11, 1988–Feb. 26, 1989. Exh. cat. (Hudson River Museum, 1987) by Marcia Clark with statement by Rauschenberg.



Akira Ikeda Gallery, Tokyo, 30th Anniversary Leo Castelli: New Works by Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra, Frank Stella, Jan. 12–Feb. 5. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese) by Judith Goldman. 

Helander Gallery, Palm Beach, Fla., Five Floridians, Jan. 14–Feb. 10.

  • Kohen, Helen L. “5 from Florida.” Miami Herald, Jan. 10, 1988, sec. K, pp. 1, 3.

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Übrigens sterben immer die anderen: Marcel Duchamp und die Avantgarde seit 1950, Jan. 15–March 6. Exh. cat. with essays by Roberta Bernstein, Dieter Daniels, Alfred M. Fischer, Madeline Gins and Arakawa, Siegfried Gohr, Alain Jouffroy, Gerhard Kolberg, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Robert Lebel, Henry Martin, Serge Stauffer, and Hannah Wilke.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Committed to Print, Jan. 31–April 19. Traveled to University Art Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 30–Dec. 15; Peace Museum, Chicago, March 3–May 31, 1989; Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Sept. 23–Nov. 19, 1989; New York State Museum, Albany, Dec. 16, 1989–Feb. 11, 1990; Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, March 25–May 6, 1990; Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, Calif., July 20–Sept. 30, 1990. Exh. cat. by Deborah Wye.

Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Helsinki, Celebrating Leo Castelli and Pop Art: Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol, March 12–April 4. Exh. cat. (in English and Finnish) with essay by Leo Castelli and text by Laura de Coppet and Alan Jones.

University Center Gallery, Adelphi University, Garden City, N.Y., The Artist and the Choreographer: Sets and Studies for the Dance, March 13–April 22.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Aspects of Collage, Assemblage and the Found Object in Twentieth-Century Art, March 29–May 22. Exh. brochure.

McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, The McNay and the Texas Artist, July 1–Aug. 31. Exh. brochure.

Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Stationen der Moderne, Sept. 25, 1988–Jan. 8, 1989. Exh. cat.

Sarah Lawrence College Art Gallery, Bronxville, N.Y., Process and Print, Sept. 27–Nov. 23. Exh. cat. with essay by Alexanna Padilla.

Musée Saint Pierre Art Contemporain, Lyon, La Couleur seule: L’Expérience du monochrome, Oct. 7–Dec. 5. Exh. cat. with introduction by Thierry Raspail and essays by Alain Charre, Edmond Charrière, Thierry de Duve, Giorgio Franchetti, Jean-Claude Marcadé, Thomas McEvilley, Robert Nickas, Ursula Perucchi-Petri, Pierre Restany, Dieter Schwarz, and Richard Stanislawski.

Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Colección Leo Castelli, Oct. 7, 1988–Jan. 8, 1989. Exh. cat. with previously published essays by Judith Goldman, Gabriele Henkel, Jim Palette, Barbara Rose, and Calvin Tomkins.

Birmingham Museum of Art, Ala., Looking South: A Different Dixie, Oct. 14, 1988–Jan. 7, 1989. Traveled to Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, March 4–April 16, 1989; Sheldon Swope Museum of Art, Terre Haute, Ind., May 7–July 2, 1989; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Fla., Aug. 6–Oct. 1, 1989; Columbus Museum, Ga., Nov. 17, 1989–Jan. 30, 1990. Exh. cat. with essays by Michele Fleming, Robin Reidy, and Jeffrey J. York and Cindia Pickering.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Twentieth-Century Art: Selections for the Tenth Anniversary of the East Building, Dec. 13, 1988–Dec. 31, 1990. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. by Jeremy Strick.

Whitney Museum of American Art, downtown branch, New York, Identity: Representations of the Self, Dec. 14, 1988–Feb. 10, 1989. Exh. brochure with essays by Julia Blaut, Luke Dodd, Tom Folland, Eric Nooter, and Erika Wolf.



Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Avery Center for the Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Sequence (con)Sequence: (sub)Version of Photography in the 80s, Feb. 12–April 15. Exh. cat. edited by Julia Ballerini with essays by Ballerini, William S. Wilson, and Lori Zippay.

University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, Made in Florida, March 11–June 3. Traveled to Musée Cantini, Marseille, Sept. 15–Nov. 11; Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, Dec. 15, 1989–Feb. 3, 1990; Provinciaal Museum, Hasselt, Belgium, March 5–April 14, 1990; Centre d’Art en Santa Monica, Barcelona, May 14–June 23, 1990; Jacksonville Art Museum, Fla., Sept. 14–Nov. 3, 1990; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Jan. 23–March 4, 1991; Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Fla., March 24–May 6, 1991; Brevard Art Center and Museum, Melbourne, Fla., May 22–July 8, 1991; Pensacola Art Museum, Fla., Sept. 11–Nov. 1, 1991; Orlando Museum of Art, Nov. 20, 1991–Jan. 20, 1992. Exh. cat. with essay by David W. Courtney and texts by Joseph Jacobs.

Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Conn., The “Junk” Aesthetic: Assemblage of the 1950s and Early 1960s, April 7–June 14. Traveled to Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, New York, June 30–Aug. 23. Exh. brochure with essay by Roni Feinstein.

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Bilderstreit, April 8–June 28. Exh. cat. by Johannes Gachnang and Siegfried Gohr with essays by Hans Belting, André Berne-Joffroy, Émile Cioran, Michael Compton, Piet de Jonge, René Denizot, Jole de Sanna, Wilfried Dickhoff, Luciano Fabro, R. H. Fuchs, Johannes Gachnang, Siegfried Gohr, Antje von Graevenitz, Kay Heymer, Per Kirkeby, Christiane Meyer-Thoss, Walter Nikkels, Rudolf Schmitz, Mathias Schreiber, Dieter Schwarz, Walter Seitter, Reiner Speck, Georges Teyssot, and Eduard Trier.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Works on Paper by Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Larry Rivers, April 14, 1989–Feb. 4, 1990.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, First Impressions, June 4–Sept. 10. Traveled to Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, Dec. 2, 1989–Jan. 21, 1990; Baltimore Museum of Art, Feb. 25–April 22, 1990; Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, June 21–Sept. 16, 1990. Exh. cat. with introduction by Elizabeth Armstrong and essays by Armstrong and Sheila McGuire.

  • Armstrong, Elizabeth. “First Impressions.” Print Collector’s Newsletter (New York) 20, no. 2 (May–June 1989), pp. 41–46.

Duson Gallery, Seoul, Five Great American Artists: Warhol, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Stella, June 23–July 12. Organized in collaboration with Leo Castelli.

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., Art by Chance: Fortuitous Impressions, July 22–Sept. 3. Exh. cat. by George L. McKenna.

Wiener Secession, Wittgenstein: Das Spiel des Unsagbaren/The Play of the Unsayable, Sept. 13–Oct. 29. Traveled to Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (as Wittgenstein: Het Spel van het Naamloze/Le Jeu de l’indicible), Dec. 17, 1989–Jan. 20, 1990. Exh. cat. (Brussels; in Dutch, English, and French) with introduction by Marcel Huys and Edelbert Köb and essays by Chris Bezzel, Hammel-Haider, Otto Kapfinger, Joseph Kosuth, Georg Kreisel, Bernhard Leitner, Michael Nedo, Irene Nierhaus, Cecilia Sjögran, Joseph P. Stern, Gert Walden, Paul Wijdeveld, and Ernst Zeibig.

City Gallery of Contemporary Art, Raleigh, N.C., Black and White since 1960, Sept. 15–Dec. 23. Traveled to Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn., March 10–May 20, 1990; Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., Oct. 28, 2006–Feb. 25, 2007, and Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, Conn., Jan. 8–Feb. 16, 2007. Exh. brochure (Greenwich and Norwalk). Exh. cat.

Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, Fla., Under Pressure: Western Printmaking from the Fifteenth Century to the Present, Sept. 23–Nov. 12. Exh. cat. with essays by Jane Kessler and Martha Tedeschi.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Image World: Art and Media Culture, Nov. 8, 1989–Feb. 18, 1990. Exh. cat. by Marvin Heiferman and Lisa Phillips with John G. Hanhardt with essays by Hanhardt, Heiferman, and Phillips.

  • Hoberman, J. “Brave New Image World.” Village Voice (New York), Nov. 28, 1989, pp. 41–42.
  • Hughes, Robert. “Mucking with Media.” Time (Dec. 25, 1989), p. 93.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Donations Daniel Cordier: le regard d’un amateur, Nov. 22, 1989–Jan. 21, 1990. Exh. cat.

Villa Stuck, Munich, Anni und Josef Albers: Eine Retrospektive, Dec. 15, 1989–Feb. 25, 1990. Traveled to Josef Albers Museum, Bottrop, Germany, April 29–June 4, 1990. Exh. cat. by Maximilian Schell and essay by Werner Spies.



Franklin Furnace Archive, New York, Contemporary Illustrated Books: Word and Image, 1967–1988, Jan. 12–Feb. 28. Organized by Independent Curators, New York. Traveled to Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., April 5–June 3; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Feb. 8–April 7, 1991. Exh. cat. with essay by Donna Stein.

  • Perreault, John. “Making Book.” Village Voice (New York), Feb. 27, 1990, p. 85.
  • Cantrell, Scott. “A Magnificent Mix of Print and Art.” Kansas City Star (Mo.), May 13, 1990, sec. H, p. 6.
  • MacAdam, Alfred. “Contemporary Illustrated Books: Franklin Furnace.” Artnews (New York) 89, no. 6 (Summer 1990), pp. 176–77.

International Center of Photography Midtown, New York, The Indomitable Spirit, Feb. 9–April 7. Organized by Photographers and Friends United Against AIDS. Traveled to Fraenkel Gallery, New York, March 14–April 14; Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, May 15–July 15; BlumHelman Gallery, Los Angeles; Gallery for Fine Photography, New Orleans; Rhona Hoffman, Chicago. Exh. cat. with introduction by Marvin Heiferman.

Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Art in Europe and America: The 1950s and 1960s, Feb. 17–April 22. Exh. brochure with introduction by Claudia Gould and essay by Sarah Rogers-Lafferty.

Scott Hanson Gallery, New York, Token Gestures: A Painting Show, March 3–31. Exh. cat. by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo.

Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Octavio Paz: Los privilegios de la vista, March 27–July 1. Exh. cat. with prologue by Octavio Paz, introduction by Robert R. Littman, and essays by Dore Ashton, Damián Bayón, Claude Esteban, Beatriz de la Fuente, Alberto Ruy Sánchez, Severo Sarduy, Pierre Schneidger, Charles Tomlinson, Guillermo Tovar de Teresa, Luis Roberto Vera, and Eliot Weinberger.

Modus Vivendi, Zurich, Pools, March 28–April 25. Organized by Stuart Levy Gallery. Traveled to Art Moderne Gallery, Moscow, May 25–June 25; Norton Museum of Art, Palm Beach, Fla., Oct. 6–Nov. 18; Stuart Levy Gallery and Helander Gallery, New York, June 12–July 31, 1991; Aspen Art Museum, Colo., July 16–Sept. 7, 1992. Exh. cat. (in English and Russian) with introduction by Robert Mahoney and essay by Jerzy Kosinski.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, The ’60s in Print, April 17–July 24. 

Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna, Amerikanische Zeichnungen in den achtziger Jahren, May 16–July 1. Traveled to Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany, Sept. 12–Nov. 4. Exh. cat. (Munich: Fred Jahn, 1990; in English and German) with essay by Roberta Smith.

Musée Russe, Leningrad, Le Territoire de l’art, 1910–1990, May 31–July 16. Exh. brochure (in French and Russian) with essay by Serge Fauchereau.

Milwaukee Art Museum, Word as Image: American Art 1960–1990, June 15–Aug. 26. Traveled to Oklahoma City Art Museum, Nov. 17, 1990–Feb. 2, 1991; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Feb. 23–May 12, 1991. Exh. cat. with introduction by Russell Bowman and Dean Sobel and essays by Gerry Biller, Bowman, and Sobel.

Casino Knokke, Knokke-Heist, Belgium, Leo Castelli’s Artists: USA 1970–1990, June 25–Sept. 2. Organized in collaboration with Leo Castelli. Exh. cat. (in Dutch, English, and French) with introduction by Otto Hahn.

Hofstra University Museum, Hempstead, N.Y., The Transparent Thread: Asian Philosophy in Recent American Art, Sept. 16–Nov. 11. Traveled to Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Avery Center for the Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1990–Feb. 14, 1991; Salina Art Center, Kans., March 21–May 23, 1991; Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, June 8–July 28, 1991; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, Sept. 6–Oct. 30, 1991; Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, Calif., Nov. 22, 1991–Feb. 9, 1992. Exh. cat. by Geri De Paoli and Gail Gelburd.

  • Moorman, Margaret. “Disparate Delicacies Bloom in ‘Transparent Thread.’” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), Oct. 5, 1990, part 2, p. 19.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, High and Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture, Oct. 7, 1990–Jan. 15, 1991. Traveled to Art Institute of Chicago, Feb. 23–May 12, 1991; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, June 21–Sept. 15, 1991. Exh. cat. with essays by Adam Gopnik and Kirk Varnedoe.

  • Jenkins, Nicholas. “Kirk Varnedoe: Highlow, Hotcool.” Artnews (New York) 89, no. 8 (Oct. 1990), pp. 165–67.
  • Smith, Roberta. “High and Low Culture Meet on a One-Way Street.” New York Times, Oct. 5, 1990, sec. C, pp. 1, 25.
  • Deitcher, David. “A Fine Disregard.” Village Voice (New York), Oct. 16, 1990, Art, pp. 99–100.
  • Kimmelman, Michael. “‘High and Low’ Misses the Ins and Outs of Modern Art.” New York Times, Oct. 21, 1990, sec. 2, pp. 41, 43.

Katonah Museum of Art, N.Y., The Technological Muse, Nov. 11, 1990–Feb. 3, 1991. Exh. brochure.

National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul Art Festival, Nov. 20, 1990–Feb. 20, 1991.

Texas Gallery, Houston, Art That Happens to Be Photography, Dec. 11, 1990–Jan. 26, 1991.

Galleria d’arte il Gabbiano, Rome, Realtà e visione, Dec. 16, 1990–Jan. 31, 1991. Exh. cat. with essay by Enzo Siciliano.



Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, Who Framed Modern Art? Or the Quantitative Life of Roger Rabbit, Jan. 10–Feb. 16. Exh. cat. with text by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo.

Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, El sueño de Egipto (La influencia del arte egipcio en el arte contemporáneo), Feb. 21–May 26. Exh. cat. with essay by Robert R. Littman.

Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, Setting the Stage: Contemporary Artists Design for the Performing Arts, Feb. 24–April 21. Exh. cat. with essay by Susan L. Davis.

Tate Gallery, London, Pop Prints: Aspects of Printmaking in Britain and the U.S.A., 1959–1982, March 6–June 23.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Biennial Exhibition, April 2–June 30. Exh. cat. with introduction by Richard Marshall and essays by Richard Armstrong, John G. Hanhardt, and Lisa Phillips.

65 Thompson St., New York, Master Drawings 1520–1990, April 13–May 11. Exh. cat. with essay by J. Patrice Marandel and texts by Alison de Lima Greene, Kate Ganz, Dorothy Kosinski, and Marandel.

Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, Die Würde und der Mut: “L’Art moral”, April 20–Sept. 15. Exh. cat. (in English, French, and German) with essays by Michel Tapié de Céleyrand, Henri Michaux, Manfred de la Motte, Georg Nothelfer, and Lucie Schauer, and previously published essays by Julien Alvard, René Déroudille, Otto van de Loo, and Pierre Restany.

Guild Hall, East Hampton, N.Y., Aspects of Collage, May 5–June 9. Exh. cat. with introduction and essay by Christina Mossaides Strassfield.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Seven Master Printmakers: Innovations in the 1980s, May 16–Aug. 13. Traveled to Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Nov. 1, 1991–Jan. 2, 1992; Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Jan. 20–March 15, 1992; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, April 15–May 31, 1992; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, June 15–Aug. 3, 1992; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Aug. 19–Sept. 27, 1992; Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, Oct. 17–Dec. 6 1992; Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice (as Sept maîtres de l’estampe), Jan. 22–March 14, 1993. Exh. brochure (Nice, Sept maîtres de l’estampe). Exh. cat. by Riva Castleman.

  • Smith, Roberta. “Narrow Notions of Greatness at the Modern.” New York Times, June 23, 1991, sec. H, pp. 29, 32.
  • Kohen, Helen L. “Prints Sum up the Outrageous ’80s.” Miami Herald, Nov. 3, 1991, sec. I, p. 2.

Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Interactions: Collaborations in the Visual and Performing Arts, May 22–July 7. Exh. cat. with essay by Judith Tannenbaum.

Whitney Museum of American Art, downtown branch, New York, Constructing American Identity, June 19–Aug. 30. Exh. brochure with introduction by Eric Miles and essays by Elizabeth Bigham and Andrew Perchuk, and Ellen Tepfer.

Fondation Daniel Templon, Musée Temporaire, Fréjus, France, La Sculpture contemporaine: Après 1970, July 4–Sept. 29. Exh. cat.

Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, Beyond the Frame: American Art 1960–1990, July 6–Aug. 18. Traveled to National Museum of Art, Osaka, Aug. 29–Sept. 29; Fukuoka Art Museum, Nov. 15–Dec. 15. Exh. cat. with introduction by Lynn Gumpert and essays by Gumpert and Brian Wallis.

Neue Pinakothek, Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munich, Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne, July 18–Oct. 27. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. with essays by Ulrich Bischoff, Hannes Böhringer, John Cage, Daniel Charles, Thomas Dreher, Mary Emma Harris, Detlef Knipping, Barbara Moore, Klaus Schöning, Robyn Schulkowsky, Heidrun Schwub, Clelia Segieth, and Antje von Graevenitz, and previously published essay by Cage.

Guild Hall, East Hampton, N.Y., A View from the Sixties: Selections from the Leo Castelli Collection and the Michael and Ileana Sonnabend Collection, Aug. 10–Sept. 22. Exh. cat. by Sam Hunter with essays by Hunter and Robert C. Morgan.

  • Smith, Roberta. “Vision of the 60’s, From 2 Dealers Who Shaped It.” New York Times, Aug. 16, 1991, sec. C, pp. 1, 17.
  • Lipson, Karin. “View from an Active Art Era.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), Aug. 21, 1991, Nassau County edition, sec. 2, p. 61.

Graphicstudio Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, Opening Exhibition, Sept. 1–Oct. 31.

Royal Academy of Arts, London, Pop Art, Sept. 13–Dec. 15. Traveled to Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Jan. 22–April 21, 1992; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, June 23–Sept. 14, 1992; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Oct. 23, 1992–Jan. 24, 1993. Exh. cats. (London, 1991; Munich: Prestel, 1992, in German; Arte Pop, Madrid: Electa España, 1992, in Spanish; Montreal, 1992) edited by Marco Livingstone with introductions by Livingstone and Sarat Magaraj, and essays by Dan Cameron, Constance W. Glenn, Thomas Kellein, Livingstone, Alfred Pacquement, and Evelyn Weiss. Additional essay by Valeriano Bozal in Madrid edition.

  • Dorment, Richard. “Painting That Jumps Off the Gallery Wall.” Daily Telegraph (London), Sept. 13, 1991, Arts, p. 12.
  • Taylor, John Russell. “Is Pop’s Corn Still Worth Serious Lolly?” Times (London), Sept. 13, 1991, p. 15.
  • Larson, Kay. “Top of the Pop.” New York 24, no. 38 (Sept. 30, 1991), pp. 72–73.
  • Smith, Geoffrey. “Knockout of a Pop Art Show.” Washington Times, Oct. 4, 1991, sec. E, pp. 1, 4.
  • Hughes, Robert. “Wallowing in the Mass Media Sea.” Time (New York) 138, no. 17 (Oct. 28, 1991), pp. 102–03.
  • Crow, Thomas. “The Children’s Hour.” Artforum (New York) 30, no. 4 (Dec. 1991), pp. 84–88.

Tampa Museum of Art, Graphicstudio/U.S.F.: Collaborations in Contemporary Art, Sept. 15–Dec. 1. Traveled to John and Mable Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Fla. (as Collaborations in Contemporary Art: Graphicstudio U.S.F.), June 26–Sept. 13, 1992; Orlando Museum of Art, Oct. 2–Nov. 29, 1992.

  • Twardy, Chuck. “Diverse, Dynamic Exhibits.” Orlando Sentinel, Aug. 25, 1991.
  • Altabe, Joan. “Graphic Description: Ringling Museum Puts Its Stamp on Print Show.” Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Fla.), June 21, 1992, sec. G, pp. 1, 4.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Graphicstudio: Contemporary Art from the Collaborative Workshop at the University of South Florida, Sept. 15, 1991–Jan. 5, 1992. Exh. cat. with introduction by Ruth E. Fine.

  • O’Neill, Joe. “Graphicstudio.” University of South Florida Magazine (Tampa) 33, no. 5 (Summer 1991), pp. 4–7.
  • Roberts, Roxanne. “Artists and Their Playground.” Washington Post, Sept. 13, 1991, sec. C, p. 2.
  • Altabe, Joan. “Graphicstudio: USF Workshop Leaves Its Print on the Arts in Tampa.” Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Fla.), Sept. 15, 1991, sec. G, pp. 1, 4.
  • Harper, James. “An Artistic Triumph.” St. Petersburg Times (Fla.), Sept. 15, 1991, sec. F, pp. 1–7.
  • Lewis, Jo Ann. “The Mother of Invention.” Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1991, sec. B, pp. 1, 10–11.
  • Gibson, Eric. “Graphics Show One Big Recycling Operation.” Washington Times, Sept. 19, 1991, sec. E, p. 2.
  • Sweeney, Louise. “Hotbed of Art Innovation.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Dec. 6, 1991, p. 13.

Emily Davis Gallery, University of Akron, Ohio, The Encompassing Eye: Photography as Drawing, Oct. 22–Nov. 16. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, June 12–July 31, 1993. Exh. cat. (Aperture [New York], no. 125 [Autumn 1991], pp. 56–71) with essays by Charles Hagen and Donald Saff.



Stephen Solovy Fine Art, Chicago, Drawings for the Stage, Jan. 11–Feb. 28.

Lingotto, Turin, Arte Americana 1930–1970 (American Art 1930–1970), Jan. 11–March 31. Exh. cat. (Milan: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1992; English and Italian editions) with introduction by Attilio Codognato; essays by Matthew Baigell, Kenneth Baker, Renato Barilli, Alberto Boatto, Furio Colombo, Claudio Gorlier, and Sam Hunter; and previously published texts by artists and critics.

  • Dzieduszycki, Michele. “I colori dell’America.” Europeo (Turin), no. 3 (Jan. 17, 1992), pp. 94–97, 99.
  • Casali, Silvia. “Arte americana.” Taxiart (Turin) 2, no. 4 (March–April 1992), pp. 14–15.

Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Stars in Florida, Feb. 7–March 22. Exh. brochure with introduction by Kenworth W. Moffett.

  • Marger, Mary Ann. “State to Honor Artists, Patrons.” St. Petersburg Times (Fla.), Feb. 17, 1992, sec. D, p. 3.

Baltimore Museum of Art, Marking the Decades: Prints 1960–1990, Feb. 23–April 26. Exh. cat. with essay by Jan Howard.

Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, The Endowed Chair, March 14–April 18. Exh. cat. with introduction by Franklin Parrasch and essay by Arthur C. Danto.

Arts Club of Chicago, Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, May 12–June 26.

  • Delacoma, Wynne. “Arts Club of Chicago Celebrates 75 Years on the Cutting Edge.” Chicago Sun-Times, May 10, 1992, Arts and Show, p. 5.

James Corcoran Gallery, Santa Monica, 1958, closed May 23.

  • Wilson, William. “A Small but Vivid ‘1958’ at Corcoran Gallery.” Los Angeles Times, April 21, 1992, Orange County edition, sec. F, pp. 1, 6.

Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan, Innovation in Collaborative Printmaking: Kenneth Tyler 1963–1992, June 13–July 26. Traveled to Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan, Aug. 6–Sept. 20; Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, Japan, Oct. 3–25; Tokushima Modern Art Museum, Japan, Oct. 31–Dec. 6; Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art, Japan, Jan. 5–Feb. 28, 1993. Exh. cat. with essays by Toro Amano, Pat Gilmour, and Mitsuo Yoshikawa.

Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Territorium Artis, June 19–Sept. 20. Exh. cat. by Pontus Hultén with introduction by Helmut Kohl and previously published statements by Rauschenberg.

  • Galloway, David. “Putting on the Ritz in Bonn.” International Herald Tribune (Paris), Aug. 1–2, 1992, Art, p. 6.

Photokina, Cologne, Selections 6: Works from the Polaroid Collection, Sept. 16–22. Traveled to North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, Jan. 14–Feb. 25, 1996; Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, March 15–April 30, 1996; John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, Calif., May 20–July 28, 1996; University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Aug. 25–Sept. 27, 1996; Gallery of Contemporary Art, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Nov. 15, 1996–Jan. 3, 1997; Baum Gallery, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Feb. 4–March 14, 1997; Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, March 24–April 20, 1997; Lancaster Museum of Art, Pa., May 1–June 12, 1997; University of West Florida, Pensacola, Sept. 9–Oct. 11, 1997; Turman Gallery, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Oct. 23–Nov. 21, 1997; Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., Jan. 20–Feb. 18, 1998; Mulvane Art Museum, Washburn University, Topeka, Kan., June 19–Aug. 9, 1998; Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, Aug. 31–Oct. 2, 1998; West Bend Art Museum, Wis., Feb. 24–April 4, 1999; Kennesaw State University Art Gallery, Ga., June 2–July 14, 1999; Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Oct. 15–Dec. 31, 1999.

Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, Calif., Both Art and Life: Gemini G.E.L. at Twenty-Five, Sept. 22–Nov. 29. Traveled to Chicago Cultural Center, Feb. 5–April 20, 1994; Cornell Museum of Art, Winter Park, Fla., Nov. 14, 1994–Jan. 6, 1995; Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., April 15–June 3, 1995; Anchorage Museum of Art, Oct. 1–Nov. 19, 1995; Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Fla., Nov. 1–Dec. 13, 1996. Exh. cat. (Artists at Gemini G.E.L.: Celebrating the Twenty-Fifth Year; New York: Harry N. Abrams, and Los Angeles: Gemini G.E.L., 1993) by Mark Rosenthal with introduction by Michael Botwinick, essay by Rosenthal, and interview with Rauschenberg.

  • Wilson, William. “‘Gemini Duplicates Art, Life.” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 22, 1992.
  • ———. “‘Gemini at 25’: Celebrating a Child of ’60s.” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 25, 1992, sec. F, pp. 26–27.
  • Lipson, Karin. “Gemini Workshop’s Silver Celebration.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), May 5, 1995, sec. B, p.16.
  • Harrison, Helen A. “An Anniversary in the Evolution of Iconoclastic Graphics: ‘Both Art and Life: Gemini G.E.L. at 25.’” New York Times, May 14, 1995, Long Island Weekly edition, Art, p. 26.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., The Spirit of Genius, Sept. 27, 1992–Jan. 3, 1993. Exh. cat. with essays by Eugene R. Gaddis and Patrick McCaughey.

Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Picturing Paradise: Art and the Rainforests, Oct. 3–Nov. 29. Traveled to Chicago Botanical Gardens.

  • Fox, Catherine. “Artists Respond to Nature with Wonder and Anger.” Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution, Oct. 5, 1992, sec. C, p. 3.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Repetición/Transformación, Oct. 6–Dec. 6. Exh. cat. (in English and Spanish) with introduction by María de Corral, José M. Alvarez del Manzano, and Pablo López de Osaba; essays by Aurora García, Pablo López de Osaba, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Michael Tarantino; and statement by Rauschenberg.

Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Pop on Paper, Nov. 21, 1992–Jan. 17, 1993.

  • Koeppel, Fredric. “Images from Movies, Magazines, Billboards Rise to Museum Piece.” Commercial Appeal (Memphis), Nov. 22, 1992, sec. G, p. 1.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Hand-Painted Pop: American Art in Transition, 1955–1962, Dec. 6, 1992–March 7, 1993. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 3–June 20, 1993; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 16–Oct. 3, 1993. Exh. cat. with introduction by Donna De Salvo and Paul Schimmel, and essays by David Deitcher, De Salvo, Stephen C. Foster, Dick Hebdige, Linda Norden, Schimmel, Kenneth E. Silver, and John Yau.

  • Bevan, Roger. “The Infancy of Pop Art.” Art Newspaper (London), no. 23 (Dec. 1992), p. 8.
  • Knight, Christopher. “When Pop First Popped.” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 6, 1992, Calendar, pp. 3, 88–89.
  • Baker, Kenneth. “L.A. Show Traces ’50s Transition to Pop.” San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle, Feb. 7, 1993, Datebook, pp. 45–46.
  • Bonetti, David. “Feasting on Fresh Look at Pop Art.” San Francisco Examiner, Feb. 11, 1993, sec. C, pp. 1, 4.
  • Cutajar, Mario. “When Pop was Young: ‘Hand-Painted Pop’ at MOCA.” Artspace (Los Angeles) (March–April 1993), pp. 82–85.
  • Holg, Garrett. “A Return Visit to Era When the Art World Went ‘Pop.’” Chicago Sun-Times, March 28, 1993, Arts and Show, pp. 1, 11.
  • Artner, Alan G. “Pop Art’s Start.” Chicago Tribune, April 18, 1993, sec. 13, pp. 14–15.
  • Duncan, Michael. “Painterly Pop.” Art in America (New York) 81, no. 7 (July 1993), pp. 86–89, 117.
  • Kimmelman, Michael. “Explosive Painting: The Path to Pop.” New York Times, July 9, 1993, sec. C, pp. 1, 24.
  • Wallach, Amei. “Pop from Old Eyes and a Fresh Look.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), July 9, 1993, sec. 2, p. 55.
  • “Art: Proto Pop.” New Yorker 69, no. 24 (Aug. 2, 1993), p. 10.
  • Kramer, Hilton. “Pop Goes the Art World! Whitney’s Academic Kitsch.” New York Observer, Aug. 2–9, 1993, pp. 1, 19.
  • Hughes, Robert. “When the Easel Went Pop.” Time (New York) 142, no. 7 (Aug. 16, 1993), pp. 54–55.
  • Patner, Andrew. “‘Hand-Painted Pop’ after the Action Painters, a Wealth of Surprises.” Art and Antiques (New York) 15, no. 7 (Sept. 1993), p. 87.
  • Kleeblatt, Norman L. “Multivalent Voices.” Art in America (New York) 83, no. 12 (Dec. 1995), pp. 29–31, 35.



Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, Darkness and Light: Twentieth-Century Works from Texas Collections, Jan. 22–March 28. Exh. cat. with essay by Elizabeth Ward.

  • Johnson, Patricia C. “It’s There in Black and White.” Houston Chronicle, Jan. 31, 1993, Zest, p. 11.

Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, “Four Rooms” and a “House Ball”: Pop and the Everyday Object, Jan. 27–April 25.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Anderson Collection Gift of American Pop Art, Feb. 4–May 30. Exh. brochure with text by Janet C. Bishop.

Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Un’avventura internazionale: Torino e le arti 1950–1970, Feb. 5–April 25. Exh. cat. with essays by Marella Agnelli; Guido Davico Bonino; Michel Bourel; Gian Piero Brunetta; Benedetto Camerana, Roberto Gabetti, and Aimaro Isola; Germano Celant; Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco; Cesare de Sata; Pietro Derossi; Paolo Fossati; Ida Gianelli; Marcello Levi; Mario Messinis and Paolo Pinamonti; Ada Minola; Alberto Papuzzi; and Giorgio Verzotti.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Late Modern Drawings, 1960s–1970s, March 12–May 23.

  • Buchard, Hank. “From a Plea for Help, a Fix on Art in the 1960s–’70s.” Philadelphia Inquirer, March 28, 1993, sec. F, p. 6.

Chicago Cultural Center, The Nature of the Machine, An Exhibition of Kinetic and Biokinetic Art, April 3–May 30. Organized by City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs. Exh. cat. with introduction by Lanny Silverman and essay by Douglas Davis.

  • Artner, Alan G. “Oh, Those Marvelous Toys.” Chicago Tribune, April 25, 1993, sec. 13, pp. 22–23.
  • Holg, Garrett. “Finding Magic in Mechanical Art.” Chicago Sun-Times, April 25, 1993, sec. B, pp. 5, 12.

National Arts Club, New York, Art and Environment, April 21–May 1.

Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, American Art in the Twentieth Century: Painting and Sculpture 1913–1993, May 8–July 25. Traveled to Royal Academy of Arts and Saatchi Gallery, London, Sept. 16–Dec. 12. Exh. cat. (Munich: Prestel, Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Zeitgeist-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1993; English and German editions) edited by Christos M. Joachimides and Norman Rosenthal with essays by Brooks Adams, David Anfam, Richard Armstrong, John Beardsley, Neal Benezra, Achille Bonito Oliva, Arthur C. Danto, Abraham A. Davidson, Wolfgang Max Faust, Mary Emma Harris, Joachimides, Thomas Kellein, Donald Kuspit, Mary Lublin, Karal Ann Marling, Barbara Moore, Francis V. O’Connor, Stephen Polcari, Carter Ratcliff, Rosenthal, Irving Sandler, Wieland Schmied, Peter Selz, Gail Stavitsky, and Douglas Tallack.

  • Glozer, Laszlo. “Festmahl auf Kosten der Geschichte.” Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), May 13, 1993, p. 13.
  • Feaver, William. “Notices: The Big Picture.” Vogue (London), Sept. 1993, p. 61.
  • Dorment, Richard. “Picturing a World beyond Words.” Daily Telegraph (London), Sept. 15, 1993, p. 18.
  • Hughes, Robert. “The View from Piccadilly.” Time (New York) 142, no. 14 (Oct. 4, 1993), pp. 78–79.
  • Lee, David. “American Art: The Good, the Bad and Julian Schnabel.” Art Review (London) 45 (Nov. 1993), pp. 32–38.

Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Serial Explorations: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art, May 11–Aug. 22.

Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, Singular Dimensions in Painting, May 27, 1993–Jan. 4, 1994. Exh. brochure.

  • Smith, Roberta. “More to It than Meets the Eye: A Show of Minimalist Paintings.” New York Times, Sept. 3, 1993, sec. C, p. 14.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Drawing the Line Against AIDS, June 8–13. Exh. cat. (New York: amfAR; in English and Italian) by John Cheim.

45th Venice Biennale, Palazzo Grassi, Il suono rapido delle cose: Cage and Company, June 9–Oct. 10.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Abject Art: Repulsion and Desire in American Art, June 23–Aug. 29. Exh. cat. with introduction and essays by Jack Ben-Levi, Craig Houser, Leslie C. Jones, and Simon Taylor.

  • Wallach, Amei. “An Abstract View of New.” Record (New York), Aug. 6, 1993, Previews, p. 22.

20th International Biennial of Graphic Art, International Centre of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, The Exhibition of the Grand Prize Winners from 1955 to 1991, June 25–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. (in English and Slovenian) with previously published text by Joshua C. Taylor.

Taejon International Exposition, Korea, United States Pavilion, Renewing Our Earth: The Artistic Vision, Aug. 7–Nov. 7. Exh. brochure by Nancy L. Pressly.

  • “Future Is Now at Korea Show.” New York Times, Sept. 5, 1993.

Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Die Sprache der Kunst, Sept. 3–Oct. 17. Traveled to Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Dec. 3, 1993–Feb. 20, 1994. Exh. cat. with essays by Timothy Baum, Kees Broos, Ina Conzen-Meairs, Vilém Flusser, Antje von Graevenitz, Gerhard Kolberg, Michael Ligner, Hans-Ulrich Reck, Sigfried J. Schmidt, Elka Spoerri, Christian Theo Steiner, Toni Stoss, Willy Verkauf-Verlon, and Peter Weiermair.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Rolywholyover     A Circus, Sept. 12–Nov. 28. Traveled to the Menil Collection, Houston, Jan. 14–April 3, 1994; Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, April 23–July 31, 1994; Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito, Japan, Nov. 3, 1994–Feb. 26, 1995; Philadelphia Museum of Art, May 21–June 30, 1995. Exh. brochure (Mito). Exh. cat. with essays by John Cage, Anne d’Harnoncourt, Laura Kuhn, Julie Lazar, Marshall McLuhan, Joan Retallack, Daisetz T. Suzuki, Mark Swed, and Andrew Weil, and chronology by Ellesworth Snyder.

  • McKenna, Kristine. “200-Ring Circus.” Los Angeles (Sept. 1993), pp. 118–20.
  • Swed, Mark. “The Art World: Cage by Chance.” New Yorker 69, no. 32 (Oct. 4, 1993), p. 212.
  • Kalil, Susie. “Three-Ring Museum.” Houston Press, Jan. 27–Feb. 2, 1994, pp. 29–30.
  • Stearns, David Patrick. “Late Composer John Cage and the Art of Randomness.” USA Today (Washington, D.C.), April 4, 1994, sec. D, p. 3.
  • Wallach, Amei. “Uncaging ‘A Circus’ of Sensations.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), April 26, 1994, part 2, p. 9.
  • Smith, Roberta. “Aspects of John Cage, for the Eye.” New York Times, May 6, 1994, sec. C, p. 26.
  • Sozanski, Edward J. “Cage’s ‘Circus’ at Art Museum: It’s a Celebration of Taking Chances.” Philadelphia Inquirer, June 11, 1995, sec. L, pp. 1, 5.

Murray and Isabella Rayburn Foundation, New York, Roma—New York 1948–1964An Art Exploration, Nov. 5, 1993–Jan. 10, 1994. Exh. cat. with essay by Germano Celant.

  • Cotter, Holland. “Art in Review: Roma—New York 1948–1964.” New York Times, Jan. 7, 1994, sec. C, p. 23.

Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, Peinture: emblèmes et références, Dec. 10, 1993–Feb. 27, 1994. Exh. cat.

  • Millet, Catherine. “CAPC, an Anniversary in Paint.” Art Press (Paris), no. 187 (Jan. 1994), pp. E13–17.

Betty Rymer Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars: Death, Reverence, and the Struggle for Equality in America, Dec. 17, 1993–Feb. 2, 1994.

  • Stamets, Bill. “Artists Turn Pop Perspective on Lincoln and Malcolm X.” Chicago Sun-Times, Jan. 5, 1994, sec. 2, p. 35.



Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Pop Art: The 1960s and Beyond, Jan. 3–April 10.

Denver Art Museum, Experimental Vision: The Evolution of the Photogram since 1919, Jan. 15–March 27. Exh. cat. with essays by Thomas Barrow, Charles Hagen, and Floris M. Neusüss.

  • Walbye, Phyllis. “Photograms: Denver Art Museum Shows Works ‘Painted with Light.’” Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald (Colo.), March 5, 1994, p. 3.
  • Mason, Marilynne S. “Seeing the World Through Photograms.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), March 21, 1994, p. 16.

Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, Outside the Frame: Performance and the Object, Feb. 11–May 1. Traveled to Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art/Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, New York, Feb. 26–June 18, 1995. Exh. cat. with introduction by David S. Rubin and Marjorie Talalay and essays by Robyn Brentano and Olivia Georgia.

  • Daniels, Barry. “The Challenge of Documenting Rauschenbergic Process of Performance Art.” Gay People’s Chronicle (Cleveland, Ohio), Feb. 25, 1994, pp. 12–13.
  • Litt, Steven. “Performance Art Exhibition Should Be on Your Agenda.” Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), March 20, 1994, sec. I, p. 4.
  • Fressola, Michael J. “Outside the Frame.” Staten Island Advance (New York), Feb. 24, 1995, sec. B, pp. 1, 3.

Newton Arts Center, Newtonville, Mass., After the ‘Accident’: The Unpredictable Print, Feb. 25–March 27.

  • Temin, Christine. “Top-Notch Art That Happened by Chance.” Boston Globe, March 9, 1994, Living/Arts, pp. 61, 65.
  • Sherman, Mary. “‘Accident’ Launches Newton Print Show.” Boston Herald, March 13, 1994, p. 46.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Under Development: Dreaming the MCA’s Collection, April 30–Aug. 28. Exh. brochure with essay by Richard Francis and Lynne Warren.

American Academy in Rome, American Art in Italian Private Collections, May 27–June 30. Exh. cat. (in English and Italian) by Martha Boyden with essays by Maurizio Calvesi, Giovanni Carandente, and Gabriella Drudi.

City Art Centre, Edinburgh, Worlds in a Box, May 28–July 16. Organized by South Bank Centre, London, for the Arts Council of Great Britain. Traveled to Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, July 30–Sept. 24; Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Oct. 10–Nov. 30; Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, Dec. 9, 1994–Feb. 12, 1995. Exh. brochure (Edinburgh). Exh. cat. (London) with essay by Alexandra Noble.

  • Taylor, John Russell. “Boxers Pack a Serious Punch.” Times (London), June 8, 1994, Arts, p. 40.
  • Sewell, Brian. “Life’s Box of Tricks.” Evening Standard (London), Jan. 5, 1995, Arts, p. 30.
  • McEwen, John. “Some Boxes are Better Left Closed.” Sunday Telegraph (London), Jan. 8, 1995, Art, p. 8.
  • Del Renzio, Toni. “Boxing Clever.” Art Monthly (London), no. 183 (Feb. 1995), pp. 17–19.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Gemini G.E.L.: Recent Prints and Sculpture, June 5–Oct. 2. Exh. cat. with introduction by Ruth E. Fine and essay by Charles Ritchie.

  • Carnegie, M. D. “Priceless Pearls of Printmaking at Gallery.” Washington Times, July 24, 1994, sec. D, p. 2.
  • Wilson, Janet. “Gemini G.E.L.: Where the Sky’s the Limit.” Artnews (New York) 93, no. 7 (Sept. 1994), p. 88.

Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, Forecast: Shifts in Direction, Aug. 27–Oct. 23. Exh. cat. with essay by Van Deren Coke.

Graphicstudio, Tampa, Portraits: Selections from Twenty-Five Years of Graphicstudio Works, Sept. 16–Oct. 31.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Art after Art, Sept. 27, 1994–Jan. 2, 1995. Exh. cat. with essays by Franklin Hill Perrell and Constance Schwartz.

22nd São Paulo Biennial, Oct. 12–Dec. 11. Exh. cat. (in English and Portuguese) with introduction by Nelson Aguilar, essays by Luciano Figueiredo, Felipe Pedroso, and David White, and previously published essay by Donald Barthelme.

  • Harris, Ron. “Two Artists Bring U.S. to 22nd Bienal in Brazil.” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 21, 1994, sec. F, p. 28.
  • Smith, Roberta. “Signs to a Global Village in Progress.” New York Times, Nov. 30, 1994, sec. C, p. 18.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, A Century of Artists Books, Oct. 23, 1994–Jan. 24, 1995. Exh. cat. by Riva Castleman.

  • Russell, John. “Images to Cherish in the Realm of the Word.” New York Times, Nov. 14, 1994, National edition, sec. C, p. 28.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Elvis + Marilyn: 2 x Immortal, Nov. 2, 1994–Jan. 8, 1995. Traveled to Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Feb. 4–March 26, 1995; Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, N.C., April 15–June 30, 1995; Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Aug. 2–Sept. 23, 1995; New York Historical Society, Oct. 15, 1995–Jan. 8, 1996; Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Okla., April 13–June 3, 1996; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, June 22–Aug. 19, 1996; Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, Sept. 7–Nov. 3, 1996; San Jose Museum of Art, Calif., Nov. 23, 1996–Feb. 23, 1997; Honolulu Academy of Arts, April 16–June 8, 1997. Exh. cat. with essays by John D. Baskerville, Bono, Lucinda Ebersole, Alan C. Elms and Bruce Heller, Richard Martin, Wendy McDaris, Kate Millett, and Gary Vikan, and commentary by Thomas McEvilley.

Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Ariz., Neo-Dada: Redefining Art, 1958–62, Nov. 4–Dec. 31. Organized by American Federation of Arts. Traveled to Equitable Gallery, New York, Jan. 27–March 18, 1995; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, July 8–Sept. 10, 1995; Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, Mass., Oct. 6–Dec. 3, 1995; Florida International University Art Museum, Miami, Jan. 5–March 3, 1996. Exh. cat. by Susan Hapgood with essays by Maurice Berger, Hapgood, and Jill Johnston.

  • Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: ‘Neo-Dada’: ‘Redefining Art, 1958–1962.’” New York Times, Feb. 10, 1995, sec. C, p. 27.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Duchamp’s Leg, Nov. 5, 1994–March 26, 1995. Traveled to Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Dec. 3, 1995–March 3, 1996. Exh. brochure.

  • Naumann, Frances M. “Minneapolis: The Legacy of Marcel Duchamp.” Burlington Magazine (London) 137, no. 1103 (Feb. 1995), pp. 137–39.
  • Turner, Elisa. “Exhibit Shows how Many Artists Stand on Duchamp’s ‘Leg’.” Miami Herald, Dec. 3, 1995, Arts, pp. 11, 21.
  • Cantor, Judy. “Rauschenberg Stripped Bare.” New Times (Miami), Feb. 8–14, 1996, pp. 63–65.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Hors limites: L’art et la vie 1952–1994, Nov. 9, 1994–Jan. 23, 1995. Exh. cat. with texts by François Barré, Jean-Pierre Bordaz, Jean-Michel Bouhours, Daniel Caux, Jean de Loisy, Charles Dreyfus, Robert Fleck, Michel Giroud, Jeff Kelley, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, Timothy Marin, Pierre Restany, and Germain Viatte.



Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Images from Space, Jan. 21–March 6. Exh. brochure by David E. Brauer.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Made in America: Ten Centuries of American Art, Feb. 5–April 30. Traveled to Saint Louis Art Museum, Mo., June 6–Sept. 4; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1995–Jan. 7, 1996; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., March 17–May 19, 1996; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, July 6–Sept. 22, 1996. Exh. cat. with essays by Henry Adams, Lynne Ambrosini, Richard Armstrong, Louise Lincoln, Evan M. Mauer, Judith A. Neiswander, and Sarah Nichols, and texts by Roger Berkowitz, James D. Burke, Elaine D. Gustafson, Kathryn C. Johnson, Dennis Michael Jon, Olivia Lahs-Gonzales, Jackie Lewis-Harris, Margaret Lichter, Louise W. Lippincott, Cara McCarty, Zoe Annis Perkins, Daniel A. Reich, William B. Russell, Jr., Joyce K. Schiller, Deborah Emont Scott, Jeremy Strick, Davira S. Taragin, Elizabeth J. Vallance, and Charles Wylie.

Art Institute of Chicago, Large and Small: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, March 11–Sept. 10.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Degrees of Abstraction: Morris Louis to Mapplethorpe, March 11–Oct. 22.

  • Taylor, Robert. “An Eclectic Gathering of Abstractions.” Boston Globe, May 17, 1995, Living Arts, p. 36.

Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Printmaking in America: Collaborative Prints and Presses, 1960–1990, April 23–June 18. Traveled to Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., Sept. 22–Dec. 3; William Benton Museum of Art, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Jan. 23–April 6, 1996; National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 10–Aug. 4, 1996. Exh. cat. with introduction by David Mickenberg and essays by Trudy V. Hansen, Mickenberg, Joann Moser, and Barry Walker.

  • Raynor, Vivien. “When Art (the Artist’s) Meets Art (the Printer’s).” New York Times, May 28, 1995, N.J. edition, sec. 13, p. 14.
  • Reiter, Carla. “Printmaking in America.” Northwestern Perspective (Evanston, Ill.) (Summer 1995), pp. 24–26.
  • Shaw-Eagle, Joanna. “Lasting Impressions.” Washington Times, May 19, 1996, sec. D, pp. 1, 4.

46th Venice Biennale, Palazzo Grassi, Identità e alterità: Figure del corpo 1895–1995, June 11–Oct. 15. Exh. cat. (Venice: Marsilio, 1995) by Manlio Brusatin and Jean Clair.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Views from Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art One/Amerikaanse Perspectieven: Europese Visies op Amerikaanse Kunst 1, June 29–Oct. 1. Traveled to Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Nov. 17, 1995–Jan. 28, 1996. Exh. cat. (in Dutch and English) by Rudi Fuchs and Adam D. Weinberg with essays by Fuchs, Hayden Herrera, and Weinberg, and poems by Seamus Heaney and Robert Lowell.

Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Städtische Museen Koblenz, Germany, Klangskulpturen—Augenmusik, July 2–Nov. 5. Exh. cat. with essays by Anne Giffon, Michael Glasmeier, Helga de la Motte-Haber, and Danièle Perrier.

  • “Die Kunst im Reich der Sinne.” Rhein-Zeitung (Koblenz, Germany), June 8, 1995.
  • Kurz, Martina. “Reiber, Rauscher, Zischer, Heuler.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frankfurt), Aug. 4, 1995, p. 34.
  • Grus, Michael. “Tauwetter für eine eftrorene Trompete.” Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt), Aug. 19, 1995.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Art Works: The PaineWebber Collection of Contemporary Masters, July 2–Sept. 24. Traveled to Detroit Institute of Arts, Oct. 29–Dec. 31; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, March 14–June 9, 1996; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, June 30–Sept. 15, 1996; San Diego Museum of Art, Oct. 13, 1996–Jan. 5, 1997; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, March 13–May 25, 1997; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, June 21–Aug. 31, 1997. Exh. cat. (The PaineWebber Art Collection; New York: Rizzoli, 1995) with introduction by Jack Flam and texts by Monique Beudert and Jennifer Wells.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Dialogues of Peace/Dialogues de paix, July 3–Oct. 26. Exh. cat. (in English and French) with introduction by Adelina von Fürstenberg and texts by Brahim Alaoui, André Magnin, Roger Marcel Mayou, and Carla Stellweg.

  • Riding, Alan. “Politics, This Is Art. Art, This Is Politics.” New York Times, Aug. 10, 1995, sec. C, pp. 11, 15.
  • Tagore, Sundaram. “Universality of the Arts: Celebrating Culture on UN Anniversary.” Times of India (Bombay), Oct. 28, 1995, p. 12.

Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville Art Museum, N.C., Remembering Black Mountain College, Oct. 9–Nov. 15. Traveled to Central Piedmont Community College Art Gallery, Peas Auditorium, Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 15–Dec. 20, 1996. Exh. cat. with essay by Mary Emma Harris.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Beat Culture and the New America: 1950–1965, Nov. 9, 1995–Feb. 4, 1996. Traveled to Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, June 2–Sept. 15, 1996; M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Oct. 5–Dec. 29, 1996. Exh. cat. by Lisa Phillips with essays by Maurice Berger, Ray Carney, Maria Damon, John G. Hanhardt, Glenn O’Brien, Phillips, Mona Lisa Saloy, and Rebecca Solnit, poem by Edward Sanders, chronology by Steven Watson, and previously published prologue by Allen Ginsberg.

  • Wolitzer, Meg. “How the Beat Esthetic Marked Its Time.” New York Times, Sept. 10, 1995, sec. 2, p. 58.
  • Kimmelman, Michael. “At the Whitney, A Celebration of Beat Culture (Sandals and All).” New York Times, Nov. 10, 1995, sec. C, pp. 1, 5.
  • Allen, Henry. “The ’50s Generation, Regenerated at the Whitney.” Washington Post, Nov. 11, 1995, sec. C, pp. 1, 4.
  • Schjeldahl, Peter. “Beat and Rebeat.” Village Voice (New York), Nov. 21, 1995, Art, p. 73.
  • Strickland, Carol. “Glory Days of Hip and Cool Are Revisited in New York.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Nov. 30, 1995, Arts, p. 10.
  • Ratcliff, Carter. “And the Beats Go On.” Art in America (New York) 84, no. 3 (March 1996), pp. 62–68.
  • Holt, Patricia. “The Beats Go on at de Young.” San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 4, 1996, sec. C, pp. 1, 8.

Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, It’s Only Rock and Roll: Rock and Roll Currents in Contemporary Art, Nov. 18, 1995–Jan. 21, 1996. Traveled to Lakeview Museum of Arts and Science, Peoria, Ill.; Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, closed June 30, 1996; Tacoma Art Museum, Wash., closed Sept. 8, 1996; Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, Fla., closed Nov. 20, 1996; Bedford Gallery, Dean Lescher Regional Centre for the Arts, Walnut Creek, Calif., Dec. 17, 1996–Feb. 16, 1997; Phoenix Art Museum, March 22–June 15, 1997; North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, July 27–Nov. 16, 1997; Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, closed Feb. 8, 1998; Milwaukee Art Museum, closed May 24, 1998; Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, June 25–Aug. 30, 1998; Fresno Metropolitan Museum, Calif., Sept. 16–Nov. 22, 1998; Austin Museum of Art, downtown and Laguna Gloria, closed April 3, 1999. Exh. cat. (New York: Prestel, 1995) by David S. Rubin.

  • Miles, Christopher. “Rock on the Wall.” Detour (Los Angeles), Oct. 1996, pp. 169–70.
  • Nilsen, Richard. “Rock in an Art Place.” Arizona Republic (Phoenix), March 23, 1997, sec. E.
  • Evans, Lance W. “Rock ’n’ Roll Exhibition Strikes Artistic Chord.” Daily News-Sun (Sun City, Ariz.), March 26, 1997.

Galleria d’arte il Gabbiano, Rome, W il cinema: Hommage to the First 100 Years of Cinema, Nov. 30, 1995–Jan. 31, 1996. Exh. cat. (in English and Italian) with texts by Fiamma Arditi, Guido Rebecchini, and Enzo Siciliano.

Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Passions privées: Collections particulières d’art moderne et contemporain en France, Dec. 20, 1995–March 24, 1996. Exh. cat. with introduction by Suzanne Pagé and essays by Paul Ardenne, Dany Cohen, Alexandre Defay and Hervé Chayette, Christian Derouet, Chantal Georgel, Julia Kristeva, Juliette Laffon, Jacqueline Lichtenstein, Danielle Molinari, Raymonde Moulin, and Krzysztof Pomian.

  • Millet, Catherine. “Passions Privées: Private Passions on Public Display.” Art Press (Paris), no. 211 (March 1996), pp. 65–67 (in English and French).



65 Thompson St., New York, Max’s Kansas City’s Thirtieth Anniversary Reunion, Jan. 17–Feb. 1. Exh. brochure.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Acquiring Art in the 90s: The Inside Story, Jan. 21–April 14.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Abstraction in the Twentieth Century: Total Risk, Freedom, Discipline, Feb. 9–May 12. Exh. cat. by Mark Rosenthal.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: 1945 to 1995, March 31–July 21. Exh. cat. with essay by Mark Rosenthal and texts by David Anfam, Harry Cooper, Molly Donovan, Ruth E. Fine, Marla Prather, Charles Ritchie, and Jeffrey Weiss.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, L’Informe: Mode d’emploi, May 22–Aug. 26. Exh. cat. by Yve-Alain Bois and Rosalind Krauss.

Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Wunschmaschine—Welterfindung: Eine Geschichte der Technikvisionen seit dem 18.Jahrhundert, June 5–Aug. 4. Exh. cat. with essays by Marie-Ann Berr, Manuel Chemineau, Timothy Druckrey, Manfred Faßler, Leopold Federmair, Mathias Fuchs, Charles Hable Gray, Zaha Hadid, Géza Hajós, Erkki Huhtamo, Friedrich Kittler, Elke Krasny, Herbert Lachmayer, Doreet Le Vitte–Harten, Bart Lootsma, Eleonaora Louis, Thomas Macho, Gabriele Miras, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Helga Nowotny, Wolfgang Pircher, Hans-Ulrich Reck, Jasia Reichardt, Ramon Reichert, Frans Reitinger, Jehuda Safran, Patrick Schumacher, Georg Seeßler, Bernhard Siegart, Christian Theo Steiner, Ernst Strouhal, Paul Virilio, Peter Weibel, and Slavoj Zizek.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980–95, June 20–Sept. 10. Traveled to Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, Feb. 19–May 3, 1998. Exh. cat. by Deborah Wye with introduction by Audrey Isselbacher and essay by Andrea Feldman.

  • Princenthal, Nancy. “Books to Billboards: Crossing the Boundaries.” MoMA Magazine (New York), no. 22 (Summer 1996), pp. 14–15, 18–19.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age, June 22–Aug. 18. Traveled to Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, Sept. 8–Oct. 29. Exh. cat. with introduction by Mark Haworth-Booth and essays by Geoffrey Batchen, Rebecca Busselle, Ben Davis, Timothy Druckrey, Jonathan Green, and Vincent Katz.

  • Sozanski, Edward J. “Art Museum Exhibit Examines Photographs in the Computer Age.” Philadelphia Inquirer, July 7, 1996, sec. G, p. 11.

Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, Chimériques polymères, June 29–Sept. 15. Exh. cat.

Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Omaggio a Leo Castelli: Da Rauschenberg a Warhol, da Flavin a Judd. 20 artisti a New York negli anni sessanta, July 16–Nov. 4. Exh. cat. with introductions by Philippe Daverio, Maria Teresa Fiorio, Marco Formentini, and Lucia Matino, essay by Piero Dorazio, and previously published essay by Calvin Tomkins.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Ports of Entry: William S. Burroughs and the Arts, July 18–Oct. 6. Traveled to Spencer Art Museum, Lawrence, Kans., Oct. 26, 1996–Jan. 5, 1997. Exh. cat. with essay by Robert Sobieszek and afterword by William S. Burroughs.

  • McKenna, Kristine. “Radical Point of View.” Los Angeles Times, July 14, 1996, Calendar, pp. 7, 84.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Views from Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art Two/Die Entdeckung des anderen: Ein europäischer Blick auf die amerikanische Kunst 2, Oct. 18, 1996–Jan. 5, 1997. Traveled to Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Jan. 31–May 4, 1997. Exh. cat. (in English and German) by Jean-Christophe Ammann and Adam D. Weinberg in collaboration with Mario Kramer and Rolf Lauter.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Face à l’histoire: 1933–1996, Dec. 19, 1996–April 7, 1997. Exh. cat. with introduction by Jean-Paul Ameline; essays by Hubertus von Amelunxen, László Beke, Yves Bergeret, Christian Besson, Hartmund Bitomsky, Dunja Blažević, René Block, Catherine Bompuis, Marc Bormand, Ery Camara, Luis Camnitzer, Éric de Chassey, John Clark, Mario De Micheli, Christian Derouet, Hal Foster, Maurice Fréchuret, Christine Frérot, Michel Frizot, Claude Frontisi, Gérald Gassiot-Talabot, Stefan Germer, Laurent Gervereau, Itzhak Goldberg, Fabrice Hergott, Ann Hindry, Werner Hofmann, Hou Hanru, Agnès de La Beaumelle, Jean-Clarence Lambert, Brigitte Léal, Patrick Le Nouëne, Tomàs Llorens, Declan McGonagle, David Alan Mellor, Günter Metken, Régis Michel, John Miller, Viktor Misiano, Hans-Ernst Mittig, Gerardo Mosquera, Pascal Ory, Antoine Perrot, Marcelin Pleynet, Griselda Pollock, Jacques Rancière, Fanette Roche-Pézard, Wieland Schmied, Didier Schulmann, Daniel Soutif, Anatoli Strigalev, Olga Sviblova, Marie Luise Syring, Andrzej Turowski, Nathalie Vernizzi, Val Williams, and Sarah Wilson; and texts by Jean-Jacques Aillagon and Germain Viatte.



Murray Feldman Gallery, Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, Gemini G.E.L.: Celebrating Thirty Years, Jan. 20–Feb. 24.

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, Magie der Zahl in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (The Magic of Numbers in 20th Century Art), Feb. 1–May 19. Exh. cat. edited by Karin von Maur with essays by Dietmar Guderian, Stefan Heinlein, von Maur, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Jérôme Peignot, and Karl Riha, and texts by Max Bill, Mel Bochner, Rune Mields, Johannes Molzahn, and Roman Opalka.

Stifel Fine Arts Center, Oglebay Institute, Wheeling, W.Va., Portraits of the Artists: Andy Warhol and His Contemporaries at Leo Castelli Gallery, Feb. 6–April 4.

Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, Civil Progress: Images of Black America, Feb. 12–March 15. Exh. brochure with text by Halima Taha.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Proof Positive: Forty Years of Contemporary American Printmaking at ULAE, 1957–1997, Feb. 15–June 30. Traveled to Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., April 23–June 15; Gallery of Contemporary Art, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Aug. 1–Sept. 19; Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles, Oct. 27, 1997–Jan. 4, 1998; Sezon Museum of Art, Tokyo, Feb. 27–April 6, 1998; Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, June–July 1998. Exh. cat. with essays by Jack Cowart and Tony Towle and chronology by Sue Scott.

  • Mulligan, Kate. “Printmaking’s Positive Images.” Washington Times, Feb. 23, 1997, sec. D, pp. 1, 5.
  • Schlatter, Elizabeth. “Proof Positive: 40 years of Contemporary American Printmaking at ULAE, 1957–1997.” Journal of the Print World (Gilmanton, N.H.) 20, no. 3 (Summer 1997), p. 29.

Hillwood Art Museum, C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, N.Y., Today’s Printmaker: Artist and Wordsmith, closed March 23.

Concept Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, A Celebration of Contemporary Graphic Art by Twenty-Five Renowned Artists, closed April 13.

Long Beach Museum of Art, Calif., Roadmaps: Structure, Process and the Collection, May 2–Aug. 4.

Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, The Epoch of Modernism: Art in the 20th Century, May 6–July 27.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Finders/Keepers, May 10–Aug. 3. Exh. cat. with essays by Richard Howard, Marti Mayo, and Bruce C. Webb.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Objects of Desire: The Modern Still Life, May 25–Aug. 26. Traveled to Hayward Gallery, London, Oct. 9, 1997–Jan. 4, 1998. Exh. cat. with essay by Margit Rowell.

  • Strickland, Carol. “Still Lifes as Different as Apples and Oranges.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), June 5, 1997, p. 10.
  • Golding, Martin. “An Echo in the Body.” Modern Painters (London) 11, no. 1 (Spring 1998), pp. 110–13.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., The Hirshhorn Collects: Recent Acquisitions 1992–1996, June 4–Sept. 7. Exh. cat. edited by Nancy Eickel.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, From Dürer to Rauschenberg: A Quintessence of Drawing, Masterworks from the Albertina and the Guggenheim, June 20–Sept. 1. Traveled to Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, June 30–Sept. 6, 1998; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, March 9–May 16, 1999. Exh. cat. with introduction by Konrad Oberhuber and texts by Elizabeth Carpenter and Joan Young.

  • Glueck, Grace. “Virtuosity, From Heart to Hand to Paper.” New York Times, June 27, 1997, p. 23.
  • Yablonsky, Linda. “Drawn Out.” Time Out (New York) (July 10, 1997).
  • Fressola, Michael. “From Rembrandt to Rauschenberg.” Staten Island Advance (New York), July 20, 1997, sec. E, pp. 1, 3.

22nd International Biennial of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, June 27–Sept. 30. Exh. cat. (in English and Slovenian) edited by Breda Škrjanec. American section traveled to University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum as (re)Mediation: The Digital in Contemporary Printmaking, Aug. 24–Oct. 3, 1998.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Drawing on the Rocks: Two Hundred Years of Lithography, July 3–Sept. 22.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Prized Impressions: Gifts from the Print Center of Philadelphia, July 12–Sept. 14.

Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo Forti, Verona, Dadaismo, Dadaismi: Da Duchamp a Warhol, July 18–Nov. 9. Exh. cat. edited by Giorgio Cortenova with essays by Pietro Bellasi, Cortenova, Roberto Lambarelli, Henry Martin, Enrico Mascelloni, Arturo Schwarz, and Angela Tagliaferro.

Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Mass., About Face: Artists’ Portraits in Photography, July 19–Oct. 19.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, Deep Storage: Arsenale der Erinnerung (Arsenal of Memory), Aug. 3–Oct. 12. Traveled to Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Nov. 29, 1997–Jan. 25, 1998; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof, Feb. 7–April 5, 1998; P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, July 5–Aug. 30, 1998; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, Nov. 5, 1998–Jan. 24, 1999. Exh. cat. (English and German editions) edited by Ingrid Schaffner and Matthias Winzen with essays by Geoffrey Batchen, Eugen Blume, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Susan Buck-Morss, Trevor Fairbrother, Justin Hoffmann, Stefan Iglhaut, Jon Ippolito, Geert Lovink, Elizabeth Lunning, Schaffner, Ingrid Scharlau, Bernhart Schwenk, Susan Stewart, and Winzen, and texts by Hubertus Gaßner, E. H. Gombrich, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Brigitte Kölle, Dirk Luckow, Carter Ratcliff, Iris Reepen, Stephanie Rosenthal, Claudia Seelmann, John W. Smith, and Birgit Stöckmann. Additional essays by Sheryl Conkelton (English edition) and Otto Neumaier (German edition).

University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, The Great American Pop Art Store: Multiples of the Sixties, Aug. 26–Oct. 26. Traveled to Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Nov. 22, 1997–Feb. 22, 1998; Baltimore Museum of Art, March 25–May 24, 1998; Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Feb. 10–April 2, 2000; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, June 2–Aug. 13, 2000. Exh. cat. by Constance W. Glenn.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, From Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec to Andy Warhol: Exploring Techniques, Sept. 18, 1997–Feb. 8, 1998.

Stanford University Museum of Art, Calif., Great Impressions: Selections from the Marmor Foundation and the Collection of Drs. Katherine and Judd Marmor, Sept. 25–Dec. 14.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Timepieces: Selected Highlights from the Permanent Collection, 1945–1975, Oct. 5, 1997–Nov. 12, 1999.

C and M Arts, New York, American Works, 1945–1975, Oct. 8–Dec. 6.

Exit Art/The First World, New York, Portable Visions, closed Oct. 11.

Andersen Window Gallery, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Art of the 1960s: Media is the Message, Oct. 12, 1997–May 10, 1998. 

San Jose Museum of Art, Calif., Alternating Currents: American Art in the Age of Technology, Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Oct. 18, 1997–Oct. 18, 1998. Exh. cat.

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, The Guggenheim Museums and the Art of this Century, Oct. 19, 1997–June 1, 1998.

Seattle Art Museum, Leonardo Lives: The Codex Leicester and Leonardo da Vinci’s Legacy of Art and Science, Oct. 23, 1997–Jan. 4, 1998. Exh. cat. with preface by William H. Gates III and essays by Trevor Fairbrother and Chiyo Ishikawa.

Leo Castelli, 420 West Broadway, New York, The Artists of the Castelli Gallery 1957–1997: Forty Years of Exploration and Innovation, Part One, Oct. 25–Nov. 15.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Gravity: Axis of Contemporary Art, Oct. 30–Dec. 9. Exh. cat.

Puck Building, New York, The Art of Healing: A Collection in Support of the Excluded, Oct. 27. Traveled to Michael Petronko Gallery, New York, Nov. 6–Dec. 31; William Turner Gallery, Los Angeles; Gallerie 224, Laguna Beach, Calif.; Stein Gallery, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 20–Dec. 24; Gallery Lareuse, Washington, D.C.; Augen Gallery, Portland, Oreg.; Corinne Lemberg Gallery, Detroit. Exh. cat. with artists’ statements including by Rauschenberg.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, The Warhol Look: Glamour, Style, Fashion, Nov. 8, 1997–Jan. 18, 1998. Organized by Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh. Traveled to Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Feb. 16–May 3, 1998; Barbican Art Gallery, London, May 28–Aug. 16, 1998; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Dec. 18, 1998–April 1, 1999; Musée de la Mode, Marseille, Sept. 15–Nov. 22, 1999; Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, June 4–Sept. 3, 2000. Exh. cat. with essays by Hilton Als, Mark Francis and Margery King, Judith Goldman, Bruce Hainley, Richard Martin, Glenn O’Brien, Barry Paris, Thomas Sokolowski, and Peter Wollen.

Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, De Klein à Warhol: Face-à-face France/États-Unis, Nov. 14, 1997–March 16, 1998. Exh. cat.

Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Ga., Fifth Anniversary: Celebrating Southern Art, Nov. 20, 1997–Feb. 1, 1998. Exh. brochure with introduction by Louise Keith Claussen and essays by Estill Curtis Pennington and J. Richard Gruber.

  • Day, Jeffrey. “Artist’s Influence Extends into our Region.” State (Columbia, S.C.), Nov. 16, 1997, sec. F, pp. 1, 3.
  • Grossman, Wendy. “Five Years of Excellence.” Augusta Chronicle (Ga.), Nov. 16, 1997, sec. E, pp. 9–10.

Exit Art, New York, Public Notice, closed Nov. 30.

Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, The Prophecy of Pop!, Dec. 6, 1997–Feb. 8, 1998.

Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Mass., Drawing Is Another Kind of Language: Recent American Drawings from a New York Private Collection, Dec. 12, 1997–Feb. 22, 1998. Traveled to Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna, March 18–May 17, 1998; Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, Sept. 4–Nov. 15, 1998; Kunst-Museum Ahlen, Germany, Dec. 6, 1998–Jan. 31, 1999; Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Feb. 19–April 25, 1999; Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain and Musée de Picardie, Amiens, France, May 21–Aug. 15, 1999; Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, N.Y., Oct. 3–Nov. 14, 1999; Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Conn., Jan. 7–March 12, 2000; Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., April 6–June 18, 2000; Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, April 19–Sept. 30, 2001. Exh. cat. with essay by Dieter Schwarz and texts by Pamela M. Lee and Christine Mehring.



Forum for Contemporary Art, St. Louis, Mo., Action/Performance and Photograph.

Seattle Art Museum, Kind of Abstract, Jan.–Aug. 9.

New York Public Library, A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing, 1960–1980, Jan. 24–July 25. Exh. cat.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Out of Actions: Between Performance and the Object, 1949–1979, Feb. 8–May 10. Traveled to Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, Vienna, June 17–Sept. 6; Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Oct. 15, 1998–Jan. 6, 1999; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Feb. 13–April 11, 1999. Exh. cat. with essays by Guy Brett, Hubert Klocker, Shinichiro Osaki, Paul Schimmel, and Kristine Stiles.

  • Klocker, Hubert. “From Pollock to West.” Kultur (Vienna) 8, no. 1 (1998), pp. 4–5.
  • Ayers, Robert. “Out of Actions.” Art Monthly (London), no. 214 (March 1998).

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., Then and Now and Later: Art since 1945 at Yale, Feb. 10–July 31. Exh. cat.

Stendhal Gallery, New York, Group exhibition, Feb. 13–March 22.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Dialogues: International Art from the Collection, Feb. 14–Oct. 18.

Museum of American Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pop Abstraction, Feb. 21–April 19. Exh. brochure with essay by Sid Sachs.

Eminent Delights: Images of Space, Time and Matter. Organized by University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson. Traveled to Rogue Gallery and Art Center, Medford, Oreg., March 3–April 11, 1998; University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, Jan.–March 24, 1999; Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, Calif., closed May 16.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Special Exhibition from the Permanent Collection, March 8–May 24.

Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, Wash., Soup to Nuts: Pop Art and Its Legacy, March 6–June 14; Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Aug. 18–Oct. 7; Weber State University Art Gallery, Ogden, Utah, Jan. 11–Feb. 5, 1999; Tyler Art Gallery, State University of New York, Oswego, Feb. 26–March 24, 1999; Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, Oreg., June 1999; Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 9–Feb. 13, 2000; J. Wayne Stark Galleries, Texas A and M University, March 23–May 21, 2000; Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, Calif., June 11–July 23, 2000; Holtzman Art Gallery, Towson University, Md., Feb. 24–March 25, 2001; National Steinbeck Center, Salinas, Calif., June 23–Sept. 9, 2001; Kenney Museum and Art Study Wing, Quick Arts Center, St. Bonaventure University, N.Y., Oct. 19–Dec. 9, 2001. Exh. cat. with essays by Barbara Racker and Jeffrey Spalding and previously published essay by Marco Livingstone.

Sarasota Visual Art Center, Fla., Hand-Rolled in Tampa: The Innovative Art of Graphicstudio, March 12–April 5.

Galleria Lawrence Rubin, Milan, Group Show: Diebenkorn, Hodgkin, McClelland, Rauschenberg, Stella, Sultan, Winters, March 18–May 9.

National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Posters American Style, March 27–Aug. 9. Traveled to Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Fla., Aug. 29–Oct. 25; Oakland Museum of California, June 26–Aug. 29, 1999. Exh. cat. (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1998) by Therese Thau Heyman. 

Mitchell-Innes and Nash, New York, Master Drawings of the Twentieth Century, May 5–June 5. Exh. cat. 

World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva, The Edge of Awareness, May 10–July 12. Traveled to United Nations Visitors’ Lobby, New York, Sept. 13–Oct. 15, and P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, Sept. 13–Oct. 18; SESC Pompéia, São Paulo, Dec. 7, 1998–Jan. 25, 1999; Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, March–April 1999; Triennale di Milano, 1999. Exh. cat. 

Ubu Gallery, New York, The ’60s in the Seventies, May 26–June 27. 

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, Big Things: Selections from Gallery Artists, June 10–Sept. 4.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, PhotoImage: Printmaking 60s to 90s, July 7–Sept. 27. Traveled to Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, March 5–May 9, 1999. Exh. cat. by Clifford S. Ackley.

  • Weisgall, Deborah. “A Curator’s Personal Montage of an Age Soaked in Images.” New York Times, Aug. 23, 1998, pp. 31, 33.

Gagosian Gallery, New York, Summer Group Show, July 15–Aug. 28.

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Ensemble Moderne: The Still Life in Modern Art, July 25–Aug. 31. Traveled to Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, Sept. 12–Oct. 30. Exh. cat. (in English and German).

University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, Graphic Abstraction in America: A View from the First Century, Aug. 17–Oct. 24. Exh. cat. edited by Constance W. Glenn with essays by Elizabeth Broun, Marina Freeman, Glenn, and Ilee Kaplan.

Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée de la Communauté française de Belgique, La Louvière, Belgium, Un siècle de collage en Belgique (A century of collage in Belgium), Sept. 26–Dec. 13.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Rendezvous: Masterpieces from the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Guggenheim Museums, Oct. 16, 1998–Jan. 24, 1999. Exh. cat. with essays by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, Bernard Blisténe, Yve-Alain Bois, Stanley Cavell, Jean-Louis Cohen, Lisa Dennison, Thomas Krens, Werner Spies, and Mark C. Taylor.

High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Pop Art: Selections from the Museum of Modern Art, Oct. 24, 1998–Jan. 17, 1999. Organized by Museum of Modern Art, New York, in collaboration with High Museum of Art. Exh. cat. with essay by Anne Umland, and texts by Beth Handler, Laura Hoptman, Leslie Jones, and Umland.

Acquavella Galleries, New York, XIX and XX Century Master Paintings and Sculptures, Oct. 26–Nov. 21. Exh. cat.

Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, Amnesty International Benefit Drawing Show, Dec. 10–23.



Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Colo., Sans Titre: Works from the Collection of Peggy Scott and David Teplitzky, Jan. 16–March 14.

Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Icons of Pop, Jan. 23–June 27.

Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, Fla., Twentieth-Century American Drawings, closed Jan. 29.

Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, Merce Cunningham, Feb. 5–April 4. Traveled to Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 10–Nov. 7; Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’Arte, Turin, Jan. 20–April 2, 2000; Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, April 28–June 11, 2000. Exh. cat. (in English and Spanish) edited by Germano Celant with previously published texts (1945–97).

Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, N.Y., Shaping a Generation: The Art and Artists of Betty Parsons, Feb. 6–April 18. Exh. cat. with introduction by Helen A. Harrison, essay by Anne Cohen DePietro, and interview with Betty Parsons (1968).

Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, Influences: 1960–1974, Selections from the Contemporary Collection of the Norton Simon Museum, Feb. 7–April 11. Part of Radical Past: Contemporary Art and Music in Pasadena, 1960–1974. Exh. cat. edited by Karen Jacobson with essays by Jay Belloli, Suzanne Muchnic, Peter Plagens, and Jeff von der Schmidt; artist biographies by Linda Centell; and chronology by Michelle Deziel.

Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York, Heroines and Heroes: An Idiosyncratic Anthology of International Art (1943–1999), Feb. 13–March 20. Curated by Willoughby Sharp.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Pop Impressions Europe/USA: Prints and Multiples from the Museum of Modern Art, Feb. 18–May 18. Traveled to Saint Louis Art Museum, Mo., June 23–Sept. 3, 2001. Exh. cat. by Wendy Weitman.

Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, Parallel: Künstler im Kontext, Feb. 20–March 31. 

Winston Wächter Fine Art, Seattle, Pop, Feb. 25–April 10. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Decades in Dialogue: Perspectives on the MCA Collection, Feb. 27–Nov. 7. 

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Highlights of Late 20th-Century Art from the Sydney and Frances Lewis Collection, Feb. 27, 1999–Jan. 16, 2000.

Seattle Art Museum, The Virginia and Bagley Wright Collection of Modern Art, March 4–May 9. Exh. cat.

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, Reliefs and Other Wall Works, March 10–April 24.

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, Sign and Gesture: Contemporary Abstract Art from the Haskell Collection, March 21–June 13. Traveled to  Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Fla., June 23–Oct. 3; Knoxville Museum of Art, Tenn., Oct. 22, 1999–Feb. 13, 2000; Birmingham Museum of Art, Ala., March 5–May 21, 2000. Exh. cat. by John W. Coffey and David W. Wood. 

Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, I Love Pop: Europa-USA anni ’60, Mitologie del quotidiano, March 24–June 27. Exh. cat. by Wolfgang Becker.

PaineWebber Art Gallery, New York, Comfort Zone: Furniture by Artists, April 15–June 25. Organized by Public Art Fund.

Judson Memorial Church, New York, No Limits: A Celebration of Freedom and Art, April 16–24.

  • Hughes, Allen. “An Incubator’s Children Come Home to Say Thanks.” New York Times, April 18, 1999.

Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Współczesna grafika amerykańska z kolekcji Torstena Lilji (American graphics from the Torsten Lilja Collection), April 17–May 16. Exh. cat. with essays by Riva Castleman, Dorota Folga-Januszewska, Pat Gilmour, Bill Goldston, Torsten Lilja, Donald J. Saff, and Kenneth Tyler.

Drawing Center, New York, Drawn from Artists’ Collections, April 24–June 12. Traveled to Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles, July 13–Sept. 26. Exh. cat. by Ann Philbin and Jack Shear with essay by Robert Storr.

National Academy of Design and School of Fine Arts, New York, Men without Women: Paul Cadmus as Curator, May 5–Aug. 29.

Marcel Sitcoske Gallery, San Francisco, Re: Rauschenberg, May 6–July 3.

Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp, Trouble Spot: Painting, May 8–Aug. 22. Exh. cat. (in Dutch, English, French, and German).

Friends of Photography, Ansel Adams Center, San Francisco, Innovation/Imagination: Fifty Years of Polaroid Photography, May 11–July 18. Traveled to Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Fla., May 23–Sept. 27, 2000; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, Nov. 18, 2000–Jan. 6, 2001; Art Gallery, University of New Hampshire, Durham, Jan. 27–April 18, 2001; Dayton Art Institute, Ohio, Sept. 15–Dec. 9, 2001; University of New Mexico Art Museum, Albuquerque, Jan. 15–April 14, 2002; Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Ariz., May 6–July 19, 2002; Knoxville Museum of Art, Tenn., Aug. 11–Nov. 1, 2002. Exh. cat. with introductions by Barbara Hitchcock and Deborah Klochko and essay by Deborah Martin Kao.

Miami Art Museum, New Acquisitions: Dream Collection . . . Part Five, May 14–Nov. 7. 

James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, Prints from the 1990s: Universal Limited Art Editions, May 15–July 3.

American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards, May 19–June 13. 

White-Meyer Galleries, Meridian International Center, Washington, D.C., Outward Bound: American Art at the Brink of the Twenty-First Century, May 20–July 11. Traveled to Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi, Vietnam, Aug. 25–Sept. 23; Painting Institute, Shanghai, China, Oct. 23–Nov. 20; Working People’s Cultural Palace, Beijing, Dec. 8–28; CIPTA Gallery, Jakarta Arts Center, Indonesia, Feb. 1–29, 2000; Metropolitan Museum, Manila, Philippines, April 1–30, 2000; Singapore Art Museum, July 3–Sept. 15, 2000. Exh. cat. by Nancy Matthews.

  • Joanna Shaw-Eagle. “Boundless Variety.” Washington Times, June 12, 1999, sec. D, pp. 1–2.

Charles Cowles Gallery, New York, Altered States, closed May 22. 

Montclair Art Museum, N.J., Waxing Poetic: Encaustic Art in America, May 23–Aug. 15. Traveled to Knoxville Museum of Art, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1999–Jan. 9, 2000. Exh. cat. by Gail Stavitsky with essays by Richard Frumess, Danielle Rice, and Stavitsky.

Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Conn., Zero-G: When Gravity Becomes Form, June 4–Aug. 4. Exh. cat.

Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Denmark, Amerikanske mesterværker fra Lilja samlingen: Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein, Rosenquist (American masterpieces from the Lilja collection), June 5–Sept. 19. Exh. cat. edited by Christian Gether and Holger Reenberg.

Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal, Circa 1968, June 6–Aug. 29. Exh. cat. (in English and Portuguese) with introduction by Vicente Todolí and João Fernandes; essays by Germano Celant, Eduardo Prado Coelho, Maria José Fazenda, Antje von Graevenitz, Robert Pincus-Witten, Marita Sturken, and Miguel Wandschneider; and chronology by Wandschneider.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Contemporary American Masters: The 1960s, June 13–Sept. 12. Exh. cat.

PaceWildensteinMacGill, New York, Big Pictures, Little Pictures: Callahan, Close, Henle, Rauschenberg/Weil, Schad, Sudek, June 24–Aug. 27. 

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Made in America: Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture from the Norton Simon Museum, June 24, 1999–March 26, 2000. 

Artrain USA, Artistry of Space: Works from the NASA Art Collection, July 1999–2002. Traveled to Shelbyville, Tenn., Nov. 14–17, 2002; New Orleans Museum of Art. Exh. cat.

  • Graber, Shane. “Art on a Rail.” Beaumont Enterprise (Texas), Nov. 16, 2002, sec. A, pp. 1, 5. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Fame after Photography, July 8–Oct. 5. 

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Here’s Looking at You: Portraits from the Collection, Aug. 20–Dec. 6. 

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Art in Our Time: 1950 to the Present, Sept. 5, 1999–Sept. 2, 2001. 

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Alchemies of the Sixties: Art from the Brandeis University Collection and Friends of the Rose, Sept. 7–Oct. 17.

Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, Pop Impact!: From Johns to Warhol, Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Sept. 9–Nov. 14. Traveled to Milwaukee Art Museum, Sept. 7–Dec. 31, 2000; Columbia Museum of Art, S.C., Jan. 27–April 8, 2001; Indianapolis Museum of Art, April 29–July 1, 2001. Exh. cat. with essays by Kristin Chambers, Shamim M. Momin, Jill Snyder, and Beth Venn.

Norwood Gallery, Austin, Drawings, Sept. 17–Oct. 23.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, The American Century: Art and Culture 1900–2000, Part II, 1950–2000, Sept. 26, 1999–Feb. 13, 2000. Exh. cat. by Lisa Phillips.

Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, Pop Art: Sélection de la collection Lilja, Oct. 9–Nov. 14.

Thomas Segal Gallery, Baltimore, Focus: Photographs by Painters, Sculptors, and a Filmmaker, Oct. 27, 1999–Jan. 15, 2000.

University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Alberta, ABCs of Pop Art: America, Britain, Canada, Major Artists and Their Legacy, Oct. 29–Nov. 26. Traveled to Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Feb. 18–April 2, 2000; Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Fla., July 15–Oct. 29, 2000; Gallery Stratford, Ontario, May 6–Sept. 9, 2001. Exh. cat. (Florida State University, 2000) by Jeffrey Spalding.

Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Winter Park, Fla., Kenneth Tyler: Thirty Years of American Prints, Nov. 5–Jan. 9.

Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, 25th Anniversary Jamileh Weber Gallery, Nov. 9, 1999–Jan. 29, 2000.

Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, Party! A Festive Look at Celebration in the 20th Century, Dec. 9, 1999–Jan. 29, 2000.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Panza: The Legacy of a Collector, Dec. 12, 1999–April 30, 2000. Exh. cat. with essays by Kenneth Baker, Cornelia H. Butler, Caroline A. Jones, and Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, and texts by Jane Hyun and Rebecca Morse. 

Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., The Art of Time, Dec. 18, 1999–March 19, 2000. Exh. cat. 



Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Modernism and Abstraction: Treasures from the Smithsonian’s Museum of American Art, Jan. 7–March 26. Traveled to Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine, Aug. 1–Oct. 30; Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 28–March 25, 2001; Allentown Art Museum, Pa., April 22–June 17, 2001; Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, July 21–Sept. 9, 2001; Worcester Art Museum, Mass., Oct. 7, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002; National Academy Museum, New York, Feb. 6–April 7, 2002; Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 4–June 30, 2002; Muskegon Museum of Art, Mich., July 21–Sept. 29, 2002. Exh. cat. by Miranda McClintic.

  • Leister, Brooke. “A Flow of Ideas.” Milford Daily News (Worcester, Mass.), Oct. 14, 2001, sec. C, pp. 1–2.
  • Glueck, Grace. “From the Smithsonian, A Modern Tasting Menu.” New York Times, Feb. 8, 2002.

Mitaka City Gallery of Art, Tokyo, Hommage à Van Gogh: Art contemporain pour Vincent Van Gogh, Jan. 8–Feb. 13. Traveled to Ashiya City Museum of Art and History, Japan, Feb. 19–March 26. Exh. cat. (in French and Japanese).

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Pop from the Permanent, Jan. 14–April 15.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., Transfer: Large format Prints of the 1960s and 1970s, Jan. 18–April 2.

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Les 100 Sourires de Monna Lisa (The 100 smiles of Mona Lisa), Jan. 29–March 26. Traveled to Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan, April 4–May 11; Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum, July 15–Aug. 20. Exh. cat. (in French and Japanese) by Atsushi Miura and Jean-Michel Ribettes.

Knoedler and Company, New York, Pasted Pictures: Collage and Abstraction in the Twentieth Century, Feb. 3–March 11. Exh. brochure.

Capitol, 22nd Floor Gallery, Tallahassee, International View: Selections from the Collection of the USF Contemporary Art Museum, Feb. 4–March 12.

Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Quotidiana: Immagini della vita di ogni giorno nell’arte del XX secolo (The Conitinuity of the Everday in 20th Century Art), Feb. 5–May 21. Exh. cat. (Milan: Charta, 2000; in English and Italian) with essays by Georgio Verzotti and Jonathan Watkins; conversation by David Ross and Nicholas Serota; and texts by Marcella Beccaria, Emanuela De Cecco, and Verzotti.

Galerie Lutz and Thalmann, Zurich, Robert Rauschenberg, Donald Sultan, Andy Warhol: Photographs and Paintings, Feb. 11–April 29.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Twentieth-Century American Art: The Ebsworth Collection, March 5–June 11. Traveled to Seattle Art Museum, Aug. 10–Nov. 12. Exh. cat. by Bruce Robertson.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Walker Evans and Company, March 16–Aug. 22. Traveled to J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (as Walker Evans and Company: Works from the Museum of Modern Art), July 10–Sept. 16, 2001. Exh. cat. by Peter Galassi.

Also Museum of Modern Art, War, March 16–Aug. 22; The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, March 30–Sept. 19; How Simple Can You Get?New York Salon, and Seeing Double, April 30–Sept. 26. All part of Making Choices, cycle of twenty-four exhibitions. Exh. cat. (Making Choices: 1929, 1939, 1948, 1955).

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Age of Influence: Reflections in the Mirror of American Culture, April 8–June 4.

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland, Farbe zu Licht (Color to light), April 16–July 30. Exh. cat. (in English, French, and German) with essays by Markus Brüderlin and Reinhold Hohl.

Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, In Black and White: Photography, June 14–July 28.

Main Library Auditorium, Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami, Cultivated Under the Sun: Selections from the Miami-Dade Public Library System Art Collection, June 27–Sept. 14.

Seattle Art Museum, Language Let Loose, July 15, 2000–April 29, 2001.

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Fla., Sarasota Biennial, July 28–Nov. 5. Exh. brochure with text by Mark Ormond.

Museum Folkwang, Essen, Bauhaus: Dessau—Chicago—New York, Aug. 12–Nov. 12. Exh. cat. by Margarita Tupitsyn. 

Knoedler and Company, New York, September Selections, Aug. 17–Sept. 30. 

University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, USF Collects, Aug. 21–Sept. 29.

  • Joanne Milani. “Artworks at USF Put Pop Culture in Perspective.” Tampa Tribune, Sept. 10, 2000.

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., The Persistence of Photography in American Portraiture, Aug. 22–Nov. 26.

Museum of Art, DeLand, Fla., I Know what I Like: Selections from Collections, Aug. 25–Oct. 22.

Austin Museum of Art, The New Frontier: Art and Television, 1960–65, Sept. 1–Nov. 26. Traveled to Tacoma Art Museum, Wash., Jan. 20–March 18, 2001. Exh. cat. with essays by John Alan Farmer and Naomi Sawelson-Gorse.

  • Hackett, Regina. “Art Show Navigates ‘The New Frontier’ of the TV Culture.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 25, 2001, sec. C, pp. 1, 7.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, Dinge in der Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts, Sept. 2–Nov. 19. Exh. cat. (Göttingen: Steidl, 2000) with essays by Hubertus Gaßner, Axel Hacke, Joachim Jäger, Karlheinz Lüdeking, Renate Puvogel, Stephanie Rosenthal, Johannes Werner, and Michael Wetzel, and texts by Johannes Leemans.

Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, Outlook: American Show, Sept. 6–Oct. 7.

Detroit Institute of Arts, Pop Art: Prints and Multiples from the DIA Collection, Sept. 9–Dec. 31.

Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, American Perspectives: Photographs from the Polaroid Collection, Sept. 12–Nov. 12. Traveled to Museum Eki Kyoto, Feb. 17–March 14, 2001; Takamatsu City Museum of Art, June 1–July 1, 2001; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sapporo, July 21–Sept. 2, 2001; Boston University Art Gallery and Photographic Resource Center, Nov. 22, 2002–Jan. 26, 2003. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese) with essays by Barbara Hitchcock, Ikezawa Natsuki, John P. Jacob, and Kasahara Michiko.

Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö, Sweden, Century of Innocence: The History of the White Monochrome, Sept. 16–Dec. 17. Traveled to Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, Jan. 27–March 25, 2001. Exh. cat. (in English and Swedish) edited by Åsa Nacking and Bo Nilsson.

Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, From Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: Recently Acquired Prints, Sept. 17–Nov. 26.

Baltimore Museum of Art, Power, Politics and Style: Art for the Presidents, Sept. 24, 2000–Jan. 7, 2001.

Joseph Helman Gallery, New York, 1950s: The New York School, Sept. 27–Oct. 28. Exh. brochure with text by Diane Waldman.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Pop and After, Sept. 28, 2000–Jan. 2, 2001. Part of Open Ends, cycle of eleven exhibitons. Exh. brochure.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: The Norton Print Collection, Sept. 29–Dec. 31. Exh. cat.

Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, New Works, Sept. 30–Nov. 18.

Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, An American Focus: The Anderson Graphic Arts Collection, Oct. 7–Dec. 31. Traveled to Palm Springs Desert Museum, Calif., Jan. 17–March 25, 2001; Albuquerque Museum, Oct. 7, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002. Exh. cat. with essay by Karin Breuer.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Celebrating Modern Art: The Anderson Collection, Oct. 7, 2000–Jan. 15, 2001. Exh. cat. with essays by Neal Benezra, Bill Berkson, Michael Brenson, John Elderfield, Jack Flam, Gary Garrels, and Rachel Teagle, and texts by Michael Auping, Peter Boswell, Julia Brown, David Cateforis, T. J. Clark, Valerie Fletcher, Walter Hopps, Branden W. Joseph, Carolyn Kastner, and William Rubin.

Tate Modern, London, Masquerade, Oct. 9. Part of Performing Bodies, four evenings of film and video projections.

Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, The Best of the Ewing: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Oct. 11–Nov. 5.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Snap! Photography from the Collections, Oct. 28, 2000–Oct. 7, 2001.

AXA Gallery, New York, Hard Pressed: 600 Years of Prints and Process, Nov. 2, 2000–Jan. 13, 2001. Organized by International Print Center New York. Traveled to Boise Art Museum, Idaho, March 3–May, 6, 2001; Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, June 8–Sept. 9, 2001; Naples Museum of Art, Fla., Oct. 16, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002. Exh. cat. with essays by David Platzker and Elizabeth Wyckoff.

  • Glueck, Grace. “Primer on Printmaking That Stresses Innovation.” New York Times, Dec. 8, 2000.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Pollock to Today: Highlights from the Permanent Collection, Dec. 7, 2000–Feb. 10, 2002.

  • Cotter, Holland. “Retrieving Magic from the Vault.” New York Times, Jan. 5, 2001, pp. 37, 39.

Academy Art Museum, Easton, Md., Collaboration on the Eastern Shore: Saff Tech Arts with Robert Rauschenberg, Nancy Graves, Roy Lichtenstein, and James Turrell, Dec. 8, 2000–Feb. 3, 2001. 

United Nations Visitors’ Lobby, New York, For a Better World: Posters from the United Nations 1945 to Present, Dec. 18, 2000–Feb. 1, 2001. Traveled to Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 8–April 27, 2003; Prague. Exh. cat. by Edward B. Marks. 

  • Gouveia, Georgette. “The Wings of the Dove.” Central Journal News (White Plains, N.Y.), March 16, 2003. 



Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., Space 2001: To the Moon and Beyond, Jan. 14–April 15.

Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: Building the Collection, Jan. 19–March 4. Exh. brochure.

Texas Gallery, Houston, Pop and Post-Pop (On Paper), Jan. 23–March 3.

Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, Contemporary Art and the Cosmos, Feb. 4–April 23.

  • Knight, Christopher. “2001: A Space Oddity.” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 10, 2001, sec. F, pp. 1, 10.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, The Global Guggenheim: Selections from the Extended Collection, Feb. 9–April 22.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California Plaza, A Room of Their Own: From Rothko to Rauschenberg, Feb. 11, 2001–March 31, 2002.

Lawrence Rubin Greenberg Van Doren Fine Art, New York, Drawing and Painting, Feb. 14–March 17.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Les Années Pop: 1956–1968 (The Pop years), March 15–July 2. Exh. cat. with essays by Chantal Béret, Jean-Michel Bouhours, Mark Francis, Catherine Grenier, and Martine Lobjoy.

  • Fayard, Judy. “When Art Went Pop.” Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2001, Europe edition, pp. 31, 36.

Philadelphia Art Alliance, Artistic Alternatives: The Art of Keith Haring, David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol, March 20–May 13. Organized in collaboration with PrideFest America.

Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, The Whitechapel Centenary, March 21–May 20. Exh. cat. (The Whitechapel Art Gallery Centenary Review) with essays by Paul Bonaventura, Guy Brett, Mark Francis, Janeen Haythornthwaite, Jonathan Jones, Catherine Lampert, Rachel Lichtenstein and Alan Dein, Marco Livingstone, Felicity Lunn, Jeremy Millar, Lynda Morris and Robert Radford, Jon Newman, Bryan Robertson, Juliet Steyn, Brandon Taylor, and David Widgery.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Points of Departure: Connecting with Contemporary Art, March 23–Oct. 28.

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Print Matters: New Works and Modern Treasures. March 27–Nov. 11. 

John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, 20th Century Perspectives, March 29–April 21. 

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Art at Mid-Century: Spotlight on the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, April 13–Sept. 3. 

Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Neb., An American Anthem: 300 Years of Painting from the Butler Institute of American Art, April 14–June 17. Traveled to Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Miss., summer; Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Iowa, Sept. 9–Nov. 18; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 15, 2001–Feb. 24, 2002; Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, Mont., March 23–June 13, 2002; John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Fla., June [20]–Aug. 14, 2002; Orlando Museum of Art, Dec. 7, 2002–Feb. 9, 2003. Exh. brochure. 

Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, Pop Art: The John and Kimiko Powers Collection, April 20–June 30. Exh. cat. with essays by Germano Celant, Rainer Crone and Petrus Graf Schaesberg, Jim Dine, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Judith Goldman, Dave Hickey, Bob Monk, Linda Norden, Lane Relyea, Scott Rothkopf, and David Shapiro, and conversation by Kimiko Powers and Monk. 

  • Glueck, Grace. “A Collector’s Collector Whose Works Went Pop.” New York Times, May 4, 2001.

Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza, Varese, L’Arte della bicicletta: Da Duchamp a Rauschenberg, May 12–Sept. 16. Traveled to Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands as Biciclette, May 8–Sept. 1, 2002. Exh. cat. (Milan: De Agostini Rizzoli, Arte e Cultura; in English and Italian) by Alberto Fiz.

Huntsville Museum of Art, Ala., Sizable Art: Large Scale Works from the Collection, May 13–June 10.

Miami Art Museum, Selections from the Permanent Collection and New Acquisitions, May 25–Oct. 28.

PaceWildenstein, New York, Summer in the City, June 1–Sept. 12.

Brooklyn Museum, New York, Digital: Printmaking Now, June 22–Sept. 2. Exh. cat. by Marilyn S. Kushner.

  • Maber, Marie. “Blurring the Line.” Digital Fine Art Magazine (Manalapan, N.J.) 3, no. 2 (Summer 2001), cover and pp. 32–37.

Musée d’Art Contemporain, Marseille, Économie de moyens (Economy of means), June 29–Sept. 30.

Neubau der Kreissparkasse Rottweil, Germany, 3 x Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, July 3–Aug. 5. Exh. cat.

Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., From Whistler to Warhol: A Century of American Printmaking, Sept. 1–Nov. 25.

Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, Denmark, Patterns: Between Object and Arabesque, Sept. 22–Dec. 17.

Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Galleri Faurschou: 1986–2001, Sept. 27–Oct. 20. Exh. cat.

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., A Defining Generation: Then and Now, 1961 and 2001, Sept. 30–Dec. 9. Exh. cat. by Sam Hunter and Joseph D. Ketner.

  • Hopkins, Randi. “Now and Again: Fortysomethings at the Rose.” Boston Phoenix (Nov. 30, 2001), pp. 13–14.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Contemporary Art and Photography: Spotlight on the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Sept. 30, 2001–March 31, 2002. 

Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Artists’ Books in the Modern Era 1870–2000: The Reva and David Logan Collection of Illustrated Books, Oct. 6, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002. Exh. cat. with essay by Donna Stein. 

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Jasper Johns to Jeff Koons: Four Decades of Art from the Broad Collections, Oct. 7, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002. Traveled to Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 16–June 3, 2002; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, July 21–Oct. 20, 2002. Exh. cat. with essays by Stephanie Barron and Lynn Zelevansky, Thomas Crow, Sabine Eckmann, Joanne Heyler, and Pepe Karmel. 

Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., From Pop to “Op”: American Art in the 1960s, Oct. 26–Dec. 9. Exh. brochure.

Museo del Corso, Rome, La Gloria di New York: Artisti americani dalla collezione Ludwig (Glory of New York: American Artists from the Ludwig Collection), Oct. 30, 2001–Jan. 6, 2002. Exh. cat. (in English and Italian) by Luce Monachesi.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Best Impressions: Thirty-five Years of Prints and Sculpture from Gemini G.E.L., Nov. 4, 2001–Jan. 21, 2002.

Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Fla., Homage to Van Gogh, Nov. 8–Dec. 24. Organized by Art Capital Group. Traveled to Lighthouse Center for the Arts, Tequesta, Fla., Jan. 10–March 8, 2002; Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, March 24–May 5, 2002.

Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, Letters, Signs and Symbols, Nov. 10, 2001–Jan. 25, 2002.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, American Tableaux: Selections from the Collection of Walker Art Center, Nov. 10, 2001–June 16, 2002. Traveled to Miami Art Museum, June 20–Sept. 7, 2003; Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Oct. 10, 2003–Jan. 4, 2004; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Feb. 8–April 25, 2004; Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba, Canada, Sept. 8–Dec. 5, 2004; Plains Art Museum, Fargo, N.Dak., Jan. 13–March 27, 2005. 

Artemis Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, New York, All American, Nov. 14–Dec. 28. 

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., A Century of Drawing: Works on Paper from Degas to LeWitt, Nov. 18, 2001–April 7, 2002. 

Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, Rupture and Revision: Collage in America, Nov. 29, 2001–Jan. 5, 2002. 

Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Three Decades of Contemporary Art: The Dr. John and Rose M. Shuey Collection, Dec. 8, 2001–April 7, 2002. Exh. cat. with essays by Dora Apel, Richard H. Axsom, Jeffrey D. Grove, Irene Hofmann, Diana Kirkpatrick, Dennis Alan Nawrocki, Lisa Pasquariello, Sarah Schleuning, Lisa Wainwright, and Gregory Wittkopp.

Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, N.Y., American Pop, Dec. 18, 2001–March 24, 2002. 



Marlborough Gallery, New York, Prints from the 50s, 60s and 70s: de Kooning to Warhol, Jan. 8–Feb. 2. 

Selby Gallery, Ringling School of Art and Design, Sarasota, Fla., REAL(ist) Men, Jan. 11–Feb. 16. Exh. brochure. 

Von Liebig Art Center, Naples, Fla., America’s Leading Pop Artists, Selections from the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Jan. 11–Feb. 16. 

  • Pereira, Miriam. “Pop Culture Icons’ Work to Be Featured.” News-Press (Fort Myers, Fla.), Jan. 4, 2002, sec. E. 

Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Fla., Voltwerks: The Fine Art of Electricity, Jan. 11–Feb. 17. 

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, In the Spirit of Martin: The Living Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jan. 13–July 28. Organized by Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Traveled to Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Sept. 7–Nov. 9; Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, Jan. 19–April 6, 2003; International Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 15–July 27, 2003; Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Tenn., Aug. 30–Nov. 9, 2003; Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Ala., Dec. 20, 2003–March 28, 2004. Exh. brochure (Detroit and Minneapolis). Exh. cat. (Atlanta: Tinwood Books, 2002). 

  • Colby, Joy Hakanson. “Smithsonian Collection Catches Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.” Detroit News, Jan. 11, 2002.
  • Houlihan, Mary. “Spirit of a Hero Lives On.” Chicago Sun-Times, Jan. 20, 2002, sec. C, pp. 1–2. 
  • Sylva, David. “MLK Legacy Art Exhibit New at Bass.” Miami Herald, Sept. 5, 2002.
  • Haygood, Wil. “Images ‘In the Spirit of Martin.’” Washington Post, May 26, 2003, sec. C, pp. 1, 9. 

El Paso Museum of Art, Tex., Burning Desires: Acquisitions, 1997–2001, Jan. 20–May 19. 

Academy Art Museum, Easton, Md., Contemporary Masters: Rauschenberg, Dine, Pearlstein, Chia, and Rosenquist, Feb. 15–April 6. 

Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Popcorn and Politics: Activists of Art, Feb. 16, 2002–Feb. 23, 2003. 

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Walk Around Time: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Feb. 17, 2002–Oct. 12, 2003. 

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., The Synthetic Century—Collage from Cubism to Postmodernism, Selections from the Collection, Feb. 19–April 28. Exh. cat. by Elisabeth Hodermarsky. 

  • Zimmer, William. “Celebrating 90 Years of the Elementary Technique of Collage.” New York Times, March 24, 2002.

Meridian International Center, Washington, D.C., True Colors: Meditations on the American Spirit, Feb. 20–April 14. Traveled to National Arts Club, New York, July 9–Aug. 20; Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, Sept. 11–28; Çankaya Cultural Center, Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 3–12; SunTrust Plaza Gallery, Atlanta, Nov. 7, 2002–Jan. 3, 2003; Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, Fla., April 25–May 8, 2003; Robert and Mary Montgomery Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, Fla., May 22–Aug. 2, 2003; Allied Museum, Berlin, Aug. 25–Nov. 9, 2003; Millenium Courts Arts Centre, Portadown, Northern Ireland, Nov. 19–Dec. 19, 2003; Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, Jan. 5–Feb. 11, 2004; National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania, Feb. 18–March 24, 2004; Danubiana Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 1–May 21, 2004; Sixth Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Feb. 14–June 3, 2005; Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, Biloxi, Miss., June 17–Aug. 22, 2005; 1911 City Hall Arts and Cultural Center, Lake Charles, La., Sept. 2, 2005–Jan. 6, 2006. Exh. cat. by Pamela Bailey and William Dunlap. 

  • Shaw-Eagle, Joanna. “America’s ‘True’ Spirit On Display.” Washington Times, Feb. 29, 2002, sec. D, pp. 1, 5.
  • Fields, Suzanne. “Art’s Controversies, Beauty and Passion.” Washington Times, March 18, 2002.
  • Cullum, Jerry. “American in the Wake of Sept. 11.” Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution, Dec. 6, 2002.
  • Feinstein, Roni. “Patriots’ Palettes.” South Florida Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), June 8, 2003.
  • Schwan, Gary. “American Spirit Alive, Well at Show.” Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.), June 15, 2003.
  • Schuller, Mortiz. “Farbe Bekennen.” Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), Sept. 9, 2003.

Bobbie Greenfield Gallery, Santa Monica, The Art of Healing II, March 21–April 13.

Palazzo Reale, Milan, New York Renaissance: Masterworks from the Whitney Museum of American Art, March 21–Sept. 15. Exh. cat. edited by Dana Miller and Marla Prather.

Waddington Galleries, London, United Kingdom/United States, March 25–April 27. Exh. cat.

UBS PaineWebber Art Gallery, New York, A Century on Paper: Prints by Art Students League Artists 1901–2001, April 11–June 21.

  • “Works from Art Students League Collection on View at UBS PaineWebber Gallery.” Antiques and the Arts Weekly (Newtown, Conn.), April 12, 2002.
  • Glueck, Grace. “Prizing Craft and Satire, if Not the Avant-Garde.” New York Times, June 7, 2002.

Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, Artists of the Heath Gallery, 1965–1998, April 27–June 30. Exh. cat. with essays by John Howett, Laura C. Lieberman, and Gudmund Vigtel.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, From Frankenthaler to Freud: Master Contemporary Prints from the Permanent Collection, April 28, 2002–March 2, 2003.

  • Jon, Dennis Michael. “Great Impressions.” Arts: The Magazine of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts 25, no. 6 (July–Aug. 2002), pp. 20–21.

Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, Permanent Ink: Prints from the Permanent Collection, May 11–June 23.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Long Island Collects: An Exhibition Celebrating Art from Long Island Collections, May 12–Aug. 4.

Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Malevich e o cinema (Malevich and film), May 17–Aug. 18. Traveled to Fundación la Caixa, Madrid (as Malevich y el cine), Nov. 20, 2002–Jan. 19, 2003. Exh. cat. by Margarita Tupitsyn with essays by Kazimir Malevich and Victor Tupitsyn.

Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Fla., Merce Cunningham, May 30–July 3.

  • Fleming, Amy. “Cunningham Main Feature at Edison Gallery to July 3.” Island Reporter (Sanibel, Fla.), June 6–12, 2002, p. 9.

Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., From Pop to Now: Selections from the Sonnabend Collection, June 22–Sept. 29. Traveled to Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Nov. 3, 2002–Feb. 2, 2003. Exh. cat. with essay by Charles Ashley Stainback and texts by Rachel Haidu.

  • Worth, Alexi. “Dealer’s Weal.” Artforum (New York) 40, no. 10 (Summer 2002), pp. 43–44.
  • Cotter, Holland. “Collectors with a Weakness for the Ornery.” New York Times, Aug. 30, 2002.

Museum of Modern Art, Queens, New York, To Be Looked At: Painting and Sculpture from the Collection, July 3, 2002–Sept. 6, 2004.

Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Kunst nach Kunst (Art after art), Aug. 18–Nov. 3. Exh. cat. (in English and German) with essays by Guido Boulboullé, Thomas Deecke, Peter Friese, Raimar Stange, Gregor Stemmrich, and others.

Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, The Museum, the Collection, the Director and His Loves, Sept. 13, 2002–April 21, 2003.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California Plaza, Conversations, Sept. 15, 2002–Aug. 3, 2003.

Aspen Art Museum, Colo., In Edition: Prints from the Anderson Ranch Arts Center and O’Brien Graphics, Sept. 27–Dec. 1. 

Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961–2001, Sept. 28, 2002–Jan. 5, 2003. Traveled to Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Feb. 1–June 1, 2003; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, July 12–Sept. 14, 2003; New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, Oct. 10, 2003–Jan. 25, 2004; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, March 20–July 18, 2004. Exh. cat. with essays by Maurice Berger, Guillaume Bernardi, Trisha Brown, Marianne Goldberg, Deborah Jowitt, Klaus Kertess, Laurence Louppe, Steve Paxton, Yvonne Rainer, and Hendel Teicher.

  • Fanger, Iris. “The Play of Dance and Its Surroundings.” New York Times, Sept. 22, 2002, sec. AR, p. 8.
  • Glentzer, Molly. “Trisha Brown: The Art of the Dance.” Houston Chronicle, July 6, 2003, pp. 11, 14.
  • Zimmer, Elizabeth. “Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961–2001.” Village Voice (New York), Nov. 12, 2003.
  • Glueck, Grace. “The Artists Who Helped Take Dance Off the Wall.” New York Times, Nov. 14, 2003.
  • Griffin, Tim. “Review: Trisha Brown.” Artforum(New York) 42, no. 4 (Dec. 2003), p. 142.
  • Fanger, Iris. “Movement on Museum Walls.” Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Dec. 13, 2002, p. 19.
  • Perron, Wendy. “Trisha Brown, the Artist’s Dance Partner.” New York Times, Jan. 11, 2004, sec. AR, p. 4.
  • Leffingwell, Edward. “Drawn to Dance.” Art in America (New York) 92, no. 5 (May 2004), pp. 91–95.

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, N.Y., Some Assembly Required: Collage Culture in Post-War America, Sept. 28, 2002–Jan. 26, 2003. Traveled to Madison Art Center, June 8–Aug. 17, 2003; Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Fla., Aug. 30–Nov. 2, 2003. Exh. cat. with essays by Mark Alice Durant, Melissa Pearl Friedling, and Thomas Piché, Jr.

  • Bennett, Lennie. “Bits and Pieces.” St. Petersburg Times (Fla.), Oct. 12, 2003, sec. F, pp. 4, 12. 

Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, Americanisms: Shaping Art and Culture in the 1950s, Sept. 28, 2002–July 20, 2003. 

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, The Big Americans: Albers, Frankenthaler, Hockney, Johns, Lichtenstein, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, and Stella at Tyler’s Studios, Oct. 4, 2002–Jan. 27, 2003. Exh. cat. (The Art of Collaboration: The Big Americans) by Jane Kinsman.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Structures of Difference, Oct. 12, 2002–July 6, 2003.

New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, Watercolor, Oct. 15–Nov. 16.

Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, Collage: Abstract Expressionist and Pop, Oct. 18–Dec. 21.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, An American Legacy, a Gift to New York, Oct. 24, 2002–Jan. 26, 2003. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat.

  • Cotter, Holland. “A Gift to the Whitney, for New Yorkers to Open.” New York Times, Oct. 25, 2002, sec. E, p. 38.
  • Kazanjian, Dodie. “Power of Philanthropy: Collective Spirit.” Vogue (New York) 193, no. 3 (March 2003), pp. 532–37.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Black Mountain College: Una aventura americana, Oct. 28, 2002–Jan. 13, 2003. Exh. cat. (Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art, in English) edited by Vincent Katz with essays by Martin Brody, Robert Creeley, Katz, and Kevin Power.

Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, ArtWorks for Merce, Oct. 30–Nov. 5. Exh. brochure.

Miami Art Museum, Miami Currents: Linking Collection and Community, Oct. 30, 2002–March 2, 2003.

Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College, Portland, Oreg., Works on Paper: American Art 1945–1975, Nov. 8–Dec. 29. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Life Death Love Hate Pleasure Pain: Selected Works from the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago Collection, Nov. 16, 2002–April 20, 2003. Exh. cat. with essay by Elizabeth A. T. Smith.

Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, Paintings from the 1960s, Dec. 12, 2002–Jan. 18, 2003.

Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, Aviary, Dec. 12, 2002–Jan. 25, 2003.

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, 110 Years: The Permanent Collection of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Dec. 14, 2002–March 9, 2003. Exh. cat. (110: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth) edited by Michael Auping with texts by Auping, Andrea Karnes, and Mark Thistlethwaite.



Western Illinois University Art Gallery, Macomb, The George and Renee Mavigliano Collection of American Art, Jan. 13–Feb. 6.

Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine, Contemporary Prints and Photographs from the Bruce Brown Collection, Jan. 19–March 23.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Treasures of Modern Art: The Legacy of Phyllis Wattis at SFMOMA, Jan. 30–June 24.

  • Bammer, Richard. “Generosity’s Impact.” Reporter (Vacaville, Calif.), Jan. 31, 2003, sec. D, pp. 1, 8.
  • Ormond, Mark. “Great Art Experiences Abound in San Francisco.” Pelican Press (Sarasota, Fla.), April 17, 2003.

Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, Magic Markers: Objects of Transformation, Feb. 1–April 20. Exh. cat. with essays by Stanley Cavell, Jeff Fleming, and Malcolm Warner.

Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, Splendid Pages: The Molly and Walter Bareiss Collection of Modern Illustrated Books, Feb. 14–May 11. Exh. cat. with essays by Walter Bareiss, Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge and Kiki Smith, May Castleberry, Riva Castleman, Johanna Drucker, Eleanor M. Garvey, and Michael Sernff.

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, When We Were Young: Masterworks from the Unforgettable Years, 1967–1974, Feb. 24–April 26.

Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, Not Exactly Photographs, March 6–April 26.

Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring, Denmark, Passion: Birthe og Niels Rokkedals samling (Birthe and Niels Rokkedal collection), March 15–May 18. Traveled to Sophienholm, Lyngby, Denmark, July 5–Sept. 14. Exh. cat. edited by Mikael Wivel.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., The New Vulgarians: New York Pop, March 29–July 13. 

Acquavella Galleries, New York, 20th Century Sculpture, April 4–May 22. Exh. cat. 

Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, Heaven and Hell, April 11–June 6. 

NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, E.A.T.—The Story of Experiments in Art and Technology, April 11–June 29. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese) with essays by Minoru Hatanaka, Yoshitomo Morioka, Fujiko Nakaya, and Kikuko Toyama, and previously published text by Billy Klüver. Exh. website. Accessed April 13, 2015.

Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Journey to Now: John Kaldor Art Projects and Collection, April 18–July 6. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. by Adam Free. 

Akira Ikeda Gallery, Berlin, 11, April 25–June 14.

Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York, Painting and Sculpture, April 26, 2003–March 28, 2005.

Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Trace Evidence, May 2–Aug. 3.

  • Abbe, Mary. “Bodies of Evidence.” Star Tribune (Minneapolis), May 2, 2003, sec. E, pp. 1, 20.

Dickinson Roundell, New York, Aftershock: The Legacy of the Readymade in Post-War and Contemporary American Art, May 5–June 20. Exh. cat. with essays by Thomas Girst and Francis M. Naumann.

Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, Venetian, Las Vegas, American Pop Icons, May 15–Nov. 2. Exh. brochure with text by Susan Davidson. Exh. cat. with essay by Davidson.

  • Davidson, Susan. “Spotlight: Robert Rauschenberg’s Canyon.” Guggenheim Magazine (Summer 2003), p. 39.
  • Zenka, Lorraine. “Pop Goes the Culture.” Los Angeles Times, July 20, 2003.

Arario Gallery, Cheonan, Korea, Pop Thru Out, May 27–July 20. Exh. cat. (in English and Korean) with texts by Mary Dinaburg and Barbara MacAdam.

Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, I Love New York, June 13–Aug. 22.

50th Venice Biennale: Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer, Museo Correr, Pittura/Painting: From Rauschenberg to Murakami, 1964–2003, June 15–Nov. 2. Exh. cat. edited by Francesco Bonami and Maria Luisa Frisa with essays by Carlos Basualdo; Bonami; Bonami and Daniel Birnbaum; Catherine David; Massimiliano Gioni; Hou Hanru; Gabriel Orozco; Molly Nesbit, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Rirkrit Tiravanija; Gilane Tawadros; and Igor Zabel.

  • Fanelli, Franco, interview with Francesco Bonami. “The Post-War Biennale.” Art Newspaper (London), no. 137 (June 2003), p. 19.
  • Griffin, Tim. “Left Wanting.” Artforum (New York) 42, no. 1 (Sept. 2003), pp. 180–81, 246, 251.

Clark Fine Art, Southampton, N.Y., Original Work by Robert Rauschenberg, Darryl Pottorf, and Larry Rivers, June 20–July 14.

  • Long, Robert. “Rauschenberg and Larry Rivers.” East Hampton Star (N.Y.), July, 3, 2003, sec. C, p. 7.

Erie Art Museum, Pa., Modern Masters: Works from the Collection of Mellon Financial Corporation, June 28–Sept. 2.

Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Fla., Collector’s Vision II: Contemporary Art from Tampa Bay Collections, June 28–Sept. 28.

Columbia Museum of Art, S.C., The Ochs Collection, July 1–Oct. 13. 

Fondazione Morra, Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples, Living Theatre: Labyrinths of the Imaginary, July 3–Sept. 28. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California Plaza, Mid-Century Masterworks from the Collection, July 20, 2003–Jan. 26, 2004

Boise Art Museum, Idaho, American Art: The Wilfred Davis Fletcher Collection, July 26–Oct. 19. Exh. cat. with essays by Melanie Fales and Chris Schnoor and texts by Heather Ferrell and Sandy Harthorn.

Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University Museum, Hempstead, N.Y., A Celebration: The Hofstra Museum at Forty/Works on Paper, Aug. 26–Dec. 12.

Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., JFK and Art, Sept. 20, 2003–Jan. 11, 2004. Traveled to Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Fla., Feb. 6–May 2, 2004. Exh. cat. with essay by Kenneth E. Silver and texts by Cynthia Drayton and Nancy Hall-Duncan.

NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf, Auto-Nom-Mobile: Das Automobil in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Sept. 27, 2003–Jan. 4, 2004. Traveled to Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Jan. 15–Feb. 26, 2006. Exh. cat. with essays by Roland Barthes, Ulrich Lehmann, and Werner Lippert.

Janice Mason Art Museum, Cadiz, Ky., The Wier Show: Contemporary Art from the Private Collection of Pat and Dick Wier, Oct. 4–Nov. 28.

Baltimore Museum of Art, Work Ethic, Oct. 12, 2003–Jan. 11, 2004. Traveled to Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 15–Aug. 1, 2004; Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Sept. 18, 2004–Jan. 2, 2005. Exh. cat. edited by Helen Molesworth with essays by Darsie Alexander, Chris Gilbert, Miwon Kwon, and Molesworth.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The Passionate Adventure of the Real: Collage, Assemblage and the Object in 20th Century Art, Oct. 17, 2003–Feb. 8, 2004.

Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Drawing Modern: Works from the Agnes Gund Collection, Oct. 26, 2003–Jan. 11, 2004. Exh. cat. with texts by Patrick Shaw Cable, Cathleen Chaffee, Carter E. Foster, and Jeffrey D. Grove.

Wolfram Völcker Fine Art, Berlin, Black and White: Baselitz, Johns, Mansen, Polke, Rauschenberg, Richter, Sandback, Trockel, Le Va, Nov. 8, 2003–Jan. 7, 2004.

Galerie Beyeler, Basel, The Spirit of White, Nov. 8, 2003–Feb. 28, 2004. Exh. cat. (in English and German).

Tate Liverpool, Art, Lies and Videotape: Exposing Performance, Nov. 15, 2003–Jan. 25, 2004. Exh. cat. edited by Adrian George with essays by George, RoseLee Goldberg, Jean-Paul Martinon, Alice Maude-Roxby, Andrew Quick, Tracey Warr, and Aaron Williamson.

Miami Art Museum, Between Art and Life: From Joseph Cornell to Gabriel Orozco, Nov. 28, 2003–April 4, 2004. Exh. brochure with text by Peter Boswell.

Eckert Fine Art, Naples, Fla., This Pop’s for You!, Dec. 2003–Jan. 15, 2004.

Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, X-Screen: Film Installations and Actions in the 1960s and 1970s, Dec. 13, 2003–Feb. 29, 2004. Exh. cat. edited by Matthias Michalka with introduction by Michalka; essays by Eric de Bruyn, Branden W. Joseph, Liz Kotz, Pamela M. Lee, and Michalka; and interviews with Birgit Hein by Gabriele Jutz and Malcolm Le Grice by Maxa Zoller. 

Städtische Galerie, Karlsruhe, Temporal Values: von Minimal zu Video, Dec. 20, 2003–April 18, 2004. Organized by ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe. Exh. brochure. 



Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Oreg., Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, and Merce Cunningham, Jan. 5–Feb. 21. Organized by White Bird, Portland.

Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Mass., Mostly Photography: Art since 1980 from the Collection, Jan. 24–Aug. 8.

Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany, Das große Fressen: von Pop bis heute (The big feast: from Pop to today), Jan. 25–April 24 Exh. cat. with essays by Michael Althen, Thomas Kellein, and Angela Lampe.

Longboat Key Center for the Arts, Ringling College of Art and Design, Fla., Quintessential Contemporary, Feb. 6–29.

Proposition Gallery, New York, Open Proposition: Artists for the Bill of Rights, Feb. 7–28.

Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, N.Y., Watercolor Worlds, Feb. 8–April 5. Exh. brochure with text by Miranda McClintic.

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Pop Art, Feb. 10, 2004–Jan. 9, 2005. 

Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Das MoMA in Berlin: Meisterwerke aus dem Museum of Modern Art, New York, Feb. 20–Sept. 19. Exh. brochure (in English and German). Exh. cat. edited by John Elderfield and Angela Schneider.

Vancouver Art Gallery, Determined Pursuit: Highlights from the Longstaffe Collection, Feb. 28–May 16. 

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated): Art from 1951 to the Present, March 5–May 19. Exh. cat. by Lisa Dennison and Nancy Spector with Susan Cross with essays by Andrea Codrington, Drew Daniel, Bruce Jenkins, Gia Kourlas, Deyan Sudjic, and Mark C. Taylor. 

  • Budick, Ariella. “At a Minimum.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), March 7, 2004, sec. C, pp. 15–16.
  • Karmel, Pepe. “The Year of Living Minimally.” Art in America (New York) 92, no. 11 (Dec. 2004), pp. 90–96, 101, 149. 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Pop! From San Francisco Collections, March 6–Sept. 19. 

Albertina, Vienna, Pop Art and Minimalismus: The Serial Attitude, March 10–Aug. 29. Exh. cat. edited by Klaus Albrecht Schröder. 

ACA Galleries, New York, A Black Mountain Assemblage, March 20–April 10. 

Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin, Collaborative Spirit: Prints, Presses, and Deluxe Artists’ Books, April 6–Oct. 3. 

Oklahoma City Museum of Art, ULAE: The Print Show, May 6–Aug. 22.

  • Denny, Paul C. “Art Show Gives New Meaning to ‘Print.’” Enid News and Eagle (Okla.), May 28, 2004.

Napa Valley Museum, Yountville, Calif., A Rare Glimpse: Modern American Art from Private Napa Valley Collections, May 8–Aug. 1.

Mint Museum Randolph, Charlotte, N.C., Revelation: A Fresh Look at Contemporary Collections, May 26–Sept. 19.

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, Pop Classics, May 28–Sept. 5. In collaboration with Museum Ludwig, Cologne. Exh. cat. (in Danish and English) with foreword by Jens Eric Sørensen, introduction by Kasper Konig, and essays by Kristen Bjørnkjaer, Mona Jensen, and Bodil Monrad.

Katonah Museum of Art, N.Y., Behind Closed Doors, May 29–July 11.

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Art i utopia: L’acció restringida (Art and Utopia: Action Restricted), June 3–Sept. 12. Traveled to Museé des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (as L’Action restreinte: L’art moderne selon Mallarmé), April 9–July 3, 2005. Exh. cat. (in English and Spanish) by Jean-François Chevrier. Exh. cat. (Nantes with Paris: Hazan, 2005) by Chevrier.

  • Draguet, Michel. “Mallarmé ou la Négation Active.” Critique d’art (Rennes, France) (Autumn 2004), pp. 25–26.
  • Bellet, Harry. “Les troublants effets de Mallarmé sur l’art du XXe siècle.” Le Monde (Paris), April 28, 2005.
  • Domino, Christophe. “Art Contemporain, Théorie ‘L’action restreinte,’ sans restriction (ou presque)!” Le Journal des Arts (Paris), May 2005.
  • Farine, Manou. “Mallarmé en son réseau.” L’Oeil (May 2005), pp. 77–79.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Speaking with Hands: Photographs from the Buhl Collection, June 4–Sept. 8. Traveled to Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Nov. 25, 2005–March 22, 2006; Museum Folkwang, Essen, May 20–July 30, 2006; State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Sept. 21–Oct. 31, 2006; Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Dec. 21, 2006–March 4, 2007. Exh. cat. with essays by Jennifer Blessing, Kirsten A. Hoving, and Ralph Rugoff, and texts by Matthew S. Witkovsky with Melanie Mariño and Nat Trotman. 

  • Smith, Roberta. “Hands Up, Down, In, Over, Shaken, Clasped, Held . . . ” New York Times, June 25, 2004.

Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pa., Four Decades of Printmaking: 1960–2000, Selections from the Maslow Collection, July 1–Sept. 5.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Matisse and Beyond: The Painting and Sculpture Collection and Between Art and Life: The Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Collection, July 1, 2004–Nov. 8, 2009.

  • Baker, Kenneth. “SFMOMA Approaches Art with Fresh Eye.” San Francisco Chronicle, July 7, 2004, sec. E, pp. 1, 3.

Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, N.Y., Highlights of the 1970s: A Decade of Change and Transition, July 3–Sept. 5.

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Fla., Ink! Contemporary Prints from Graphicstudio, July 3–Oct. 3. Exh. cat.

Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, Four-Ply, July 15–Aug. 20.

Queens Museum of Art, New York, Subway Series: The New York Mets and Our National Pastime, July 18–Oct. 24, and Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, Subway Series: The New York Yankees and the American Dream, July 23–Dec. 31. Exh. cat. with essays by Tom Finkelpearl, Olivia George, Susan Grayson, Carlo McCormick, Paul J. Reiferson, and Thomas Solomon.

Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Max’s Kansas City, Sept. 4–Oct. 24. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. with introduction by Lou Reed and texts by Henrik List, Klaus Lynggard, and Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen.

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York, Design ≠ Art: Functional Objects from Donald Judd to Rachel Whiteread, Sept. 10, 2004–Feb. 27, 2005. Exh. cat. with essays by Barbara Bloemink, Scott Burton, Joseph Cunningham, Donald Judd, and Richard Tuttle, and artist interviews. Traveled to Museum of Design Atlanta, April 7–July 9, 2005; Aspen Art Museum, Colo., Aug. 5–Oct. 2, 2005.

Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Norrköping, Sweden, Teknologi för Livet: Om Experiments in Art and Technology, Sept. 12–Nov. 7. Exh. cat. (Paris: Schultz, 2004) with essays by Nils-Hugo Geber, Mimi Gross, and Marianne Hultman; texts by Billy Klüver and Barbro Schultz Lundestam; previously published essays and texts by Olle Granath, Pontus Hultén, Klüver, Klüver and Rauschenberg, Fujiko Nakaya, and Calvin Tomkins; and appendix (in English) with previously published texts by John Cage, Klüver, Rauschenberg, Fred Waldhauer, and Robert Whitman.

  • Borg, Bo. “När tekniker och konstnärer möttes.” Östgöta Correspondenten (Linköping, Sweden), Sept. 16, 2004.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Sons et lumières: Une histoire du son dans l’art du XX siècle, Sept. 22, 2004–Jan. 3, 2005. Exh. cat.

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Intuition/(Im)precision, Oct. 2–Nov. 10. Exh. cat.

National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Generous Friends: Building an Art Collection for the National Air and Space Museum, Oct. 8, 2004–Aug. 23, 2006.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Perspectives@25: A Quarter Century of New Art in Houston, Oct. 16, 2004–Jan. 9, 2005. Exh. cat. with foreword by Marti Mayo and essays by Lynn M. Herbert and Theresa Papanikolas.

Tampa Museum of Art, TMA@25: The Collection, Oct. 17, 2004–Jan. 2, 2005.

Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg, Austria, Visions of America: Contemporary Art from the Essl Collection and the Sonnabend Collection, New York, Oct. 21, 2004–March 6, 2005. Exh. cat. (in English and German) with essays by Gerhard Eckel, Mary Anne Redding, Barbara Steffen, Sonja Traar, and Patrick Werkner, and conversation with Ileana Sonnabend.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Contemporary Art: Floor to Ceiling, Wall to Wall, Oct. 31, 2004–April 24, 2005. 

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Lost but Found: Assemblage, Collage and Sculpture, 1920–2002, Nov. 5, 2004–March 28, 2005. 

Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, What’s Modern?, Nov. 5–Dec. 18. Exh. cat. with previously published essay by Alfred H. Barr.

National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Traces: Body and Idea in Contemporary Art, Nov. 9–Dec. 19. Traveled to National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Jan. 12–Feb. 27, 2005. Exh. cat. (in English, French, German, and Japanese) edited by Shinichiro Osaki with essays by Georges Didi-Huberman, Hubert Klocker, Osaki, and Richard Shiff. 

Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton, Fla., Pop Art, Dec. 9, 2004–Jan. 8, 2005. 

Orlando Museum of Art, Creating a Legacy: Twenty Years of Acquisition Trust, Dec. 12, 2004–Feb. 13, 2005.

Delegation of the European Commission, Washington, D.C., Olympic Truce: Pieces of Peace, Dec. 13–17. Organized by the Embassy of Greece for the Olympic Arts Festival.



Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pa., Johns, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Stella, Warhol: Selection of Prints from the Maslow Collection, Jan. 10–March 4.

Gagosian Gallery, Britannia Street, London, Imageless Icons: Abstract Thoughts, Feb. 3–March 26.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Contemporary Voices: Works from the UBS Art Collection, Feb. 4–April 25. Traveled to Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland (as Contemporary Voices: Die UBS Art Collection zu Gast in der Fondation Beyeler), Nov. 27, 2005–Feb. 26, 2006. Exh. brochure (New York). Exh. cat. (New York) by Ann Temkin with artist interviews by Temkin. Exh. cat. (Riehen, French and German editions) with artist interviews by Temkin.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California Plaza, Into the Unknown: Abstraction from the Collection, 1940–1960, Feb. 13–June 13.

Woodward Gallery, New York, Spring Sculpture, March 3–April 23.

Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, Portraits on Paper, March 19–April 16.

New York State Museum, Albany, Extra Ordinary: The Everyday Object in American Art, Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, April 2–July 10. 

Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Toward the Future: Through the Eyes of the Artists Awarded the Hiroshima Art Prize, April 16–June 26. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese) with text by Yuso Takezawa and artists’ statements. 

Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, N.J., The Collector’s View, April 16–Aug. 21. 

Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, Collage: Signs and Surfaces, April 21–May 21. Exh. cat. with introduction by Pavel Zoubok and essays by Thomas Piché, Jr. and Brandon Taylor. 

Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, N.C., Asheville Collects Black Mountain College, May 6–July 2. 

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Do It Yourself: Positionen von den sechziger Jahren bis heute, Sammlung Marx im Hamburger Bahnhof, May 12–Aug. 14. Exh. brochure with texts by Eugen Blume, Lars Blunck, Melanie Franke, Joachim Jäger, Hanne Loreck, Rosita Nenno, Philip Ursprung, and Friedrich Weltzien. 

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Light, Line and Color: American Works on Paper (1765–2005), June 25–Sept. 4.

 Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Japan, Picturing America: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, July 12–Aug. 21. Traveled to Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo, Aug. 27–Oct. 2; 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan, Oct. 8–Nov. 6; Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, Nov. 20, 2005–Jan. 9, 2006; Koriyama City Museum of Art, Japan, Jan. 28–March 12, 2006; Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe, Japan, April 4–May 14, 2006. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese). 

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Acquisitions of the Last Five Years: Selections of Modern and Contemporary Art, July 16–Oct. 9. 

Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Three Sides to a Sheet of Paper: How Prints Communicate, Represent and Transform, Aug. 24–Nov. 13. Exh. cat.

Dallas Museum of Art, Dialogues: Duchamp, Cornell, Johns, Rauschenberg, Sept. 4, 2005–Jan. 8, 2006. Exh. cat. with essay by Dorothy Kosinski.

Print Center, Philadelphia, Ninety Years: Nurturing the New, Sept. 8–Nov. 9. Exh. brochure.

Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Lichtenstein, Oct. 6–29.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Between Representation and Abstraction, Oct. 19, 2005–Jan. 9, 2006.

Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville, American Matrix: Contemporary Directions for the Harn Museum Collection, Part I, Oct. 23, 2005–April 30, 2006. Exh. brochure.

Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, Empreinte moi, Oct. 29–Dec. 3. 

Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Part Object Part Sculpture, Oct. 30, 2005–Feb. 26, 2006. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. by Helen Molesworth with essays by Briony Fer, Rachel Haidu, David Joselit, Rosalind E. Krauss, Molesworth, and Molly Nesbit. 

Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, Looking at Words: The Formal Use of Text in Modern and Contemporary Works on Paper, Nov. 2–Dec. 31.

Arnolfini, Bristol, Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933–57, Nov. 5, 2005–Jan. 15, 2006. Traveled to Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge, Jan. 28–April 2, 2006. Exh. cat. with essays by Christopher Benfey, Eva Diaz, Mary Emma Harris, Jed Perl, and Edmund de Waal.

  • Sperlinger, Mike. “Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933–57.” Art Monthly (London), no. 293 (Feb. 2006), pp. 26–27.
  • Glover, Michael. “High, Pure Air of Idealism.” Financial Times (London), Feb. 1, 2006.
  • Anfam, David. “Black Mountain College.” Burlington Magazine (London) 148, no. 1236 (March 2006), pp. 214–16.
  • Gayford, Martin. “Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933–57.” Modern Painters (London) (March 2006), p. 123.
  • Heartfield, James. “Modernism from the Mountain.” Blueprint (London) (April 2006), p. 89.

Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich Arts Council, Conn., Gemini G.E.L.—Forty Years of Printmaking, Nov. 9, 2005–Jan. 7, 2006.

Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Burri. Gli artisti e la materia 1945–2004, Nov. 17, 2005–Feb. 16, 2006. Exh. cat.

Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Mestres del collage: de Picasso a Rauschenberg (Masters of collage: from Picasso to Rauschenberg), Nov. 26, 2005–Feb. 26, 2006. Exh. cat. (in Catalan, English, and Spanish) with introduction by Eduard Castellet and Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez and essays by Donald B. Kuspit, Carter Ratcliff, and Diane Waldman.

Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Collecting for the Cause: Activist Art in the 1960s and ’70s, Dec. 17, 2005–March 12, 2006.



Woodbury Art Museum, Utah Valley State College, Orem, Pop Art, Jan. 6–Feb. 4.

Art Gallery, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, On the Edge: Artists Interpret the American Coastline, Jan. 9–Feb. 17. 

Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, Red, Yellow, Blue, Jan. 12–Feb. 11. 

Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Presses, Pop, and Pomade: American Prints since the Sixties, Jan. 13–March 19. 

Berman Museum of Art, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa., The Phenomenon of Pop Art: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Feb.–April 16. 

Vancouver Art Gallery, Seventy-five Years of Collecting: British Masters, Group of Seven and Pop Icons, Feb. 4–May 14. Exh. website with essay by Jens Hoffmann. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Fla., Pop Art 1956–2006: The First Fifty Years, Feb. 18–April 16. 

Leo Castelli, New York, The Mediated Gesture: Jasper Johns, Robert Longo, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Tuttle, March 3–April 14, and Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, March 3–May 27. 

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, American Art: Selections from the Permanent Collection 1960–Present, March 5–June 25. Exh. brochure. 

Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Pontus Hulten: Artisti da una collezione, March 5–July 9. Traveled to Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, Sept. 15–Dec. 10. Exh. cat. by Stefano Cecchetto. 

Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York, Paper Works by Abstract Masters, March 11–April 22. 

Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Twice Drawn, Part I, March 11–June 4. 

Renate Schröder Galerie, Mönchengladbach, Germany, Classic Pop, April 2–May 20. 

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Homage to Chillida, April 5–June 11. Exh. cat. (in Basque, English, and Spanish) by Kosme de Barañano.

Asheville Art Museum, N.C., Black Mountain College: Its Time and Place, April 7–Aug. 6; Black Mountain College: Experiments in Material and Form, Aug. 18–Dec. 31; and Black Mountain College: Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Dialogues, Jan. 12–May 13, 2007. Exh. brochure with text by Eva Diaz.

List Visual Arts Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 9 Evenings Reconsidered: Art, Theatre, and Engineering, 1966, May 4–July 9. Traveled to Tesla Media-Art Laboratory, Berlin, Nov. 10–Dec. 8, 2007; Galerie Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, March 9–April 21, 2009. Exh. cat. with essays by Clarisse Bardiot, Michelle Yi-Ann Kuo, and Catherine Morris; previously published essays by Lucy Lippard and Brian O’Doherty; and interview with Herb Schneider. Exh. website. Accessed March 8, 2021.

  • Malone, Micah J. “9 Evenings Reconsidered at the MIT List.” Big Red and Shiny (Boston) 1, no. 44 (June 18, 2006). Accessed June 16, 2014.
  • McQuaid, Cate. “Feats (and Follies) of Technology.” Boston Globe, June 18, 2006.
  • Garwood, Deborah. “The Future of an Idea: 9 Evenings—Forty Years Later.” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (Cambridge, Mass.) 29, no. 1 (Jan. 2007), pp. 36–48.
  • Giuliano, Charles. “Videos Featuring Nam June Paik and Robert Rauschenberg.” Berkshire Fine Arts (North Adams, Mass.), March 28, 2007. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Adler and Company, San Francisco, ULAE: Prints from the Collection 1957–2006, May 10–Sept. 1.

Baltimore Museum of Art, Select Views: Drawings from the Benesch Collection, May 21–July 30. Exh. brochure with text by Ana Rosner.

Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville, American Matrix: Contemporary Directions for the Harn Museum Collection, Part II, May 23–Oct. 29. Exh. brochure.

  • Hackett, David. “Cofrin Cranks Up the Contemporary.” Gainesville Sun (Fla.), June 1, 2006, p. 6.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Chance Encounters: The Formation of the de Menils’ African Collection, May 26–Sept. 10. 

Allentown Art Museum, Pa., Pop Goes the Press: Prints from the Permanent Collection, 1960–1990, June 4–Sept. 10. 

Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, The Name of this Show Is Not Gay Art Now, June 8–Aug. 14. Organized by Jack Pierson.

Miami Art Museum, Big Juicy Paintings (and More): Highlights from the Permanent Collection, June 16–Sept. 17. Exh. brochure with text by Peter Boswell. 

Guild Hall, East Hampton, N.Y., Guild Hall Collects: In Celebration of Our 75th Anniversary, June 17–July 30. 

Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, N.Y., Got Cow? Cattle in American Art, 1820–2000, June 24–Sept. 10. Exh. cat. with introduction by Jean-Paul Maitinsky and text by Bartholomew F. Bland.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Full House: Views of the Whitney’s Collection at Seventy-five, June 29–Sept. 3.

Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, Vt., Human=Nature, June 30–July 30. Exh. cat. with essay by Victoria Anstead.

Meyerovich Gallery, San Francisco, Contemporary American Masters, July 1–Aug. 31.

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K20 Grabbeplatz, Düsseldorf, 20 Jahre K20: Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (Twenty years of K20: Art of the twentieth century), July 14–Aug. 27.

Grimaldi Forum, Monte Carlo, New York, New York: Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Photography, Film and Video, July 14–Sept. 10. Exh. cat. by Germano Celant and Lisa Dennison.

Kunstmuseum Bonn and Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn, Germany, The Guggenheim Collection, July 21, 2006–Jan. 7, 2007. Exh. cat. with essays by Jennifer Blessing, Julia Brown, Anthony Calnek, Susan Davidson, Lisa Dennison, Matthew Drutt, Michael Govan, Kay Heymer, Ted Mann, and Diane Waldman.

Glenstone, Potomac, Md., The Inaugural Exhibition, Sept. 1, 2006–Jan. 31, 2009. Exh. cat. with essay by Yve-Alain Bois.

Deitch Projects, New York, Songs for Sale: Big American Paintings by Robert Rauschenberg, David Salle, and Michael Bevilacqua, Sept. 6–Oct. 14. Traveled to Faurschou Beijing, Nov. 25, 2010–March 6, 2011.

Peter Freeman, New York, Nothing and Everything, Sept. 7–Oct. 28. Traveled to Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, Nov. 30, 2006–Jan. 27, 2007. Exh. cat.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, Black Paintings, Sept. 15, 2006–Jan. 14, 2007. Exh. cat. (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2006; English and German editions) by Stephanie Rosenthal.

  • Karcher, Eva. “Paint It Black!” Vogue Deutsch (Munich) (Sept. 2006), pp. 304–07, 356. 
  • Hauschild, Joachim. “Der Blick verliert sich im Dunkeln.” Art (Hamburg) (Sept. 2006), p. 97. 
  • Mazzoni, Ira. “Einfach Schwarz.” Deutsche Bauzeitung (Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany) (Sept. 2006). 
  • Grenzmann, Teresa. “Nullpunkt der Malerei.” Münchner Merkur (Munich), Sept. 14, 2006.
  • Stadler, Michael. “Ein Museum sieht schwarz.” Abendzeitung (Munich), Sept. 14, 2006. 
  • Welter, Barbara. “Schwarz ist schön—und auch ziemlich teuer.” TZ (Munich), Sept. 15, 2006 
  • Göricke, Jutta. “Wie Sie sehen, sehen Sie schwarz.” Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), Sept. 16, 2006.
  • Humpeneder, Anke. “Nullpunkt und Neubeginn.” Landshuter Zeitung (Straubing, Germany), Sept. 19, 2006.
  • Zeyn, Martin. “Der Letzte löscht das Licht.” Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt), Sept. 21, 2006. 
  • Altmann, Alexander. “Die säkulare Spiritualität des Ästhetischen.” Bayerische Staatszeitung (Munich), Sept. 22, 2006.
  • Bäumer, Dörthe. “Wenn Maler schwarz sehen.” IN München (Munich), no. 20 (Sept. 28, 2006). 
  • Eckberg, Anna. “New Yorker: Schwarzkunst.” Applaus (Munich), no. 11 (Nov. 1, 2006). 
  • Tupitsyn, Margarita. “Munich: ‘Black Paintings,’ Haus der Kunst.” Artforum (New York) 45, no. 5 (Jan. 2007), pp. 265–66.

Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Artists at Work: Instruction Drawings of Gilbert and Lila Silverman, Sept. 16–Oct. 29. 

Museum of Art, Washington State University, Pullman, Art and Context: The ’50s and ’60s, Sept. 29–Dec. 15. Exh. cat. with essays by Chris Bruce and Keith Wells.

Bobbie Greenfield Gallery, Santa Monica, Cardboard, Oct. 7–Nov. 22. 

Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany, 1952: Nach dem Ende—vor dem Anfang (After the end, before the beginning), Oct. 15, 2006–Jan. 21, 2007. 

Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pa., Statements and Symbols: Selected Paintings and Prints from the Maslow Collection, Oct. 28, 2006–Feb. 4, 2007. 

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Magritte and Contemporary Art: The Treachery of Images, Nov. 19, 2006–March 4, 2007. Exh. cat. with essays by Richard Armstrong, Stephanie Barron, Roberta Bernstein, Sarah Cochran, Michel Draguet, Thierry de Duve, Pepe Karmel, Theresa Papanikolas, Noëllie Roussel, and Dickran Tashjian and interviews with Vija Celmins and Ed Ruscha. 

Dallas Museum of Art, Fast Forward: Contemporary Collections for the Dallas Museum of Art (first part), Nov. 21, 2006–April 8, 2007. Exh. cat. edited by María de Corral and John R. Lane with essays by Frances Colpitt, de Corral, Lane, Mark Rosenthal, Allan Schwartzman, and Charles Wylie, and interviews with Marguerite and Robert Hoffman, Cindy and Howard Rachofsky, Deedie Rose, and Lane by de Corral.

Max Lang Gallery, New York, Living With Pop, Dec. 1, 2006–Jan. 20, 2007.

Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, Posters: Exhibition and Sale to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Dec. 8–20.

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Md., The Sixties, Seventies and Eighties: From the Permanent Collection, Dec. 17, 2006–Feb. 4, 2007.

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn., Picasso to Pop: Aspects of Modern Art, Dec. 23, 2006–Nov. 18, 2007.



University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, Trisha Brown: Drawing on Land and Air, Jan. 12–March 3. Exh. brochure with text by Susan Rosenberg.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Artistic Collaborations: Fifty Years at Universal Limited Art Editions, Jan. 17–May 21.

  • Schwendener, Martha. “Even in the Digital Age, a Strong Case for Printmaking.” New York Times, Feb. 12, 2007.

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Works from the Permanent Collection, Jan. 25–April 1.

Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Merce Cunningham: Dancing on the Cutting Edge, Jan. 26–April 29. Exh. cat. by Bonnie Clearwater with introduction by Trevor Carlson.

  • Chang, Daniel. “Setting the Stage: Dance Icon’s Nod Puts Miami Artist in Fine Company.” Miami Herald, Broward County edition, Feb. 19, 2007.
  • Suarez De Jesus, Carlos. “Merce Mania.” Miami New Times, Feb. 21, 2007, p. 50.

Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Norrköping, Sweden, Rock ’n’ Roll Vol. 1, Jan. 27–May 13. Traveled to Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway, June 30–Sept. 9.

Gulf Coast Museum of Art, Largo, Fla., An Adventure in the Arts: The Permanent Collection of the Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York, Feb. 9–April 29. Organized by Guild Hall in collaboration with Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles. Traveled to Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, March 8–June 8, 2008; Visual Arts Center, Panama City, Fla., June 15–Oct. 1, 2008; South Bend Museum of Art, Ind., Oct. 18, 2008–Jan. 15, 2009; Turtle Bay Exploration Center, Redding, Calif., Feb. 5–May 3, 2009; Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, Colo., May 21–Aug. 2, 2009; Crisp Museum, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, Aug. 15–Oct. 31, 2009; Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, Ill., Nov. 15, 2009–Jan. 15, 2010; Mobile Museum of Art, Ala., Feb. 5–April 18, 2010; Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, Feb. 17–May 20, 2012; R. W. Norton Art Gallery, Shreveport, La., Feb. 5–March 31, 2013; Alexandria Museum of Art, La., April 12–June 15, 2013; Farmington Museum, N.M., July 20–Sept. 22, 2013.

National Art Museum of China, Beijing, Art in America: 300 Years of Innovation, Feb. 10–April 5. Organized by Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York in collaboration with Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago. Traveled to Shanghai Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, May 1–June 30; Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, July 24–Sept. 9; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Oct. 8, 2007–April 27, 2008. Exh. cat. (Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish editions) with essays by Susan Cross, Patricia Johnston, Elizabeth Kennedy, Jessica Lanier, Anthony Lee, Michael Leja, Margaretta M. Lovell, David M. Lubin, Nancy Mowll Mathews, Robert Rosenblum, and Justin Wolff.

MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, Not for Sale, Feb. 11–April 30.

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, A Grand Opening: Selections from Forty Years of Gemini G.E.L. Editions, Feb. 16–March 17.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Rembrandt to Rosenquist: Masters of Printmaking, Feb. 18–May 13. Exh. cat.

  • Genocchio, Benjamin. “Five Centuries of Printmaking Packed into One Museum.” New York Times, April 1, 2007.

Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Germany, Tanzen, Sehen (Dancing, seeing), Feb. 18–May 28. Traveled to Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville (as Ver Bailar), June 28–Sept. 16. Exh. cat. (German and Spanish editions) with essays by Peter Reeh, Stefanie Scheit, and Eva Schmidt.

Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Fla., On the Road: Photographs Across America, March 3–July 1.

Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valencia, El Pop en la colección gráfica del MBA, March 7–May 20, and El Pop Art en la colección del IVAM, March 15–May 27. Exh. cat. (MBA; in Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, and Valencian) with texts by Consuelo Císcar Casabán, Alfonso Palacio, Adriana Suárez, and Rubén Suárez. Exh. cat. (IVAM, in English and Spanish) with essays by Císcar Casabán, Lluís Fernández, William Jeffet, and Santiago Olmo, and interviews with Tomàs Llorens and Manuel Valdés by Clare Carolin.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The 1960s: Prints and Editions, March 17–Sept. 2.

  • Jon, Dennis Michael. “The Sixties: A Decade of Change.” Arts, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts Magazine for Members (March–April 2007), pp. 14–15.

Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany, Stichwort Gegenwart: Zwölf Kapitel der Sammlung Ludwig (Codeword present: Twelve chapters of the Ludwig Collection), March 17–Nov. 4. Exh. cat. (Cologne: König, 2007) edited by Harald Kunde.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., Pop Art at Princeton: Permanent and Promised, March 24–Aug. 12. Exh. cat. (Pop Art: Contemporary Perspectives, Princeton University Art Museum) with introduction by Hal Foster, and essays by Johanna Burton, Kevin Hatch, Suzanne Hudson, Alexander Kitnick, Julia E. Robinson, and Diana K. Tuite.

Leo Castelli, New York, The Wandering Eye: Works on Paper from the 60s and 70s, April 10–May 19.

Arlington Museum of Art, Tex., Ulterior Motifs No. 10: A Celebratory Art Extravaganza, April 13–May 30. 

Seattle Art Museum, SAM at Seventy-five: Building a Collection for Seattle, May 5–Sept. 9. 

Zimmer Children’s Museum, Los Angeles, Show and Tell: The Art of Harmony, an International Art Exhibit, May 6–June 14. 

The Menil Collection, Houston, The David Whitney Bequest, May 11–Aug. 12. 

Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Mass., Seldom Seen: Contemporary Art from the Permanent Collection, May 15–Oct. 21.

Woodward Gallery, New York, When Art Worlds Collide: The ’60s, May 17–July 14. 

Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York, Paper, May 19, 2007–Jan. 14, 2008. 

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era, May 24–Sept. 16. 

  • Cotter, Holland. “Through Rose-Colored Granny Glasses.” New York Times, May 25, 2007, sec. E, pp. 25, 32.

Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, Germany, Warhol, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Twombly, Kiefer: Aus der Sammlung Marx, May 25–Oct. 7. Exh. cat. with essays by Aeneas Bastian, Heiner Bastian, Joachim Jäger, Frank Schmidt, and Daniel Schreiber, and artist biographies by Christiane Wohlrab. 

Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Poetry in Motion, June 12–Sept. 15. Traveled to Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Oct. 2–14. Exh. cat. (in English and German) with essay by Garett Marshall.

Phantom Galleries LA, Los Angeles, High and Dry, Smoke and Fog, June 15–July 6. 

New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Invention: Merce Cunningham and Collaborators, June 19–Oct. 13. 

PaceWildenstein, 545 West Twenty-second Street, New York, Salvaged, June 28–July 27. 

University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, Grand Gestures: The Gordon F. Hampton Collection, June 28–Aug. 5. Exh. cat. by Laurie Monahan, Anna-Marie Sanchez, and Christopher Scoates. 

Amy Simon Fine Art, Westport, Conn., American Idols, Sept. 7–Nov. 3. 

Sprengel Museum, Hanover, Germany, Nouveau Réalisme: Revolution des Alltäglichen (Revolution of the ordinary), Sept. 9, 2007–Jan. 27, 2008. Exh. brochure (in English and German) with text by Ulrich Krempel.

Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, I Love Pop Art, Sept. 15, 2007–Jan. 6, 2008. Exh. cat. (in English and Swedish) by Hélena Nybacka.

Gagosian Gallery, London, Pop Art Is . . . , Sept. 27–Nov. 21. Exh. cat. with essay by Greil Marcus and visual essay by Louise Lawler.

National Portrait Gallery, London, Pop Art Portraits, Oct. 11, 2007–Jan. 20, 2008. Traveled to Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, Feb. 23–June 8, 2008. Exh. cat. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2007) with essays by Paul Moorhouse and Dominic Sandbrook and artist biographies by Elizabeth Manchester.

San Jose Museum of Art, Calif. De-Natured: Works from the Anderson Collection and the Anderson Graphic Collection, Oct. 13, 2007–Jan. 6, 2008. Exh. brochure with essay by Heather Pamela Green.

Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Omaggio a Capodimonte: Da Caravaggio a Picasso, Oct. 24, 2007–Jan. 20, 2008. Exh. cat. (Naples: Electa, 2007) by Nicola Spinosa.

Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, Rome, Pop Art! 1956–1968, Oct. 26, 2007–Jan. 27, 2008. Exh. cat. (Milan: Silvana, 2007) by Walter Guadagnini. 

Richard L. Feigen and Company, New York, Drawing in Space, Nov. 1, 2007–Jan. 18, 2008. Curated by Jan Krugier. Exh. brochure. 

Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., Beauty and the Blonde: An Exploration of American Art and Popular Culture, Nov. 16, 2007–Jan. 28, 2008. Exh. brochure with text by Catharina Manchanda. 

Galleria d’arte il Gabbiano, Rome, Ieri—Oggi: 40 anni del Gabbiano (Yesterday—Today: Forty Years of Gabbiano), Dec. 12, 2007–Jan. 13, 2008. Exh. cat. (in English and Italian) by Sandro Manzo. 



McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas Made, Jan. 19–Feb. 16. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Collecting Collections: Highlights from the Permanent Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Feb. 9–May 19. Exh. cat. (This Is Not To Be Looked At: Highlights from the Permanent Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles) with essays by Ann Goldstein, Rebecca Morse, and Paul Schimmel. 

The Menil Collection, Houston, How Artists Draw: Toward the Menil Drawing Institute and Study Center, Feb. 15–May 18. 

  • King, Jennifer. “How to Draw.” Art on Paper (New York) (May–June 2008), p. 18. 
  • Britt, Douglas. “The Menil Is Right—Drawing Is an Art.” Houston Chronicle, May 9, 2008, sec. E, pp. 1, 9.

Broad Contemporary Art Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, inaugural exhibition, Feb. 16, 2008–Jan. 2009.

  • Smith, Roberta. “Rounding Up the Usual Suspects.” New York Times, Feb. 15, 2008, sec. E, pp. 31, 39.
  • Baker, Kenneth. “Review.” Artnews (New York) 107, no. 4 (April 2008), p. 147. 
  • Duncan, Michael. “LACMA Sizes Up.” Art in America (New York) 96, no. 5 (May 2008), pp. 66–71. 

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Pop and Op, Feb. 17–May 4. Exh. brochure with texts by Franklin Hill Perrell and Constance Schwartz. 

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., An Educated Eye: Princeton University Art Museum Collections, Feb. 23–June 15. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today, March 2–May 12. Exh. brochure. Exh. cat. by Ann Temkin with essays by Briony Fer and Temkin, and texts by Melissa Ho, Nora Lawrence, and Temkin.

  • Rosenberg, Karen. “Primary Season at the Modern.” New York Times, March 4, 2008, sec. E, pp. 1, 5.
  • Kunitz, Daniel. “Rainbow Coalition.” New York Sun, March 6, 2008, pp. 17, 23. 
  • Budick, Ariella. “Chasing Rainbows.” Newsday (Melville, N.Y.), March 16, 2008, sec. C, pp. 10–11. 
  • Kreimer, Julian. “Book Review: Learning Through Color.” Art in America (New York) 97, no. 5 (May 2009), pp. 49–53.

Gavin Brown’s Enterprise at Passerby, New York, Depreciation and Devastation, March 7–22.

Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, Calif., Photos and Phantasy: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, March 8–May 18.

Life is Art Foundation (originally Kirsha Kaechele Projects), New Orleans, Allons á Lafayette, April 4–June 1.

Michele Mosko Fine Art, Denver, The Body Is Art, April 17–June 21.

Texas Gallery, Houston, Sculpture, April 22–May 21.

Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection, April 22–July 19. Traveled to Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Sept. 16–Dec. 14; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Jan. 17–March 15, 2009; Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine, April 17–July 19, 2009; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 23–Oct. 25, 2009. Exh. cat. edited by Pepe Karmel with essays by Lynn Gumpert, Karmel, Alexandra Lange, and Lytle Shaw. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Tampere Art Museum, Finland, Time for Pop, April 26–Aug. 10. Exh. cat. with essays by Torsten Lilja, Taina Myllyharju, and Hélena Nybacka.

Mitchell-Innes and Nash, New York, Works on Paper, May 1–June 27. 

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Fla., Ringling Retro: Modern and Contemporary Works of Art from the Permanent Collection, May 10–Oct. 26. Traveled to Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach, Fla. (as Ringling Retro: Selections of Modern and Contemporary Works of Art from the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art), April 24–Oct. 25, 2009.

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland, Fernand Léger: Paris—New York, June 1–Sept. 7. Exh. cat. (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2008; English and German editions) with essays by Yves-Alain Bois, Raphaël Bouvier, Philippe Büttner, Christian Derouet, Brigitte Hedel-Samson, and Daniel Kramer; interview with Roy Lichtenstein by Katherine Jánszky Michaelsen; texts by Ellsworth Kelly, Kenneth Noland, and James Rosenquist; and chronology by Nelly Millard.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, “Progress”, July 11, 2008–Jan. 4, 2009.

  • Johnson, Ken. “Modernist Optimism and Postmodernist Doubt.” New York Times, Aug. 22, 2008, sec. E, p. 29.

Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Calif., From Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art: Johns, Rauschenberg and the Aesthetic of Indifference, July 12–Oct. 19.

  • Howell, Daedalus. “Museum Showcases Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and the ‘Aesthetic of Indifference.’” Sonoma Valley Sun (Calif.), July 10, 2008, pp. 31, 35.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Pipe, Glass, Bottle of Rum: The Art of Appropriation, July 30–Nov. 10.

  • Johnson, Ken. “Bits of Paper, Scraps of Cloth and Photographs of Photographs.” New York Times, Aug. 29, 2008, sec. E, p. 22.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Imaginary Spaces: Selections from the Menil Collection, Aug. 22, 2008–March 1, 2009.

Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Pop Art and After: Prints and Popular Culture, Sept. 2–Dec. 14. Exh. cat. edited by Marilyn Symmes with essay by Joan Marter.

Mary Boone Gallery, New York, View: Fourteen/Hooking Up, Sept. 6–Oct. 25.

Hickory Museum of Art, N.C., The Spirit of Black Mountain College, Sept. 6, 2008–Jan. 4, 2009.

Fundación/Colección Jumex, Ecatepec, Mexico, An Unruly History of the Readymade, Sept. 8, 2008–March 6, 2009.

Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Circa 1958: Breaking Ground in American Art, Sept. 21, 2008–Jan. 4, 2009. Exh. cat. by Roni Feinstein with essays by Feinstein and Emily Kass.

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Cold War Modern: Design 1945–1970, Sept. 25, 2008–Jan. 11, 2009. Traveled to National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania, Oct. 3–Dec. 6, 2009. Exh. cat. edited by David Crowley and Jane Pavitt with introduction by Crowley and Pavitt, and essays by Greg Castillo, Anne Collins Goodyear, Crowley, Barry Curtis, John Harwood, Caroline Maniaque, Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius, Paola Nicolin, Pavitt, Susan E. Reid, Jana Scholze, Jane A. Sharp, and Sarah Wilson.

Armand Bartos Fine Art, New York, SIGN/AGE, Part One: Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign, Sept. 26–Oct. 24. 

Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Art of Our Time: Twenty Years of the Praemium Imperiale, Sept. 27–Nov. 9. Exh. cat.

National Art Museum of China, Beijing, Moving Horizons—The UBS Art Collection: 1960s to the Present Day, Sept. 29–Nov. 4. Exh. cat. by Joanne Bernstein.

Cinémathèque Française, Paris, Dennis Hopper and the New Hollywood, Oct. 15, 2008–Jan. 19, 2009. Traveled to Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, Nov. 12, 2009–April 25, 2010. Exh. cat. (Paris: Flammarion, 2009; English and French editions) edited by Matthieu Orléan with essays by Pierre Evil, Bernard Marcadé, Orléan, and Jean-Baptiste Thoret.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Philippe de Montebello Years: Curators Celebrate Three Decades of Acquisitions, Oct. 24, 2008–Feb. 1, 2009. 

Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs, Fla., NASA/Art: Fifty Years of Exploration, Oct. 25, 2008–Jan. 18, 2009. Organized by NASA in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. Traveled to City of Lake Charles Arts and Cultural Center, La., Feb. 6–May 3, 2009; Huntsville Museum of Art, Ala., May 23–Aug. 16, 2009; Irving Arts Center, Tex., Sept. 5–Nov. 29, 2009; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Dec. 19, 2009–March 7, 2010; Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Miss., April 3–June 27, 2010; Museum of Florida History, Tallahassee, July 22–Oct. 10, 2010; Arizona Museum for Youth, Mesa, Oct. 30, 2010–Jan. 23, 2011; Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences of West Virginia, Charleston, Feb. 12–May 8, 2011; National Air and Space Museum, May 28–Oct. 9, 2011; Las Cruces Museum of Art, N.M., Nov. 4, 2011–Jan. 29, 2012; Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wis., April 14–June 17, 2012; Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa, July 7–Sept. 30, 2012. Exh. cat. (New York: Abrams, 2008) by James Dean and Bertram Ulrich with essays by Ray Bradbury, Michael Collins, and Thomas Crouch.

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, The Collection and Then Some, Nov. 7, 2008–May 31, 2009. 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now, Nov. 8, 2008–Feb. 8, 2009. Exh. cat. with essays by Robert Atkins, Rudolf Frieling, Boris Groys, and Lev Manovich, and texts by Frieling, Melissa Pellico, and Tanya Zimbardo.

Cohan and Leslie, New York, Photographic Works: To Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Dec. 11–20.



Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, N.Y., Robert Rauschenberg and His Contemporaries: Recent Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, Jan. 10–April 5. 

  • Genocchio, Benjamin. “Prints That Say Bold and Eclectic.” New York Times, March 8, 2009.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Artists Making Photographs: Chamberlain, Rauschenberg, Ruscha, Samaras, Warhol, Jan. 16–May 17. 

Greenfield Sacks Gallery, Santa Monica, Universal Limited Art Editions: Then and Now, Jan. 17–Feb. 28. 

Gagosian Gallery, West Twenty-fourth Street, New York, Manzoni: A Retrospective, Jan. 24–March 21. 

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989, Jan. 30–April 19. Exh. cat. edited by Alexandra Munroe with essays by Vivien Greene, Harry Harootunian, Richard King, Munroe, David W. Patterson, Kathleen Pyne and D. Scott Atkinson, J. Thomas Rimer, Kristine Stiles, and Bert Winther-Tamaki. 

  • Cotter, Holland. “Gaze East and Dream.” New York Times, Jan. 30, 2009, sec. C, pp. 29, 33.

Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec, Quebec City, Ingres et les Modernes, Feb. 5–May 31. Traveled to Musée Ingres, Montauban, France, July 4–Oct. 4. Exh. cat. with essays by Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Dimitri Salmon, and Florence Viguier-Dutheil. 

Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, Works on Paper: Georg Baselitz, Brice Marden, Sigmar Polke, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra, Feb. 7–March 21. 

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, BMW Art Cars, Feb. 12–24. Traveled to Grand Central Terminal, New York, March 25–April 6; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico, June 5–Aug. 2; Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, Aug. 14–Sept. 27; Polyforum Siqueiros, Mexico City, Oct. 29–Dec. 6. 

Armand Bartos Fine Art, New York, 1968–69: Forty Years Later, Feb. 18–March 21. 

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Cool, Collected and in Context, Feb. 22–May 3. 

Glenstone, Potomac, Md., If We Could Imagine, March 2009–Jan. 2011. Exh. cat. with introduction by Emily Wei Rales and essay by Jeffrey Weiss. 

Leo Castelli, New York, Electricity, March 6–April 25. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Paper: Pressed, Stained, Slashed, Folded, March 11–June 22. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France, 9 Evenings: Art, Theatre and Engineering, de 2009 à 1966, March 27–May 17. Organized in collaboration with Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris.

Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Amerika 2009, March 31–May 23. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Compass in Hand: Selections from the Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, April 22, 2009–Jan. 4, 2010. Traveled to Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, Oct. 28, 2010–Jan. 16, 2011; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, March 11–May 29, 2011. Exh. cat. by Christian Rattemeyer with essay by Rattemeyer and interview with Harvey S. Shipley Miller and Gary Garrels by Cornelia Butler and Rattemeyer. 

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Soft Sculpture, April 24–July 12. Exh. brochure with essay by Lucina Ward.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, A Director’s Vision: The Legacy of Anne d’Harnoncourt, April 25–July 19.

Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, Go Figure, May 9–July 31.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Between Art and Life: The Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Collection, May 10, 2009–Jan. 3, 2010.

Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti and Scuola Grande Confraternita di San Teodoro, Venice, Glasstress, June 6–Nov. 22. Organized by Adriano Berengo, 53rd Venice Biennale collateral event. Exh. cat. with essays by Rosa Barovier Mentasti, Giancinto Di Pietrantonio, Francesca Giubilei, Laura Mattioli Rossi, Tina Oldknow, and Fausto Petrella, and texts by Luca Beatrice and Berengo.

Seattle Art Museum, Target Practice: Painting Under Attack: 1948–78, June 25–Sept. 7. Exh. cat. edited by Michael Darling with essays by Graham Bader, Darling, Elizabeth Mangini, and Mika Yoshitake.

Columbia Museum of Art, S.C., JJ/RR Jasper Johns/Robert Rauschenberg: 20th Century Masters in the Collection, July 18–Oct. 4.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Body in Fragments, Aug. 21, 2009–Feb. 28, 2010.

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Die Kunst ist super!, Sept. 5, 2009–Feb. 14, 2010. 

Ikon Contemporary Art, Santa Monica, Assembled Realities and Small Treasures, Sept. 12–Nov. 7. 

Jacobson Howard Gallery, New York, Circa 1959, Sept. 10–Oct. 24. Exh. brochure with essay by Roni Feinstein. 

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Selected Works, Oct. 1, 2009–May 2, 2010. Exh. cat. with essay by Harry Cooper. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, The Anarchy of Silence: John Cage and Experimental Art, Oct. 22, 2009–Jan. 10, 2010. Traveled to Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Norway, Feb. 25–May 30, 2010; Schunck, Heerlen, Netherlands, Sept. 3–Nov. 28, 2010. Exh. cat. (Dutch, English, and Spanish editions) with essays by Yve-Alain Bois, Branden W. Joseph, Liz Kotz, James Pritchett, and Julia Robinson, and chronology by Rebecca Y. Kim. 

Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Stopgap—Homage to Rauschenberg: Selections from the Hara Museum Collection, Oct. 24–Dec. 6.

Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia, Mirror Mirror: Then and Now, Oct. 24–Dec. 12. Traveled to University Art Gallery, University of Sydney, Jan. 4–May 2, 2010; Samstag Museum of Art, University of South Australia, Adelaide, May 14–July 16, 2010. Exh. cat. with essays by Keith Broadfoot, Andrew McNamara, and Ann Stephen. 

MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, 1969, Oct. 25, 2009–April 5, 2010. 

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., The Rose at Brandeis: Works from the Collection, Oct. 29, 2009–June 20, 2010. 

Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museums, Savannah, Ga., Kirk Varnedoe Collection, Nov. 11, 2009–April 4, 2010. 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Seventy-Five Years of Looking Forward: The Anniversary Show, Dec. 19, 2009–Jan. 16, 2011. Exh. cat. edited by Janet Bishop, Corey Keller, and Sarah Roberts with essays by Bishop, Apsara Diquinzio, Roni Feinstein, Rudolf Frieling, Gary Garrels, Alison Gass, Jeff Gunderson, Glen Helfand, Kara Kirk, Tara McDowell, Erin O’Toole, Sandra S. Phillips, Henry Urbach, and Tanya Zimbardo. 

Moderna Museet, Malmö, Sweden, Spectacular Times: The 60s—The Moderna Museet Collection, Dec. 26, 2009–Feb. 27, 2011. 



Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Collecting Biennials, Jan. 16–Nov. 28.

Gagosian Gallery, Britannia Street, London, Crash: Homage to JG Ballard, Feb. 11–April 1. Exh. cat. with texts by Dawn Ades, JG Ballard, and Will Self.

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K21 Ständehaus, Düsseldorf, Silent Revolution: Eine Neue Sammlungspräsentation (A new collection exhibition), Feb. 27–June 13.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance, March 26–Sept. 6. Traveled to Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Nov. 9, 2010–March 13, 2011. Exh. cat. with introduction by Jennifer Blessing and essays by Blessing, Peggy Phelan, Lisa Saltzman, Nancy Spector, and Nat Trotman.

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Vertical Thoughts: Morton Feldman and the Visual Arts, March 31–June 27. Exh. cat. with essays by Dore Ashton, Juan Manuel Bonet, Bunita Marcus, Barbara Monk Feldman, Brian O’Doherty, Frank O’Hara, Francesco Pellizi, and Kevin Volans, conversation with Feldman by Pellizzi (1985), and chronology by Sebastian Claren.

Pace Gallery, 545 West Twenty-second Street, New York, Pastiche, April 2–24. 

Acquavella Galleries, New York, Robert and Ethel Scull: Portrait of a Collection, April 13–May 27. Exh. cat. with essay by Judith Goldman.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia, Splendid Pop, April 29–June 24. Organized in collaboration with Visconti Fine Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, S.C., Modern Masters from the Ferguson Collection, April 30–Aug. 22.

University Galleries, College of Fine Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, Selections from the Permanent Collection, May 25–Sept. 5.

Friedman Benda Gallery, New York, Other than Beauty, June 1–July 30.

Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, Human, June 12–Oct. 31. Exh. cat. (in English and French) by Michèle Brun and Gilbert Perlein. 

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, New Realisms: 1957–1962, Object Strategies Between Readymade and Spectacle, June 16–Oct. 4. Exh. cat. (English and Spanish editions) edited by Julia Robinson with essays by Ágnes Berecz, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Emmelyn Butterfield-Rosen, Hannah Feldman, and Robinson. 

Tampa Museum of Art, The Moon Museum, June 18–Aug. 1. 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection, June 25–Sept. 19. Exh. cat. with essay by Gary Garrels and interview with Doris and Donald Fisher by Neal Benezra.

Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Fla., Modern Masters, June 26–Oct. 3. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Contemporary Art from the Collection, June 30, 2010–Sept. 19, 2011.

  • Rosenberg, Karen. “Commentary That’s Both Visual and Vocal.” New York Times, July 2, 2010, sec. C, p. 26.

Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Malerei: Prozess und Expansion, von den 1950er Jahren bis heute (Painting: Process and Expansion, from the 1950s to the Present Day), July 9–Oct. 3. Exh. cat. (Cologne: Walther König, 2010; in English and German) with essays by Christoph Bruckner, Gabriel Hubmann, Rainer Fuchs, Ines Gebetsroither, and Edelbert Köb.

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Post-War American Art: The Novak/O’Doherty Collection, Sept. 8, 2010–Feb. 27, 2011. Exh. cat. with essays by Christina Kennedy and Brian O’Doherty.

Loretta Howard Gallery, New York, Artists at Max’s Kansas City, 1965–1974: Hetero-holics and Some Women Too, Sept. 10–Oct. 30. Traveled to Art Basel Miami Beach, Loretta Howard Gallery, Dec. 1–4, 2011. Exh. brochure with essay by Maurice Tuchman.

Pace Gallery, 534 West Twenty-fifth Street, Fifty Years at Pace: The Abstract Expressionist and Pop Art Years, Sept. 17–Oct. 23. Exh. cat. (Fifty Years at Pace).

  • Ayers, Robert. “Review.” Artnews (New York) 109, no. 10 (Nov. 2010), p. 118.
  • Ebony, David. “Looking Back, Pace: 50 Years And Counting.” Art in America (New York) 98, no. 10 (Nov. 2010), pp. 128–33.

Olyvia Fine Art, London, Sold Out: American Pop Art from the 1970s and 1980s, Sept. 22–Nov. 20.

Arts Abu Dhabi Gallery, Saadiyat Island, RSTW from the Private Collection of Larry Gagosian, Sept. 22, 2010–Jan. 24, 2011. Exh. cat. (in Arabic and English) with texts by Anne Baldassari and Larry Gagosian.

Mint Museum Uptown, Charlotte, N.C., New Visions: Contemporary Masterworks from the Bank of America Collection, Oct. 1, 2010–April 17, 2011. Exh. brochure with text by Carla M. Hanzal.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Abstract Expressionist New York, Oct. 3, 2010–April 25, 2011. Exh. cat. (Abstract Expressionsim at the Museum of Modern Art) with essay by Ann Temkin.

McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Calder to Rauschenberg: Gifts of Jeanne and Irving Mathews, Oct. 6, 2010–Jan. 16, 2011. 

National Art Museum of China, Beijing, American Printmaking Now, Oct. 10–Nov. 3. Traveled to Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, Nov. 16–Dec. 5; Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, Dec. 28, 2010–Jan. 23, 2011; Shanghai Art Museum, March 5–April 7, 2011. Exh. cat. (in Chinese and English) with essays by Riva Castleman, Chen Xiaowen, and Sarah J. S. Suzuki.

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, Oct. 30, 2010–Feb. 13, 2011. Traveled to Brooklyn Museum, New York, Nov. 18, 2011–Feb. 12, 2012; Tacoma Art Museum, Wash., March 17–June 10. Exh. cat. with essays by Jonathan Katz and David C. Ward. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

  • Hirsch, Faye. “Seeing Queerly.” Art in America (New York) 99, no. 2 (Feb. 2011), pp. 76–81.

Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, Obra sobre papel en la colección IVAM (Works on Paper in the IVAM Collection) Nov. 9, 2010–Jan. 10, 2011. Exh. cat. (in Catalan, English, and Spanish) with essays by Consuelo Císcar Casabán, Barbara Rose, and Bernice Rose.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century, Nov. 21, 2010–Feb. 7, 2011. Exh. cat. with essays by Cornelia H. Butler and Catherine de Zegher. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Austin Museum of Art, Advancing Tradition: Twenty Years of Printmaking at Flatbed Press, Nov. 26, 2010–Feb. 13, 2011. Traveled to Gallery I, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, July 10–Oct. 2, 2011; Martin Museum of Art, Baylor University, Waco, Tex., Jan. 21–March 9, 2012; Museum of Printing History, Houston, June 14–Aug. 11, 2012; Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 13–Dec. 16, 2012; Michelson Museum of Art, Marshall, Tex., April 4–May 12, 2013.

Museo Nactional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Atlas: How to Carry the World on One’s Back?, Nov. 26, 2010–March 28, 2011. Traveled to ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, May 7–Aug. 7, 2011; Sammlung Falckenberg, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Sept. 30–Nov. 27, 2011. Exh. cat. (English and Spanish editions) by Georges Didi-Huberman.



Orlando Museum of Art, Currents in Contemporary Art: Process and Materials, Jan. 1, 2011–June 30, 2013.

Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, Shared Intelligence: American Painting and the Photograph, Feb. 4–April 24. Organized by Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe. Traveled to Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, May 20–Sept. 11. Exh. cat. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011) edited by Barbara Buhler Lynes and Jonathan Weinberg with introduction by Weinberg, essays by Buhler Lynes, Robert Cozzolino, Suzanne Hudson, Michael Leja, Michael Lobel, Kathleen Pyne, and Melissa Wolfe, and interviews with Robert Bechtle, Barkley Hendricks, and Sherrie Levine by Jeanne Siegel.

Portland Art Museum, Oreg., Riches of a City: Portland Collects, Feb. 5–May 22. Exh. cat. with essays by Annette Dixon, Julia Dolan, Maribeth Graybill, and Bruce Guenther.

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Weatherspoon Art Museum: Seventy Years of Collecting, Feb. 6–May 1. Exh. cat. with essay by Nancy M. Doll.

Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York, Unforgettable: Selections from the Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Feb. 10–April 4.

Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, Some Assembly Required: Assemblage and Collage, Feb. 19–May 31.

Luxembourg and Dayan, New York, Unpainted Paintings, March 3–May 27.

The Ralls Collection, Washington, D.C., Twenty Years, Twenty Artists, March 18–May 28.

Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong, Figures in a Landscape, April 1–May 14.

Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Weltraum: Die Kunst und ein Traum (Space: About a Dream), April 1–Aug. 15. Organized in collaboration with Natural History Museum, Vienna. Exh. cat. (in English and German) with essays by Walter Famler, Justin Hoffmann, Cathérine Hug, Sigmund Jähn, Christian Köberl, Mikhail Ryklin, and Kai-Uwe Schrogl.

Brevard Art Museum, Melbourne, Fla., Elements of Nature: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, April 1–June 19.

Newark Public Library, N.J., A Lifetime of Giving: The William J. Dane Fine Print Collection, April 13–June 25.

Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, Universal Limited Art Editions, April 23–June 14. 

Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo., America: Now and Here, May 6–28. Traveled to Detroit, July 7–24; Chicago, Nov. 4–13. 

Bernard Jacobson Gallery, New York, Twenty-One Americans, May 6–June 21.

Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, FLA.ART: Art by Florida Artists from the Permanent and Private Collections, May 13–Sept. 25.

Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, Auburn University, Ala., Form, Line, and Color: Selected Works of Abstraction in the Permanent Collection, May 14–Aug. 13.

Gagosian Gallery, Rome, Made in Italy, May 27–July 29.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Ileana Sonnabend: Un ritratto italiano (An Italian Portrait), May 29–Oct. 2. Exh. cat. (English and Italian editions) with texts by Achille Bonito Oliva, Germano Celant, and Mario Codognato, and interview with Antonio Homem.

  • Hoban, Phoebe. “Sonnabend’s Italy.” Art in America (New York) 99, no. 6 (June–July 2011), pp. 101–04.

Museum Tinguely, Basel, Car Fetish: I Drive, Therefore I Am, June 8–Oct. 9. Exh. cat. (in English and German) with essays by Matthias Bickenbach, Hartmut Böhme, Micha Hilgers, Manuela Kraft, Ludger Lütkehaus, Harun Maye, Thomas Pittino, and David Staretz.

Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Neue Realitäten: FotoGrafik von Warhol bis Havekost (New Realities: PhotoGraphik from Warhol to Havekost), June 10–Oct. 9. Traveled to Galerie Stihl, Waiblingen, Feb. 18–March 27, 2012. Exh. cat. with essays by Heinrich Schulze Altcappenberg, Hubertus Butin, Zara Reckermann and Andreas Schalhorn.

Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, N.Y., New York Prints of Mind: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, June 11–Aug. 21. Traveled to John and Virginia Winner Memorial Art Gallery, Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, Cazenovia, N.Y., Oct. 2–Nov. 27. Exh. cat. with essay by Joseph A. Scala.

National Art Museum, Deoksugung Palace, Seoul, The American Art: Masterpieces of Everyday Life from the Whitney Museum of American Art, June 11–Sept. 25. Organized by National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul, in collaboration with Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.

Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, N.C., Jack Tworkov: The Accident of Choice, The Artist at Black Mountain College 1952, June 17–Sept. 17. Exh. cat. with essay by Jason Andrew, interview with Tworkov by Irving Sandler (1957), previously published text by Fairfield Porter, and photographs by Rauschenberg.

Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, Wanna See My Portfolio?, July 14–Aug. 24.

A and D Gallery, London, Pop Art: The Portfolios, Aug. 9–Sept. 30.

Grey Art Gallery, New York University, Fluxus at NYU: Before and Beyond, Sept. 9–Dec. 3.

De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg, Netherlands, In Deed: Certificates of Authenticity in Art, Sept. 10–Oct. 9. Traveled to Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, Oct. 13–Nov. 6; Khoj International Artists’ Association, New Delhi, Nov. 18–Dec. 16; Mumbai Art Room, Jan. 13–Feb. 10, 2012; Nero HQ, Rome, Feb. 24–March 24, 2012; John M. Flaxman Library Special Collections, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, March 30–April 28, 2012; Salt Beyoğlu, Istanbul, May 30–Aug. 26, 2012; Drawing Center, New York, Nov. 3–Dec. 16, 2012; Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Jan. 12–April 14, 2013; Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 19–Aug. 18, 2013. Exh. cat. (Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2011) edited by Susan Hapgood and Cornelia Lauf.

Loretta Howard Gallery, New York, Black Mountain College and Its Legacy, Sept. 15–Oct. 29. Exh. brochure with text by Robert S. Mattison.

Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Elgiz 10 Istanbul, Sept. 17, 2011–March 16, 2012. Exh. cat. (Elgiz 10: A Decade of Commitment to Contemporary Art in Turkey, in English and Turkish) edited by Nurten Özkoray.

  • Esman, Abigail R. “Making It Work.” Art and Auction (New York) 33, no. 11 (July–Aug. 2010), pp. 56–59.

Vancouver Art Gallery, An Autobiography of Our Collection, Sept. 24, 2011–April 15, 2012.

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Proof: The Rise of Printmaking in Southern California, Oct. 1, 2011–April 2, 2012. Part of Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945–1980, a Getty Foundation initiative. Exh. cat. edited by Leah Lehmbeck with essays by David Acton, Jennifer Anderson, Karin Breuer, Cynthia Burlingham, Lehmbeck, and Damon Willick, and chronology by Tom Norris.

McMaster Gallery, University of South Carolina, Columbia, Castelli’s Cabinet, Oct. 11–Nov. 23. 

High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Fast Forward: Modern Moments 1913>>2013, Oct. 13, 2011–Jan. 20, 2012. Exh. cat. edited by Jodi Hauptman with essays by Samantha Friedman, Hauptman, and Michael Rooks. 

Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, Eight from Florida, Oct. 14, 2011–Jan. 1, 2012. 

Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., Art at the Origin: The Early 1960s, Oct. 27, 2011–Dec. 9, 2012. 

  • Smee, Sebastian. “Rose Art Museum Shines at 50.” Boston Globe, Nov. 6, 2011. 

Pace Gallery, 545 West Twenty-second Street, New York, Burning, Bright: A Short History of the Light Bulb, Oct. 28–Nov. 26. 

Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, The Private Collection of Robert Rauschenberg, Nov. 3–Dec. 23. Exh. cat. with essay by Robert Storr and artist biographies by Mimi Thompson. 

Guild Hall, East Hampton, N.Y., Selections from the Permanent Collection: Highlighting the Pop Art Movement, Nov. 5, 2011–Jan. 16, 2012. 

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Volume! Works from the Collections of “la Caixa” Foundation and MACBA, Nov. 9, 2011–April 23, 2012. Exh. brochure.

Arthur Ross Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Double Take: Series, Multiples, and Prints from the University of Pennsylvania Collection, Nov. 18, 2011–Jan. 15, 2012.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Pop Objects and Icons from the Guggenheim Collection, Nov. 19, 2011–Jan. 11, 2012.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Danser sa vie: art et danse de 1900 à nos jours, Nov. 23, 2011–April 2, 2012. Exh. cat. edited by Emma Lavigne and Christine Macel with essays by Bernard Blistène, Douglas Crimp, Marc Dachy, Laure Guilbert, Lavigne, Marcella Lista, Macel, Pascal Rousseau, Norbert Servos, and Adrien Sina.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, MOCA Permanent Collection Masterworks 1945–1975, Nov. 27, 2011–July 30, 2012.



Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, Gallery Artists, Jan. 10–March 17.

Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Pop and the Sixties, Jan. 19–Sept. 2.

Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, John Cage :-) A Centennial Celebration (With Friends), Jan. 20–April 20.

Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Partners and Adversaries: The Art of Collaboration, Feb. 3–May 27. Exh. cat. with essays by Christin J. Mamiya, Brandon K. Ruud, and Jonathan Stuhlman.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Il Guggenheim: L’Avanguardia americana, 1945–1980 (Guggenheim Collection: The American Avant-Garde 1945–1980), Feb. 7–May 6. Exh. cat. with essay by Lauren Hinkson.

Islip Art Museum, East Islip, N.Y., Prints Please: Selections from Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE), Feb. 8–March 25.

Pace Gallery, 534 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York, Happenings: New York, 1958–1963, Feb. 10–March 17. Exh. cat. by Mildred L. Glimcher.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Print/Out, Feb. 19–May 14. Exh. cat. with essay by Christophe Cherix, texts by Cherix, Kim Conaty, and Sarah Suzuki, and interviews with Ai Weiwei by Suzuki, Aleksandra Mir by Cherix and Conaty, Superflex by Conaty, and Rirkrit Tiravanija by Cherix.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Lifelike, Feb. 25–May 27. Traveled to New Orleans Museum of Art, Nov. 11, 2012–Feb. 3, 2013; Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, March 1–May 27, 2013; Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, June 23–Sept. 22, 2013. Exh. cat. by Siri Engberg with essays by Engberg, Michael Lobel, Josiah McElheny, and Rochelle Steiner, and texts by Ai Weiwei, Vija Celmins, Susan Collis, Keith Edmier, Robert Gober, Kaz Oshiro, Peter Rostovsky, Paul Sietsema, and Mungo Thomson.

Museion, Bolzano, Italy, Art = Life = Art. Dada > Fluxus, March 16, 2012–Feb. 24, 2013. Exh. cat. (in English, German, and Italian) by Andreas Hapkemeyer.

Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong, Sculpture, March 21–April 28.

Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Art and Press: Kunst. Wahrheit. Wirklichkeit (Art. Truth. Reality.), March 23–June 24. Traveled to ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Sept. 15, 2012–March 10, 2013. Exh. cat. (Cologne: Wienand, 2012) edited by Walter Smerling with essays by Robert Fleck, Siegfried Gohr, Peter Iden, Rainer Laabs, Frank Schirrmacher, Peter Sloterdijk, Smerling, and Peter Weibel, and conversation with Kai Diekmann, Jürgen Großmann, and Smerling by Eva Karcher.

Akademie der Künste, Berlin, John Cage und . . . Bildender Künstler—Einflüsse, Anregungen (John Cage and . . . Visual Artist—Influences, Impulses), March 30–June 17. Traveled to Museum der Moderne Mönschsberg, Salzburg, July 14–Oct. 7. Exh. cat. (Cologne: DuMont, 2012) edited by Wulf Herzogenrath and Barbara Nierhoff-Wielk with essays by Birgit Hein, Herzogenrath, Andreas Kreul, Angela Lammert, Henning Lohner, Maria Müller-Schareck, Nierhoff-Wielk, Reinhard Oehlschlägel, Jeffrey Saletnik, Carl Solway, Detlef Stein, Toni Stooss, and Yvonne Ziegler.

Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, Prints, April 14–May 19.

Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conn., Marking a Century: Recent and Promised Gifts to the Bruce Museum, April 14–July 8. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Phantom Limb: Approaches to Painting Today, May 5–Oct. 21. 

Mathildehöhe Darmstadt, A House Full of Music: Strategien in Musik und Kunst (Strategies in Music and Art), May 13–Sept. 9. Exh. cat. (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2012; English and German editions) edited by Ralf Beil and Peter Kraut.

Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, Masterpieces of the Museum Frieder Burda, May 26–Sept. 30.

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Explosion! Måleri som Handling (Painting as Action), June 2–Sept. 9. Traveled to Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona (as ¡Explosión! El legado de Jackson Pollock [The Legacy of Jackson Pollock]) Oct. 24, 2012–Feb. 24, 2013. Exh. cat. (in English and Swedish) edited by Magnus af Petersens with essays by Petersens, Julia Robinson, and Ming Tiampo.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949–1960, June 8–Sept. 12. Exh. cat. with essays by Tracey Bashkoff, Megan M. Fontanella, and Joan Marter, and chronology by Flavia Frigeri.

Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles, The Floor Show: Gravity and Materials, June 16–July 28.

Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Malerei in Fotografie: Strategien der Aneignung (Painting in Photography: Strategies of Appropriation), June 27–Sept. 23. Exh. cat. (in English and German) edited by Martin Engler with essays by Engler, Carolin Köchling, and Christina Leber.

Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Venice, The Small Utopia: Ars Multiplicata, July 6–Nov. 25. Exh. cat. edited by Germano Celant with essays by Celant, Beatriz Colomina, Charles Esche, Elena Gigli, Constance W. Glenn, Maria Gough, Magdalena Holzhey, Adina Kamien-Kazhadan, Karen Koehler, Liz Kotz, Tatyana Vasilevna Kumzerova, Ulrich Lehmann, Annette Malochet, Marie Rebecchi, Julia Robinson, Gianni Emilio Simonetti, Antonio Somaini, Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Nicholas Fox Weber.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Dark Matters: Selections from the Collection, July 6, 2012–Jan. 6, 2013.

Great Eastern Street Car Park, London, Art Drive! The BMW Art Car Collection 1975–2010, July 21–Aug. 4. Organized by Institute of Contemporary Art, London.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Silence, July 27–Oct. 21. Traveled to Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Jan. 30–April 28, 2013. Exh. cat. with essays by Toby Kamps, Steve Seid, and Jenni Sorkin.

J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa, Malibu, The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection, Sept. 12, 2012–Jan. 7, 2013. Traveled to Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Feb. 24–July 7, 2013. Exh. cat. edited by Victoria C. Gardner Coates, Kenneth Lapatin, and Jon L. Seydl with essays by Mary Beard, Gardner Coates, Lapatin, Seydl, William St. Clair and Annika Bautz, and Adrian Stähli, and texts by Mark Cole, Gardner Coates, Cory Korkow, Lapatin, Seydl, Alexandra Sofroniew, Niki Stellings-Hertzberg, and Lucy Zimmerman.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Specters of Artaud: Language and the Arts in the 1950s, Sept. 19–Dec. 17. Exh. cat. (English and Spanish editions) edited by Kaira M. Cabañas with Frédéric Acquaviva with essays by Acquaviva, Antonio Sergio Bessa, Lucy Bradnock, Cabañas, Hannah Feldman, Ferreira Gullar, and Denis Hollier.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Shock of the News, Sept. 23, 2012–Jan. 27, 2013. Exh. cat. edited by Judith Brodie with essays by Sarah Boxer, Brodie, Janine Mileaf and Matthew Witkovsky, and Christine Poggi.

Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Cara domani: Opere dalla Collezione Ernesto Esposito, Sept. 29–Dec. 2.

Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Project Space, New York, We the People, Oct. 3–Nov. 9. Curated by Alison Gingeras, Jonathan Horowitz, and Anna McCarthy.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Destroy the Picture: Painting the Void, 1949–1962, Oct. 6, 2012–Jan. 14, 2013. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Feb. 16–June 2, 2013. Exh. cat. edited by Paul Schimmel with essays by Nicholas Cullinan, Astrid Handa-Gagnard, Shoichi Hirai, Schimmel, and Robert Storr, and chronology by Sarah-Neel Smith.

Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, Decades of Dissent: Democracy in Action, 1960–1980, Oct. 11, 2012–Feb. 17, 2013. Organized by Center for the Study of Political Graphics.

Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany, Pop Art Design, Oct. 13, 2012–Feb. 3, 2013. Traveled to Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, Feb. 22–June 9, 2013; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, June 29–Sept. 22, 2013; Barbican Art Gallery, London, Oct. 22, 2013–Feb. 9, 2014; Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Okla., March 2–May 25, 2014. Exh. cat. (English and German editions) edited by Mateo Kries and Mathias Schwartz-Clauss with essays by Diedrich Diederichsen, Brigitte Felderer, Steven Heller, Thomas Kellein, Bettina Korintenberg, Tobias Lander, Marco Livingstone, Schwartz-Clauss, and Dario Scodeller.

Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Fla., PMoA Collects, Oct. 20, 2012–Jan. 12, 2013.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Dancing Around the Bride: Cage, Cunningham, Johns, Rauschenberg, and Duchamp, Oct. 30, 2012–Jan. 21, 2013. Traveled to Barbican Art Gallery, London (as The Bride and the Bachelors: Duchamp with Cage, Cunningham, Rauschenberg and Johns), Feb. 14–June 9, 2013. Exh. cat. with essays by Carlos Basualdo and Erica F. Battle and Calvin Tomkins, previously published texts selected by Reinaldo Laddaga including texts by Rauschenberg, and chronology by Paul B. Franklin. Exh. website. Accessed Oct. 19, 2015.

Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, Muse: Exploring Inspiration, Sept. 20–Dec. 1. 

Collection Lambert, Avignon, Mirages d’Orient, Grenades et Figues de Barbarie: Chassé-croisé en Méditerranée (Oriental Mirages, Pomegranates and Prickly Pears: Mediterranean Comings and Goings), Dec. 9, 2012–April 28, 2013. Exh. cat. (in English and French) edited by Éric Mézil.



Art Institute of Chicago, The Artist and the Poet, Feb. 1–June 2.

Freedman Art, New York, Painterly Pasted Pictures, Feb. 21–May 16.

Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, Through the Eyes of Texas: Masterworks from Alumni Collections, Feb. 24–May 19.

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, Op und Pop: Experimente amerikanischer Künstler ab 1960 (Experiments by American artists since 1960), March 23–June 16. Exh. cat. (Munich: Hirmer, 2013) edited by Wolf Eiermann with texts by Jeannette Brabenetz, Michael Domberger, Eiermann, Anna Katz, and Gwendolyn Isabel Rabenstein.

Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba, New York, The Old Becomes the New: New York Contemporary Native American Art Movement and the New York School, April 3–June 2.

Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles, From the Collection of Leslie Sacks: Rarely Seen Works from the Gallery Archive, April 10–May 13.

Acquavella Galleries, New York, The Pop Object: The Still Life Tradition in Pop Art, April 10–May 24. Exh. cat. with essay by John Wilmerding.

Torre Iberdrola, Bilbao, Entre chien et loup: Works from the Meana Larrucea Collection (Between a Dog and a Wolf), April 10–May 31. Exh. cat. (in Basque, English, and Spanish).

Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Fantastic Machinery: A Selection from the Renault Art Collection, April 18–June 16.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Over, Under, Next: Experiments in Mixed Media, 1913–Present, April 18–Sept. 8.

Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, N.Y., Car Culture: Art and the Automobile, April 27–Aug. 11. Exh. brochure with text by Lisa Chalif.

Museo Picasso Málaga, Spain, Dennis Hopper: En el camino (On the Road), April 29–Sept. 29. Exh. cat. (English and Spanish editions) edited by José Lebrero Stals.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Byzantine Things in the World, May 3–Aug. 18.

Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, Sweet Dreams, Baby! Life of Pop, London to Warhol, May 31–Sept. 8.

Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, The Sonnabend Collection, June 1–Nov. 25.

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, Making Their Mark: The New York Fab Five, June 6–July 3.

Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, Beyond Belief: 100 Years of the Spiritual in Modern Art, Highlights from SFMOMA’s Collection, June 28–Oct. 27. Exh. website. Accessed Aug. 17, 2014.

National Art Center, Tokyo, American Pop Art: From the John and Kimiko Powers Collection, Aug. 7–Oct. 21.

Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, From Memory: Draw A Map of the United States, Sept. 13–Oct. 19.

9th Mercosul Biennial: Weather Permitting, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Sept. 13–Nov. 10. Exh. website. Accessed June 16, 2014.

Talley Dunn Gallery, Dallas, Within and Beyond, Sept. 14–Oct. 26.

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Das Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts: Es kommt noch besser, ein Dialog mit der Sammlung Marx (The End of the 20th Century: The Best Is Yet to Come, A Dialogue with the Marx Collection), Sept. 14, 2013–March 30, 2014. Exh. cat. (Leipzig, Germany: Spector, 2013; English and German editions) with essays by Eugen Blume, Catherine Nichols, and An Paenhuysen.

Sperone Westwater, New York, Radio Waves: New York “Nouveau Réalisme” and Rauschenberg, Sept. 17–Nov. 2.

  • Yablonsky, Linda. “Robert Rauschenberg and the ‘New Realists’ in New York.” New York Times T Magazine (blog), Sept. 5, 2013. Accessed June 16, 2014. Printed as “Rauschenberg and Friends,” T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Sept. 15, 2013, p. 56.
  • Morgan, Robert C. “New York: ‘Radio Waves: New York, Nouveau Réalisme and Rauschenberg,’ Sperone Westwater.” Sculpture (Washington, D.C.) 33, no. 7 (Sept. 2014), pp. 74–75.

Hauser and Wirth, London, Re—View: Onnasch Collection, Sept. 20–Dec. 14. Traveled to Hauser and Wirth, New York, Feb. 8–April 12, 2014. Exh. cat. (Heule, Belgium: Snoeck, 2014) with introduction by Paul Schimmel and previously published interviews with Reinhard Onnasch by Christine Breyhan (1991), Ernst Busche (1978), Thea Herold and Katrin Wittneven (2009), Dieter Honisch (1978), and Rainer Höynck (1983).

Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany, Kunst und Textil: Stoff als Material und Idee in der Moderne von Klimt bis heute (Art and Textiles: Fabric as Material and Concept in Modern Art from Klimt to the Present), Oct. 12, 2013–March 2, 2014. Traveled to Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, March 21–June 22, 2014. Exh. cat. (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2013; English and German editions) edited by Markus Brüderlin with introduction by Brüderlin and essays by Hartmut Böhme, Brüderlin, Beverly Gordon, Jean-Hubert Martin, Emmanuel Petit, Uta Ruhkamp, Marie-Amélie zu Salm-Salm, Birgit Schneider, Julia, Wallner, and Tristan Weddigen, and interview with Ulrich Heinen by Bazon Brock.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, There Will Never Be Silence: Scoring John Cage’s 4'33", Oct. 12, 2013–June 22, 2014.

Gagosian Gallery, Britannia Street, London, The Show is Over, Oct. 15–Nov. 30. Exh. cat. with essay by Malcolm Bull.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Damage Control: Art and Destruction since 1950, Oct. 24, 2013–May 26, 2014. Traveled to Mudam Luxembourg, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, July 12–Oct 12, 2014. Exh. cat. Exh. website. Accessed Sept. 15, 2014.

Malmö Konsthall, Sweden, Malmö Art Museum@Malmö Konsthall, Dec. 7, 2013–March 16, 2014.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Ileana Sonnabend: Ambassador for the New, Dec. 21, 2013–April 21, 2014. Exh. cat. by Ann Temkin and Claire Lehmann with essays by Leslie Camhi and Temkin.



Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, Giuseppe Panza di Biumo: Dialoghi americani (American Dialogues), Feb. 2–May 4.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, A World of Its Own: Photographic Practices in the Studio, Feb. 8–Nov. 2. 

Brooklyn Museum, New York, Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties, March 7–July 13. Traveled to Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Aug. 30–Dec. 14; Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, Feb. 15–May 10, 2015. Exh. cat. with essays by Teresa A. Carbone, Connie H. Choi, Kellie Jones, and Cynthia A. Young, and chronology by Dalila Scruggs.

National Academy School, New York, The Paradox of Sculpture, March 12–May 3.

Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo Internacional, Mexico City, Doble negativo: De la pintura al objeto (Double Negative: From Painting to Object), March 27–July 20. Exh. brochure (in English and Spanish).

Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Conn., Standing in the Shadows of Love: The Aldrich Collection 1964–1974, Robert Indiana, Robert Morris, Ree Morton, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Smithson, April 6–Sept. 21.

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Face Value: Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction, April 18, 2014–Jan. 11, 2015. Exh. cat. with essays by Wendy Wick Reaves and Brandon Brame Fortune and David C. Ward, and poem by John Ashbery. Exh. website. Accessed May 13, 2015.

Baltimore Museum of Art, On Paper: Figure Drawings from the Thomas E. Benesch Memorial Collection, April 20–Sept. 14.

Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi, A History of the World in 100 Objects, April 23–Aug. 1. 

Faurschou Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark, I Look at Things . . . , April 24–Sept. 12.

New Orleans Museum of Art, Robert Rauschenberg and the “Five from Louisiana”, April 24, 2014–Aug. 30, 2015.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., Rothko to Richter: Mark-Making in Abstract Painting from the Collection of Preston H. Haskell, Class of 1960, May 24–Oct. 5. Traveled to Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 30–April 22, 2015. Exh. cat.

Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, From Rauschenberg to Jeff Koons: The Ileana Sonnabend Collection, May 31, 2014–Jan. 4, 2015.

M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Modernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, June 7–Oct. 12.

Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Venice, Art or Sound, June 7–Nov. 3. Exh. cat. (in English and Italian) edited by Germano Celant with introduction by Celant and essays by Jo Applin, Luciano Chessa, Christopoh Cox, Geeta Dayal, Patrick Feaster, Christoph E. Hänggi, Bart Hopkin, Douglas Kahn, Alan Licht, Andrea Lissoni, Noel Lobley, Deirdre Loughridge, Simone Menegoi, Holly Rogers, Jonathan Sterne, David Toop, John Tresch, Eric de Visscher, and Rob Young.

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Pop Art Myths, June 10–Sept. 14. Exh. cat. (English and Spanish editions) by Paloma Alarcó with essays by Alarcó, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Thomas Crow. Exh. website. Accessed March 26, 2015.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Marks of Genius: 100 Extraordinary Drawings, July 13–Sept. 21. Traveled to Grand Rapids Art Museum, Mich. (as Marks of Genius: 100 Extraordinary Drawings from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts), Oct. 26, 2014–Jan. 18, 2015. Exh. cat. with essays by Rachel McGarry and Thomas Rassieur, and texts by Roberta Bartoli, Erika Holmquist-Wall, Dennis Michael Jon, Marla J. Kinney, McGarry, Patrick Noon, Rassieur, and Eike D. Schmidt.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Shaping a Collection: Five Decades of Gifts, July 17–Oct. 19. Exh. website. Accessed Aug. 1, 2014.

Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif., Highlights of American Drawings and Watercolors from the Huntington’s Art Collections, July 19, 2014–Jan. 5, 2015.

Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, Calif., Pop Art from the Anderson Collection at SFMOMA, Aug. 13, 2014–Oct. 26, 2015.

Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, N.C., Rauschenberg: Collecting and Connecting, Aug. 28, 2014–Jan. 11, 2015. Exh. cat. edited by Kristine Stiles. Exh. website. Accessed May 13, 2015.

University at Buffalo Anderson Gallery, State University of New York, Art=Text=Art: Private Languages/Public Systems, Sept. 20, 2014–Jan. 11, 2015.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Azimut/h: Continuità e nuovo (Continuity and Newness), Sept. 20, 2014–Jan. 19, 2015. Exh. cat. (English and Italian editions) with essays by Luca Massimo Barbero, Flaminio Gualdoni, Antoon Melissen, Francesca Pola, and Federico Sardella.

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Ludwig Goes Pop, Oct. 2, 2014–Jan. 11, 2015. Traveled to Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Feb. 12–Sept. 13, 2015. Exh. cat.

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Pop to Popism, Nov. 1, 2014–March 1, 2015. Exh. cat.

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples, Lucio Amelio: Dalla Modern Art Agency alla genesi di Terrae Motus (1965–1982), documenti, opera, una storia . . . (From the Modern Art Agency to the Genesis of Terrae Motus, Documents, Works, A Story), Nov. 22, 2014–April 6, 2015.



Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, The New York School, 1969: Henry Geldzahler at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Jan. 13–March 14.

Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego La Jolla, A Legacy of Art Loved: Gifts from Robert and Dorothy Shapiro, Jan. 23–April 19.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, Fla., White, Jan. 24–April 26.

21er Haus, Vienna, Schlaflos: Das Bett in Geschichte und Gegenwartskunst (Sleepless: The Bed in History and Contemporary Art), Jan. 30–June 7. Exh. cat. (in English and German) edited by Mario Codognato and Agnes Husslein-Arco.

Fundação Arpad Szenes–Vieira da Silva Museu, Lisbon, Sonnabend: Paris—New York, Feb. 5–May 3.

Morgan Library and Museum, New York, Embracing Modernism: Ten Years of Drawings Acquisitions, Feb. 13–May 25.

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Schön euch zu sehen! 160 Werke aus der Sammlung (Nice to See You! 160 Works from the Collection), Feb. 13–Aug. 23. Exh. brochure.

Gagosian Gallery, New York, In the Studio: Paintings (West Twenty-first Street) and In the Studio: Photographs (Madison Avenue), Feb. 17–April 18. Exh. cat. (two vols.) In the Studio: Paintings with essay by John Elderfield and texts by Elderfield and Lauren Mahony; In the Studio: Photographs with essay by Peter Galassi.

Vero Beach Museum of Art, Fla., Embracing Space and Color: Art On and Off the Wall, Feb. 21–June 7.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Selections from the Museum’s Collection: Modern and Contemporary Art, March 4–May 3.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Eye to Eye: Looking Beyond Likeness and Overtime: The Art of Work, March 8–May 17.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Out of the Vault: Twenty-Five Years of Collecting, March 21–July 12.

Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, Andy Warhol sul comò: Opere dalla collezione Rosetta Barabino (Warhol in the closet: works from the Rosetta Barabino collection), April 2–July 5. Exh. cat.

Expo Milano 2015, Triennale di Milano, Arts and Foods: Rituals since 1851, April 10–Nov. 1. Exh. cat. edited by Germano Celant.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, International Pop, April 11–Aug. 29. Traveled to Dallas Museum of Art, Oct. 11, 2015–Jan. 17, 1016; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Feb. 24–May 15, 2016. Exh. cat.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Fifty for Fifty: Gifts on the Occasion of LACMA’s Anniversary, April 26–Sept. 13.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, America Is Hard to See, May 1–Sept. 27.

Fondazione Prada, Milan, In Part, May 9–Nov. 4.

Museo di Palazzo Grimani, Venice, Frontiers Reimagined: Art That Connects Us, May 9–Nov. 22. Organized by Sundaram Tagore and Tagore Foundation International, 56th Venice Biennale collateral event. Exh. cat. Exh. website. Accessed June 2, 2015.

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Black Mountain: Ein interdisziplinäres Experiment 1933–1957 (Black Mountain: An Interdisciplinary Experiment 1933–1957) June 5–Sept. 27. Organized in collaboration with Freie Universität Berlin and Dahlem Humanities Center. Exh. cat. (Leipzig, Germany: Spector, 2015; English and German editions) edited by Eugen Blume, Matilda Felix, Gabriele Knapstein, and Catherine Nichols, with essays by Blume, Gabriele Brandstetter, Brenda Danilowitz, Fabienne Eggelhöfer, Felix, Mary Emma Harris, Knapstein, Annette Jael Lehmann, Nichols, Andi Schoon, Craig Schuftan, and Alice Sebrell. Exh. website. Accessed Oct. 19, 2015.

Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, Art Students League, New York, On the Front Lines: Military Veterans at the Art Students League of New York, June 19–July 29. Traveled to University at Buffalo Anderson Gallery, State University of New York, April 2–Aug. 7, 2016.

Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, E.A.T.: Experiments in Art and Technology, July 25–Nov. 1. Exh. cat.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Take an Object, Aug. 22, 2015–Feb. 28, 2016.

University Art Museum, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Scrimmage: Football in American Art from the Civil War to the Present, Aug. 28–Dec. 18. Traveled to Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene, July 30–Dec. 31, 2016; Canton Museum of Art, Ohio, Aug. 1–Oct. 29, 2017. Exh. cat.

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K21 Ständehaus, Düsseldorf, The Problem of God, Sept. 26, 2015–Jan. 24, 2016. Exh. cat.

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, Space Age, Sept. 27–Dec. 23.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., The Serial Impulse at Gemini G.E.L., Oct. 4, 2015–Feb. 7, 2016. Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Sept. 11, 2016–Jan. 2, 2017. Exh. website. Accessed Aug. 30, 2016.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College 1933–1957, Oct. 10, 2015–Jan. 24, 2016. Traveled to Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles, Feb. 21–May 15, 2016; Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Sept. 17, 2016–Jan. 1, 2017. Exh. cat.

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Pop Art: 20th Century Popular Culture as Muse, Oct. 31, 2015–Jan. 31, 2016.

Stavanger Art Museum, Norway, Intimate and Monumental: The Jan Groth and Steingrim Laursen Collection, Nov. 6, 2015–Feb. 21, 2016.

Museum Brandhorst, Munich, Painting 2.0: Malerei im Informationszeitalter (Expression in the Information Age), Nov. 14, 2015–April 30, 2016. Traveled to Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, June 4–Nov. 6, 2016. Exh. cat.

Today Art Museum, Beijing, Une aventure moderne: La collection d’art Renault (A modern adventure: the Renault art collection), Dec. 13, 2015–Feb. 29, 2016. Traveled to Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, March 17–June 19, 2016. 

The Menil Collection, Houston, The Precarious, Dec. 16, 2015–May 1, 2016.

Galería Cayón, Madrid, Sobre el papel (Over the Paper), Dec. 17, 2015–Feb. 6, 2016.



Dominique Lévy, New York, Drawing Then: Innovation and Influence in American Drawings of the Sixties, Jan. 27–March 26. Exh. cat.

Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, Porto, Portugal, The Sonnabend Collection: Meio Século de Arte Europeia e Americana (Half a Century of European and American ArtPart 1, Feb. 6–May 8.

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., Everything Is Dada, Feb. 12–July 3.

Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum, Fla., Naples Collects, Feb. 14­–June 19.

Dickinson Roundell, New York, The Coveter, Feb. 16–March 5. Exh. brochure with text by Alex Glauber.

Vancouver Art Gallery, MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture, Feb. 20–June 12. Exh. cat. edited by Daina Augaitis, Bruce Grenville, and Stephanie Rebick with text by Helen Hsu with David White. 

Luxembourg and Dayan, New York, In the Making, Feb. 25–April 16.

Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, An Abundance of Sei: Life, Vigor, Thrive, and Spirit, Feb. 28–June 5.

Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, Pop Réal, March 4–April 16. Exh. cat.

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Duchamp to Pop, March 4–Aug. 29.

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, MOT Collection: Collection Ongoing, March 5–May 29.

Met Breuer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible, March 18–Sept. 4. Exh. cat.  by Kelly Baum, Andrea Bayer, and Sheena Wagstaff.

Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix Rising: The Valley Collects, April 16–May 29.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection, April 27, 2016–Feb. 12, 2017.

University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, Modernist Intersections: The Tia Collection, May 14–Oct. 9. Traveled to Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, Mont., July 27–Oct. 15, 2017. Exh. cat.

Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine, Pushing Boundaries: Dine, Graves, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg and Rosenquist—Collaborations with Donald Saff, June 18, 2016–Jan. 22, 2017.

Galerie Proarta, Zürich, The Power of Colour, June 17–Nov. 30.  

Pace Gallery, New York, Blackness in Abstraction, June 24–Aug. 19. Exh. cat. by Adrienne Edwards.

Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine, This Is a Portrait If I Say So: Identity in American Art, 1912 to Today, June 25–Oct. 23. Exh. cat. by Kathleen Campagnolo, Dorinda Evans, and Jonathan Walz.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Co-thinkers, July 7–Sept. 9. Traveled to Boris Yeltsin Museum, Yekaterinburg, Russia, July 21–Oct. 15, 2017; National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Oct. 23, 2019–Feb. 23, 2020. 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Wroclaw, Poland, Summer Rental: The Erich Marx Collection in Wroclaw, Aug. 23, 2016–Jan. 22, 2017. 

Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum, Fla., New Acquisitions In Context: From the Collection of Paul and Charlotte Corddry, Sept. 6–Oct. 23.

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, You Say You Want a Revolution? Records and Rebels 1966–1970, Sept. 10, 2016–Feb. 26, 2017. Exh. cat. edited by Virginia Broackes and Geoffrey Marsh.

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, SuperReal: Pop Art from the AGO Collection, Sept. 14, 2016–March 5, 2017. 

Ordovas, London, Artists and Lovers, Sept. 16–Oct. 29. Traveled to Ordovas, New York, Nov. 4, 2016–Jan. 7, 2017. Exh. cat. 

Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany, Drama Queens: Die inszenierte Sammlung (The staged collection), Sept. 18, 2016–Jan. 15, 2017. 

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles to New York: The Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971, Sept. 30, 2016–Jan. 29, 2017. Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, March 19–Sept. 10, 2017. Exh. cat. by James Meyer with texts by Virginia Dwan and chronology by Paige Rozanski.

Haus der Kunst, Munich, Postwar: Kunst zwischen Pazifik und Atlantik, 1945–1965 (Art between the Pacific and Atlantic), Oct. 14, 2016–March 26, 2017. Exh. cat. (Munich: Prestel; in English and German) edited by Okwui Enwezor, Katy Siegel, and Ulrich Wilmes.



Grey Art Gallery, New York University, Inventing Downtown: Artist-Run Galleries in New York City, 1952–1965, Jan. 9–April 1. Traveled to Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland, Sept. 28–Nov. 25, 2018. Exh. cat. by Melissa Rachleff.

Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, N.C., Begin to See: The Photographers of Black Mountain College, Jan. 20–May 20. Exh. cat. edited by Julie J. Thomson with essay by Michael Beggs. 

Studio Museum Harlem, New York, Excerpt, Jan. 26–July 2. 

The Menil Collection, Houston, The Beginning of Everything: Drawings from the Janie C. Lee, Louisa Stude Sarofim, and David Whitney Collections, Feb. 24–June 18. Exh. brochure by Kelly Montana.

British Museum, London, The American Dream: Pop to the Present, March 9–July 18. Traveled to Fondation Custodia / Collection Frits Lugt, Paris, June 2–Sept. 2, 2018. Exh. cat. (London: Thames and Hudson, 2017) by Stephen Coppel, Catherine Daunt, and Susan Tallman.

Galerie Frank Elbaz, Dallas, Paris Texas, April 1–July 1. 

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., New York, New York, July 22–Nov. 5.

The Menil Collection, Houston, Thirty Works for Thirty Years, Aug. 11, 2017–Jan. 28, 2018. Exh. brochure.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, We Are Here, Aug. 19, 2017–April 1, 2018.

Museo d’arte della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, On the Paths of Enlightenment: The Myth of India in Western Culture 1808–2017, Sep. 24, 2017–Jan. 21, 2018. Exh. cat. (Milan: Skira) edited by Elio Schenini.

Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Pop Art Prints, Oct. 5–Dec. 17.

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, MACBA Collection: Beneath the Surface, Oct. 11, 2017–Nov. 4, 2018. Exh. brochure (in Catalan, English, and Spanish). 

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Master Class: Josef Albers and His Students, Oct. 21, 2017–Jan. 21, 2018.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, Art Turns. World Turns. Exploring the Collection of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara, Nov. 4, 2017–March 18, 2018. Exh. cat. (in English and Indonesian) with essays by Charles Esche and Agung Hujatnika.

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples, Pompei@Madre: Materia Archeologica (Archaeological matter), Nov. 19, 2017–April 30, 2018.

Detroit Institute of Arts, Making Home: Contemporary Works from the DIA, Dec. 1, 2017–June 10, 2018. 



Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, My Favorite: Toshio Hara Selects from the Permanent Collection, Part I, Jan. 6–March 11.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Travelers: Stepping into the Unknown, Jan. 21–May 6. Exh. cat. (in English and Japanese) edited by Azusa Hashimoto with text by Yuka Uematsu.

Leopold Museum, Vienna, Wow! The Heidi Horton Collection, Feb. 16–Sept. 3. Exh. cat. edited by Agnes Husslein-Arco with essays by Linus Klumpner, Pia Sääf, Verena Traeger, and Hans Peter Wipplinger.

Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, The Tour: Ludwig Museum—The Collection of Russian Museum at MAMM, Feb. 19–May 9. 

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, Warp and Weft: A History of Fabric at Gemini G.E.L., March 15–April 28. 

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, We Are the Language, March 15–April 28. 

Gagosian Gallery, San Francisco, About Photography, April 24–June 30. 

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Hello World: Revision einer Sammlung (Revising a collection), April 28–Aug. 26. Exh. brochure (in English and German).

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Studio Visit: Selected Gifts from Agnes Gund, April 29–July 22. 

Glass House, New Canaan, Conn., Personal Effect: Works from the Collections of Philip Johnson and David Whitney, May 3–Aug. 27. 

Kanal – Centre Pompidou, Brussels, Sheet Steel, May 5, 2018–January 6, 2019. 

Eckert Fine Art, Kent, Conn., Relational Sets, May 12–June 24.

Hall Art Foundation, Reading, Vt., The Solace of Amnesia, May 12–Nov. 25.

The Warehouse, Dallas, Topologies, May 14, 2018–April 13, 2019. 

Gallerie d’Italia, Milan, Arte come rivelazione: Dalla collezione Luigi e Peppino Agrati, May 16–Aug. 19. Exh. cat. (Milan: Silvana Editoriale; Art as a Revelation: From the Luigi and Peppino Agrati Collection; in English) by Luca Massimo Barbero.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology): Open-ended, May 26–Sept. 16. Exh. cat. (in English and Korean) edited by Park Deoksun and Kang Juhee with text by Julie Martin.

Princeton University Art Museum, N.J., Picturing Protest, May 26–Oct. 14.

STPI Gallery, Singapore, Handmade Readymades: Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, and James Rosenquist, June 9–Sept. 8.

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, MoMA at NGV: 130 Years of Modern and Contemporary Art, June 9–Oct. 8. 

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Giant Steps: Artists and the 1960s, June 30–Dec. 30.

Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 1960s: A Survey of the Decade, July 14, 2018–Feb. 17, 2019. 

University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art, Cedar Falls, That’s So Gay: An Exploration of Homophobia and Camp in Art, Aug. 20–Dec. 15.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, The Moon: From Inner Worlds to Outer Space, Sept. 13, 2018–Jan. 20, 2019. Traveled to Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, Norway, Feb. 15–May 19. Exh. cat. by Marie Laurberg.

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Judson Dance Theater: The Work Is Never Done, Sept. 16, 2018–Feb. 3, 2019. Exh. cat. edited by Ana Janevski and Thomas J. Lax. 

Hirschl and Adler Modern, New York, The Masters: Art Students League Teachers and Their Students, Oct. 18–Dec. 1. Exh. cat. with essay by Mara Miller.

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery, Nov. 2, 2018–Aug. 18, 2019. Traveled to Boca Raton Museum of Art, March 24–Sept. 20, 2020; Springfield Art Museum, Mass., Oct. 24, 2020–Jan. 17, 2021; Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Feb. 12–May 16, 2021; Albuquerque Museum, June 12–Sept. 12, 2021. Exh. cat. (Munich: Hirmer Publishers, 2019) with introduction by Brandon Brame Fortune.

Columbia Museum of Art, S.C., Midcentury Masters: Jasper Johns’ Gifts to the CMA, Nov. 16, 2018–Feb. 24, 2019. 



Morgan Library and Museum, New York, By Any Means: Contemporary Drawings from the Morgan, Jan. 18–May 12. 

Detroit Institute of Arts, From Camelot to Kent State: Pop Art, 1960–1975, Feb. 17–Aug. 25. 

Met Breuer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Home Is a Foreign Place: Recent Acquisitions in Context, April 9, 2019–March 12, 2020.

Flag Art Foundation, New York, Drawn Together Again, Feb. 23–May 18. 

Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Munich, Primäre Gesten (Primary Gestures), March 22–Oct. 18. 

Museum of Art São Paulo, Picture Gallery in Transformation: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago at MASP, April 5–Dec. 30. 

Tampa Museum of Art, Abstract Expressionism: A Social Revolution, Selections from the Haskell Collection, April 11–Aug. 11.

Jewish Museum, New York, The Gift: Works from the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection, April 11–Nov. 3.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Open House: Elliott Hundley, April 14–Sept. 16.

Glass House, New Canaan, Conn., Gay Gatherings: Philip Johnson, David Whitney, and the Modern Arts, May 2–Nov. 30. 

Witte Museum, San Antonio, Tex., The Art of Texas: 250 Year, May 4–Aug. 25. Exh. cat. edited by Ron Tyler. 

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Artistic License: Six Takes on the Guggenheim Collection, May 24, 2019–Jan. 12, 2020. 

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London, Artists I Steal From, June 5–Aug. 9.

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, National Galleries Scotland, Edinburgh, Cut and Paste: 400 Years of Collage, June 29–Oct. 27. Exh. cat. edited by Patrick Elliot with essays by Freya Gowrley and Yuval Etgar.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Apollo’s Muse: The Moon in the Age of Photography, July 3–Sept. 22. Exh. cat. by Mia Fineman and Beth Saunders.

Palazzo Madama, Turin, Dalla Terra alla Luna: L’Arte in viaggo verso l’astro d’argento (From the earth to the moon: art traveling to the silver star), July 19–Nov. 11. Exh. cat. (Milan: Silvana Editorialein; in Italian) edited by Marco Bazzini and Luca Beatrice.

Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, Fly Me to the Moon: 50 Jahre Mondlandung (The Lunar Landing, 50 Years On), July 20–Nov. 3. Exh. cat. (Cologne: Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft; in English and German).

ERES-Stiftung, Munich, Zero Gravity: Apollo 11 and the New Notion of Space, July 20, 2019–Feb. 1, 2020. Exh. cat. (in English and German) by Sabine Adler.

Frederick R. Weisman Museum, Pepperdine University, Malibu, It’s All Black and White: Contemporary Art from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Aug. 27–Dec. 8. 

Moody Center for the Arts, Rice University, Houston, Moon Shot, Sept. 20–Dec. 21. 

Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Canada, The Sonnabend Collection, Oct. 5, 2019–April 5, 2020. Exh. cat. with text by Antonio Homem.

LX, New York, On the Turn: Selections from the Collection of Emily Fisher Landau, Oct. 10–Feb. 21, 2020. 

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Mud Muses: A Rant About Technology, Oct. 12, 2019–Jan. 12, 2020. Exh. cat. (in English and Swedish) edited by Lars Bang Larsen.

Akron Art Museum, Ohio, The Distance of the Moon, Nov. 9, 2019–March 15, 2020.

Nationalgalerie Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Time for Fragments: – Works from the Marx Collection and the Collection of the Nationgalerie, Nov. 9, 2019–April 11, 2021. 

Simon Lee Gallery, New York, Since Last We Met, Nov. 13–Dec. 21. 

Worcester Art Museum, Mass., Photo Revolution: Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman, Nov. 16, 2019–Feb. 16, 2020. Exh. cat. with essays by Nancy Kathryn Burns, Catherine M. Colinvaux,  Lauren Szumita, and Diana Tuite.

Artis–Naples, Baker Museum, Naples, Fla., 100 Iconic Works from the Permanent Collection, Dec. 1, 2019–July 25, 2020. 

Faurschou New York, Brooklyn, The Red Bean Grows in the South, Dec. 15, 2019–April 11, 2020. 



The Menil Collection, Houston, Photography and the Surreal Imagination, Feb. 5–Nov. 29. 

Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, The Blurred Discreteness of Colors, Feb. 8—April 10. Exh. cat.

Ordovas, London, Monochrome No.2, Feb. 11–April 25. Exh. cat. with essay by James Fox.

Gracie Mansion Conservancy, New York, Catalyst: Art and Social Change, Feb. 24, 2020–Sept. 8, 2021. Exh. brochure.

Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Duro Olowu: Seeing Chicago, Feb. 29–Sept. 13. Exh. cat. with essays by Naomi Beckwith, Ekow Eshun, and Valerie Steele, text by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, and interview with Olowu by Thelma Golden. 

Bradbury Art Museum at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, NEXUS: Selections from the Permanent Collection, March 5–April 9.

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Some Mysterious Process: 50 Years of Collecting International Art, April 18–Aug. 16.

Pace Gallery, East Hampton, N.Y., Group Show, July 22–29.

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo., Robert Blackburn and Modern American Printmaking, Sept. 12, 2020–Feb. 28, 2021. Organized by Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in cooperation with the Trust for Robert Blackburn and the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts’ Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop Program. Traveled to Detroit Institute of Arts, March 20–Sept. 5, 2021; Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa, Oct. 9, 2021–Jan. 9, 2022; The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, N.Y., Jan. 29–April 24, 2022; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College, May 14–Aug. 7, 2022. Exh. brochure (Kansas City).

Craig F. Starr Associates, New York, Souvenirs: Cornell Duchamp Johns Rauschenberg, Oct. 20, 2020–March 13, 2021.

Seattle Art Museum, City of Tomorrow: Jinny Wright and the Art that Shaped a New Seattle, Oct. 23, 2020–Jan. 18, 2021. 

David Lewis Gallery, New York, Dial World, Part II: Stars of Everything, Oct. 24, 2020–Jan. 17, 2021.

Eckert Fine Art Gallery and Consulting, North Adams, Mass., Inaugural Exhibition at Mass MoCA, Dec. 5, 2020–Jan. 18, 2021.

Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris Pantin, 30 Years in Paris, Dec. 6, 2020–July 31, 2021.



Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Multiples, Inc.: 1965–1992, Jan. 12–Feb. 27. Traveled to Librairie Marian Goodman, Paris (as Multiples, Inc.: Artists & Photographs), March 20–May 22; Marian Goodman Projects, London (as Multiples, Inc.), June 2–July 30. Exh. cat. with essays by Dieter Schwarz, Harold Rosenberg, and Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr. 

Center for Italian Modern Art, New York, Facing America: Mario Schifano, 1960–1965, Jan. 26–Nov. 13. Exh. cat. with introduction by Francesco Guzzetti. 

Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, Drawn: From the Collection of Jack Shear, March 27–Aug. 22. 

Honolulu Museum of Art, Reflect: Modern and Contemporary Highlights, April 17–July 25. 

Luxembourg + Co., London, Lost in Italy, May 6–July 24. Exh. cat. with text by Yuval Etgar and interview with Francesco Bonami. 

The Menil Collection, Houston, Dream Monuments: Drawing in the 1960s and 1970s, May 21–Sept. 19. 

Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Venice, Stop Painting, May 22–Nov. 21. Exh. cat. edited by Peter Fischli, Chiara Costa, and Mario Mainetti with essays by Diedrich Diederichsen, Eva Fabbris, Arthur Fink, Peter Fischli, Mark Godfrey, Boris Groys, John Kelsey, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, and Hanna Magauer; and conversation between Peter Fischli and Mario Mainetti. 

Susan Inglett Gallery, New York, Re: Bicycling, June 17–July 23. Exh. cat. with introduction by David Platzker

Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum, Stockholm, Kalas för Öyvind (Party for Öyvind), Sept. 9, 2021–Jan. 23, 2022. Traveled to Museum Jean Tinguely, Basel, Feb. 16–May 1, 2022. Exh. cat. edited by Barbro Schultz Lundestam and Gunnar Lundestam.

Dallas Museum of Art, Slip Zone: A New Look at Postwar Abstraction in the Americas and East Asia, Sept. 14, 2021–July 10, 2022. 

The Menil Drawing Institute, Houston, Draw Like a Machine: Pop Art, 1952–1975, Oct. 29, 2021–March 13, 2022. 

Asheville Art Museum, N.C., Ruminations on Memory, Nov. 19, 2021–March 14, 2022.

Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Pop Art: From Warhol to Panamarenko, Nov. 27, 2021–May 29, 2022. Exh. cat. with texts by Marthy Locht, Iris Paschalidis, Philippe Van Cauteren, and Liesje Vandenbroeck.

Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Más allá de los árboles (Beyond the Trees), Dec. 11, 2021–April 20, 2022. Exh. cat. edited by Magalí Arriola and Andrea Cuevas; essays by Humberto Moro, Juan Carlos Pereda, Andrea Valencia, and Andrea Valtierra.

Paula Cooper Gallery, Palm Beach, Fla., A Drawing Show, Dec. 18, 2021–Jan. 24, 2022. 



Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, Flesh Arranges Itself Differently, Jan. 14–May 22. 

Drawing Center, New York, Ways of Seeing: Three Takes on the Jack Shear
Drawing Collection, Take Three: Jarrett Earnest, Jan. 15–Feb. 20. Exh. cat. with essays by Hilton Als, Claire Gilman, Jennifer Krasinski, Ben Marcus, Nick Mauss, Charlie Porter, George Saunders, Clare Sestanovich, Brenda Shaughnessy, Tracy K. Smith, and Craig Morgan Teicher. 

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, To the World Through Art, Highlights of MMCA Global Art Collection from the 1980s–1990s, Jan. 20–June 12. Exh. cat. by Youn Bummo. 

Getty Center, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Flesh and Bones: The Art of Anatomy, Feb. 22–July 10. Exh. cat. by Monique Kornell. 

Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Fla., A Remarkable Gathering: The Fisher Landau Family Collection, March 13–Sept. 11. 

Vancouver Art Gallery, Kids Take Over, April 15–Sept. 11.

Grand Rapids Art Museum, Mich., An Extraordinary Legacy: The Miner S. and Mary Ann Keeler Collection, May 17–Oct. 8. 

The Heidi Horten Collection, Vienna, Open, June 3–Oct. 2. Exh. cat. by Véronique Abpurg, Agnes Husslein-Arco, and Rolf H. Johannsen. 

Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, America. Entre rêves et réalités
(America: Between Dreams and Realities), June 9–Sept. 11. Exh. cat. (in French). 

CentroCentro, Madrid, The Pop Art Culture: Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, June 16–Sept. 25.

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., The Double: Identity and Difference in Art Since 1900, July 10–Oct. 31. Exh. cat. by James Sampson Meyer. 

Jewish Museum, New York, New York: 1962–1964, July 22, 2022–Jan. 8, 2023. Exh. cat. edited by Germano Celant. 

Sehwa Museum of Art, Seoul, The Unknown Masterpiece, July 26–Dec. 31. 

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Cy Twombly: Making Past Present, Aug. 2–Oct. 30. Traveled to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (as Making Past Present: Cy Twombly), Jan. 14–May 7, 2023. Exh. cat by Christine Kondoleon with Kate Nesin with essays by Anne Carson, Jennifer R. Gross, Brooke Holmes, and Mary Jacobus.

Guggenheim Bilbao, Sections/Intersections: 25 Years of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Collection, Sept. 8, 2022–Feb. 26, 2023. 

Museum of Modern Art, New York, Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces, Oct. 9, 2022–Feb. 18, 2023. Exh. cat. edited by Linda Goode-Bryant, Thomas J. Lax, and Lilia Rocio Taboada. 

AH Arts, New York, Practice as Performance, Nov. 1–15. 


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