Rauschenberg at home, with his dog Laika, working on a transfer drawing, Lafayette Street, New York, 1968. Photo: Shunk-Kender © J. Paul Getty Trust
Rauschenberg From Home
Ranging from oral histories to focused artwork studies to digitized archives, the Rauschenberg Foundation has a multitude of resources on its website available for free. Our favorites are listed below or explore our site to find your own.
Robert Rauschenberg Oral History Project: Downloadable transcripts for over 50 interviews, as told by the artist’s family, friends, and many collaborators, conducted from 2014 – 2018.
Art in Context: Individual artworks by Rauschenberg are examined within the scope of the artist’s work and life and within a broader art-historical and historical context.
Lightboxes: A curated selection of artworks and archival materials, providing a focused look at central themes and topics of interest.
Archives Research Guides: Each guide provides an organized list of digitzited or online Foundation resources on a given topic, including links to downloadable reference materials.
Archives Digital Highlights: Select digitized archival materials from the Foundation's collections, including audiovisual materials, documentary photographs, and artist writings.
Hunter Research Methods Essays: Detailed essays on select individual work by Rauschenberg in the Foundation’s holdings, written by students in the Hunter College, CUNY, Research Methods: Robert Rauschenberg class, Fall 2018.
Hunter Curatorial Practicum Nightshades and Phantoms Digital Catalogue: Exhibition catalogue for Night Shades and Phantoms: An Exhibition of Works by Robert Rauschenberg, curated by students in the Hunter College, CUNY, Curatorial Practicum, Fall 2018-Spring 2019.
Robert Rauschenberg: Comprehensive information on Rauschenberg as an artist, including exhibition and performance histories, chronology, and bibliographies.
Rauschenberg Artworks: Images and tombstone information on over 750 artworks by Rauschenberg.