People's Climate March, 2014; Fight For $15 and a Union, 2015; Art Build for the People’s Climate Movement Day of Action, 2015. Photos: Courtesy People's Collective Arts // Colectivo de Arte Popular
Artist as Activists March for Climate, Jobs, and Justice
In September 2014, on the eve of the UN Climate Summit, the Peoples Climate Movement organized a historic march through the streets of New York City to demand action on the global climate crisis. This march laid the groundwork for the growth of the People's Climate Movement (PCM), and helped re-boot the national climate movement. The following year, PCM focused on strengthening the movement at a local level, organizing 200 actions in forthy-eight locations to highlight the realities in those cities.
On April 29, Artist as Activist fellow People’s Collective Arts will join over 50 other organizations to mobilize the national climate justice movement and march for climate, jobs, and justice in Washington D.C.