Artist Relief relaunched
We are excited to share that Artist Relief has relaunched! Artist Relief is open again thanks to a lead gift from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation that was successfully matched due to the generosity of the Lily Auchincloss Foundation, The Willem de Kooning Foundation, DeWitt Stern, a division of Risk Strategies Company, Helen Frankenthaler Foundation COVID-19 Relief Effort, Imperfect Family Foundation, Kinkade Family Foundation, Carolee Schneemann Foundation, Lenore G. Tawney Foundation, and Teiger Foundation.
Artist Relief will resume the fund from March 8th through June 23rd, 2021. They will continue to distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing financial emergencies due to COVID-19 and serve as an ongoing informational resource and promote AFTA’s COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers to better identify and address the needs of artists. The fund is open for tax deductible donations from individuals and organizations as well.
Check out ArtistRelief.org to learn more!