Photo: © The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation. Courtesy Art + Commerce
Philanthropy in Action
New Grant Program, Calls for Proposals Addressing Climate Change
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation announced today the creation of the Climate Change Solutions Fund to support cross-disciplinary responses to global warming, issuing an open call for grant proposals from organizations whose work matches the Fund’s objectives.
The Climate Change Solutions Fund pushes back against the “doom and gloom” narrative that emphasizes impending disaster or frames the scale of the problem as insurmountable. Instead the new grant program seeks projects that facilitate new, sustainable ways of being and living. That may translate into pragmatic tactics like advancing alternative energy sources or it may be more adaptive strategies like developing new economic systems. For more information about the grant’s guidelines and requirements, including how to register for an application webinar, visit our Apply Now page.
Projects of particular interest are those that apply a systemic lens to the root causes of global warming; enroll the leadership of frontline communities most vulnerable to the impact of climate change; push for broad based civic engagement and community action; and wherever possible leverage the value artists and culture bearers bring to processes for devising and deploying practical solutions to this global crisis.