
Rauschenberg working on Lilac Role [Anagram (A Pun)] (1997), Captiva Drive studio, Florida, 1997.  Photo: George Holzer, courtesy of Saff Tech Arts

Rauschenberg's birthday celebrated with an exhibition of late works at Pace Gallery

On what would have been Robert Rauschenberg's 90th Birthday, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation is pleased to announce an exhibition of important late work by the artist opening at Pace Gallery. A public reception will be held tonight from 6 to 8 pm at 534 West 25th Street, New York.

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Sidney Felsen and Rauschenberg at Rauschenberg’s seventieth birthday party, 1995. Photo: Barbara Lazaroff

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of Gemini G.E.L.

In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Gemini G.E.L., the Los Angeles-based artists’ print workshop where Rauschenberg produced more than two hundred and fifty editions over the course of thirty-five years, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation posted a new, illustrated oral history interview

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Detail of poster for CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) 1965


In the era of colorblindness…[r]ather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color as “criminals” and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind.

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Rauschenberg and a Tibetan official at the opening ceremony for ROCI TIBET, Revolutionary Exhibition Hall, Lhasa, December 5, 1985. Photo: Thomas Buehler

The ROCI Road to Peace: International Call for Student Artist Submissions

The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Artsy, and Nicole Bray, the 2015 winner of the Robert Rauschenberg Emerging Curator Competition, invite students enrolled at accredited institutions to submit artworks to be considered for inclusion in the inaugural Emerging Curator exhibition.

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Photo: Sage Sohier

Rauschenberg Foundation Announces 2015-16 Residents

The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation (RRF) is pleased to announce the third season of the Rauschenberg Residency in Captiva, Florida.

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